Military wives unite. :)



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I have a little over 2 months left before my fitness test. I'm not overly concerned about the push-ups, sit-ups or run. It's the waist measurement - the only measurement that is done.

    I won't speak ill of the branch of service I'm in just will say the waist measurement is causing much stress for me.
    I do accept that across the world, those in the same branch have the same test. Some are very successful with passing the test; some are not and all those in between.
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi! My name is Ashton. I married my wonderful hubby, Isaac, last October. He is in the Army, and we are at Ft. Sill for his AIT. A couple of summers ago I was at my highest weight at 160lbs and dropped to 140lbs doing weight watchers. My husband and I would really like to see me get into the 120s but right now I'd be happy to be back at 130. But I've hit 140 and haven't been able to break it. I've occasionally gotten down to 138 but I can't seem to stay there. I always bounce back up to 140-145. And I also want to start working out regularly. I love meeting other military wives so feel free to add me!

    This is way late (I haven't checked this thread in a while), but my uncle works at Ft. Sill! I've been to that area of OK and it's a nice area. I did a spring break mission trip to Apache 4 years ago and loved it!

    Good luck with your goals! I know you can do it!
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm 25, was married this past July to my Marine, moved to Okinawa Japan in November, and now trying to lose 25/30pounds. Maybe eventually run a 5k, have to see how far I reach my goals. Nice to meet everyone! Feel free to add me, the more support the better. :smile:

    My husband was in Okinawa for 2 years (2006-2008). For the most part he liked it there... I say "for the most part" because there's always some level of bull to put up with at work, but he liked Japan.

    Good luck with your goals. Go for the 5K, you can do it!
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    I have a little over 2 months left before my fitness test. I'm not overly concerned about the push-ups, sit-ups or run. It's the waist measurement - the only measurement that is done.

    I won't speak ill of the branch of service I'm in just will say the waist measurement is causing much stress for me.
    I do accept that across the world, those in the same branch have the same test. Some are very successful with passing the test; some are not and all those in between.

    The waist measurement seems to be the big problem area for lots of people. My husband blames me for the 3 inch gain since we started dating (no weight gain, just a waist gain!). He also joked about wrapping saran wrap the night before. Supposedly it helps shrink your waist, but it's also a shady way to do it.

    Work hard and your waist measurement will pass! You can achieve your goals!
  • blittle40
    blittle40 Posts: 31
    what kind of group instructor?
  • Hey all! My husband was in the Coast Guard for 8 years and has been in the Border Patrol now for almost 2. We have been married for the past 6 years and <WOW> our twin boys turned 5 today! we also have an almost 3 year old boy and a 5 month old boy. our family is complete now and there will be no more hormones (except my own) running my life! I still consider myself a military wife and hope you all do too! the nature of the Border Patrol is very transitory for us much like the military was and it has been a very similar experience! I was overweight when I met my husband after having had a bad car accident after which I gained over 40 pounds. I was 180 in high school and have set that as my goal weight, although I would be thrilled to ever get lower than that. when my husband and I met I had lost a little from my heaviest and was down to 221. but all these years and 4 kids later... my heaviest non-pregnant was 264 and now am down to 235. just seeing that in writing amazes me and gives me hope! I have lost 11 since January and just joined MFP with my Aunt to help each other stay motivated.

    Feel free to friend me if you need support (military or weight-wise)!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm an Army wife who's also husband and I are at Fort Lewis, rain rain rain!

    Hi!! I am from Seattle and miss the rain and that whole area so so much!! My husband was stationed in Seattle and treated at Madigan for thyroid cancer about 7 years ago. The facilities there are really wonderful and all of our experiences there were great! Just wanted to tell you that the rain is what makes it all so gorgeous up there!! We took a job with the Border patrol almost 2 years ago and our first select-direct station was in SW Texas and it SUCKS!! It is dry and dusty and has not rained here since AUGUST!! it is so brown and depressing!! I am considering running away to visit Seattle this summer while it is 120+ here! =-) Anyhow- thanks for the work you do at the hospital!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    jclouse - I have TRIED 6 sessions of body wraps. Minimal loss on me each time. Yes, the wrap was wrapping me in saran wrap, heated pad & wrapped in a "thermal" blanket then cooked for 30 minutes.

    However, at the facility I had this done, other women were claiming they lost a whole dress size.

    Was it a waste of my money for body shaping -- probably. Did I enjoy the heat and 30 minutes of quiet time... Yes.
  • Hi all!

    To those of you who have husbands are overseas- I wish you all well and pray everyday for all their safe homecomings. You all are strong women and if you can get through a deployment you can do ANYTHING!

    That said I am an Army wife of 4 years and have been thru 2, 12 month + deployments. We had a beautiful baby girl three months ago, so I am working to get back down to my pre-prego weight (only 10 lbs to go). Good luck all!
  • Hi all fellow military wife here. I have been using my fitness pal since January 1st. I have lost 21 pounds to date. I am 13 pounds away from my goal :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I have a little over 2 months left before my fitness test. I'm not overly concerned about the push-ups, sit-ups or run. It's the waist measurement - the only measurement that is done.

    I won't speak ill of the branch of service I'm in just will say the waist measurement is causing much stress for me.
    I do accept that across the world, those in the same branch have the same test. Some are very successful with passing the test; some are not and all those in between.

    Must be the Air Force (prior AF myself).
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi ladies! I am a fellow military wife :) my husband is in the US Air Force. He is currently in Korea and we are going to Lakenheath in September (unless the AF changes our mind for us).
    I am looking to get healthy and lose about 15 pounds or so before he comes home on midtour in May.

    Please feel free to friend me as I love having buddies in this journey!!! I have lost 12 pounds since January due in large part to quitting soda (why drink calories I finally realized) and ZUMBA, I love Zumba!!!!
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    Hi saw your message an thought I would say hello,
    Tho I am not a military wife my son is in the military and on active service right now(bless him)
    I have joined recently too so more friends the merrier.
  • Aloha!! I am an Army wife for 16 years and Army Brat growing up. I am married to wonderful hubby for 16 years. We are currently stationed in Hawaii. We have been here just over a year. We have two children together, Our son is 15 years old and our daughter is 13 years old. Just started using fitness pal a couple days ago. I got my mother sign up today so we can lose weight together. I think it will be better for both of us if we are working together even though she is in North Carolina and I am in Hawaii. She is also a military wife (retired) she also wanted to join us here if that is okay.

  • EdnaRas
    EdnaRas Posts: 1
    Hello, my name is Edna, I live in North Carolina. My husband is retired from the army. Armywife2chia is my daughter & she got me to try this out.. can't hurt me so here i go. I want to get down to 150 lbs. so i have to loose about 79 lbs. Hubby says he will trade car in for a dump truck, lol.. just kidding. thanks Trish for showing me this site. hope this helps me out. Its nice to meet others trying to get back in shape also.
  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    Hiya everyone!
    Just joined and hoping to make some new friends and gain/give some support in this weight loss endeavor. I'm a 39yr old Army wife of going on 18 years and mom to a 17yr old son and a 15yr old daughter. We recently PCS'd to Grand Forks AFB ( husband is an ROTC instructor at the U of ND) in ND from Germany and boy i sure miss being there. Haven't made any friends here yet as we're not AF and not part of any of the units everyone pretty much stays clear. Such is life i
    I have also been recently diagnosed with diabetes and i'm trying to get a handle on my weight and my health. Here's wishing you all success in your efforts to meet your weight loss goals : ) please feel free to friend me if you'd like. I'm always available to talk about anything...including the ups and downs of military life.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    So far today is a good day.
  • maykay89
    maykay89 Posts: 9
    Hey Everyone!
    My name is Megan. My army fiance and I are planning on getting married 07/07/2012. He is currently deployed to Afghanistan. Right now he is stationed at Ft. Carson but he just got orders yesterday to go to Ft. Lewis. Not terribly excited about all the rain. But I did spend every summer in Seattle as a kid and love how beautiful it is. I am also active army guard. I am currently trying to lose 33lbs to start with and would like to lose it before he comes home in July. I want to see his jaw hit the ground. Hope to build some great friendships! Also great to meet more people in the military life :) Good luck with your weight losses everyone!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Morning all. Had success yesterday. Perhaps more successful days are in my future.

    Instead of purchasing junk at the local Wawa, I just got the cigarettes hubby wanted.
    Grabbed a handful of candy conversation hearts from co-workers desk. Tasted a few YUCK - threw the remaining pieces in my hand away.

    To those w/deployed spouses & children. It's tough to be behind and "do it all" plus attempt to change to a healthier lifestyle.
    Wishing you the resources, time & energy to maintain the household & encouragement to make a healthier lifestyle important to you!

    I swallowed my pride & changed my ticker to reflect my heaviest post pregnancy weight (which was 2 weeks ago) instead of what it was when I first joined MFP. This wasn't the first time I had been my heaviest. Now I feel better to see a weight loss on my ticker instead of a 0. The 0 was mocking me....

    Good day to all - from the military one as well as a military spouse.
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
This discussion has been closed.