Agree or disagree??

Ive come to an agreement that i shouldnt "save" up my calories for the weekend instead try to eat around 1200 daily and on the days i want takeaway or a drink with my freinds i should eat less during the day and excercise as this would not make me go over my calories :) agree or disagree :)


  • FruitLoop05317
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    well you asked..... I disagree with many aspects of what you asked.
    1) why would you want to eat more on the weekend? A day is a day---you need to learn how to control habits 7 days a week.

    2) take-away-??? I hope you are not talking fast food kind? NO one needs that fast food kind. ANd be very careful of restaurants, most of their food is full of sodium. For instance, Olive Garden, it has been told to me by an ex employee that all their foods are previously frozen and full of sodium. Fresh is best.

    3) I hope you been lemon water by drink - LOL. We must never drink our calories :)

    best way to lose weight---every day, 7 days a week, take in a set number of calories, eat 6 small meals a day, once every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar lvels even, so we don't spike or crash, which is what causes us to feel hungry and crave junk.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    I read a article from a a professor who did a study on "saving" calories for days later in the week.

    I have to agree on this but that is MY personal thought on it.
    She stated that as long as you get in the correct amount of calories for the week, your body levels it all out. Its when you dont get enough or you go way over that puts you into not losing or gaining mode.

    I personally dont ever reach my 1220 a day and dont eat back my burned calories .. simply b/c I cant . my stomach was stapled and it only hold 4oz at a time. But my body doesnt starve b/c its use to this since I had the surgery 6 years ago.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Agree I usually do this.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    totally agree. I think if a had to hoard my cals for the weekend, I would get too hungry and get off track. I have been eating about 300 cals over my 1200 allowed cals a day, and it has actually jump started my metabolism and I'm starting to see movement on the scale again!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I agree, but be careful with eating less when you drink.

    lots of alcohol on an empty stomach will make you too drunk too fast.
  • xbabeykayx
    well you asked..... I disagree with many aspects of what you asked.
    1) why would you want to eat more on the weekend? A day is a day---you need to learn how to control habits 7 days a week.

    2) take-away-??? I hope you are not talking fast food kind? NO one needs that fast food kind. ANd be very careful of restaurants, most of their food is full of sodium. For instance, Olive Garden, it has been told to me by an ex employee that all their foods are previously frozen and full of sodium. Fresh is best.

    3) I hope you been lemon water by drink - LOL. We must never drink our calories :)

    best way to lose weight---every day, 7 days a week, take in a set number of calories, eat 6 small meals a day, once every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar lvels even, so we don't spike or crash, which is what causes us to feel hungry and crave junk.

    I understand where your comming from however a diet in my eyes is to be made more of a lifestyle change and i couldnt possible go without a takeaway or an drink on the weekend.. im not talking about every weekend.. but every 2 weeks.??
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    You HAVE to live! I just try to get a good workout in on the weekends so I can afford to eat more! :) I personally go out for a meal EVERY weekend- and have for my entirety of my weight loss. This doesn't mean I have a free for all and binge...just a good meal- yes high in calories but within reason! :) Do whats right for you.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Hoarding calories can hurt. If you eat a high glycemic load when you finally eat those hoarded calories your body will just store it as FAT!
  • xbabeykayx
    I agree, but be careful with eating less when you drink.

    lots of alcohol on an empty stomach will make you too drunk too fast.

    I tottally agree! i guess on these alcohol nights i want to have ill just excercise lotss!! instead of reducing my food :)
  • xbabeykayx
    Hoarding calories can hurt. If you eat a high glycemic load when you finally eat those hoarded calories your body will just store it as FAT!

    Yess thats why i wont over do it when im either having alcohol or a takeawayy.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    well you asked..... I disagree with many aspects of what you asked.
    1) why would you want to eat more on the weekend? A day is a day---you need to learn how to control habits 7 days a week.

    2) take-away-??? I hope you are not talking fast food kind? NO one needs that fast food kind. ANd be very careful of restaurants, most of their food is full of sodium. For instance, Olive Garden, it has been told to me by an ex employee that all their foods are previously frozen and full of sodium. Fresh is best.

    3) I hope you been lemon water by drink - LOL. We must never drink our calories :)

    best way to lose weight---every day, 7 days a week, take in a set number of calories, eat 6 small meals a day, once every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar lvels even, so we don't spike or crash, which is what causes us to feel hungry and crave junk.

    I understand where your comming from however a diet in my eyes is to be made more of a lifestyle change and i couldnt possible go without a takeaway or an drink on the weekend.. im not talking about every weekend.. but every 2 weeks.??

    No, I totally agree with eating out--just choose wisely. I go out to eat once a week---I usually choose the same place, same food, but It works for me.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    I would agree with this! I do this for special occasions as well.
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    Everybody needs a dinner out or drinks with friends at some point. You have to live! When I know I'm going out with friends I make sure I eat healthy the whole day and get in a good workout. What I sometimes do so I don't consume quite so many calories....if I know I'm going to have a few drinks I eat at home so I can eat a healthy dinner and I drink a glass of water in between my drinks. If I know I'm going to eat at a restaurant I look the menu up online before I go so I can plan what I'm going to order (that way I don't go crazy ordering), drink plenty of water with dinner, and limit my drinks. Hope these ideas help!
  • xbabeykayx
    Everybody needs a dinner out or drinks with friends at some point. You have to live! When I know I'm going out with friends I make sure I eat healthy the whole day and get in a good workout. What I sometimes do so I don't consume quite so many calories....if I know I'm going to have a few drinks I eat at home so I can eat a healthy dinner and I drink a glass of water in between my drinks. If I know I'm going to eat at a restaurant I look the menu up online before I go so I can plan what I'm going to order (that way I don't go crazy ordering), drink plenty of water with dinner, and limit my drinks. Hope these ideas help!

    Yeahhh i tottally agree wioth this... i shall take this into account :)
  • sincitylulu
    sounds like a great plan!
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    You should also do some research on alcoholic beverages. Some drinks have tons of calories (fruity drinks, margaritas, etc.), but others aren't as bad. I've noticed it's mostly the mixers that make the difference in mixed drinks. If you are a beer drinker....obviously light beers typically have less calories...and I've noticed wine doesn't vary tto much. Alcohol isn't good for any diet/nutrition/lifestyle change, but if you're going out you may want to know what to stay away from if you want to keep your calories as low as possible. Be sure to drink plenty of water...and have fun!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i try to eat just my calories for the day during the week and not eat my exercise calories. and on the weekend i give myself a treat, and the calories are some of my exercise calories from during the week. Not all of my exercise calories, just some. Depends if you are on a weight loss goal or just a maintenance goal.

    I feel it's probably better to have a treat every now and then on the weekends so that I don't feel like my whole life is obsessed about calorie counting and working out. It makes me feel as though I'm not really on a "diet" as such, and that I just eat healthy and exercise well during the week, and then have a nice treat at the weekends without going overboard and binging like crazy.

    I am trying to find a happy medium where i can still have a few drinks occasionally (maybe once a month) or home made pizza, or a nice roast meal and a bit of chocolate whilst still living a healthy lifestyle.

    i go by the 80% rule. As long as i exercise and eat well 80% of the time, it'll all work itself out and balance itself.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    well you asked..... I disagree with many aspects of what you asked.
    1) why would you want to eat more on the weekend? A day is a day---you need to learn how to control habits 7 days a week.

    2) take-away-??? I hope you are not talking fast food kind? NO one needs that fast food kind. ANd be very careful of restaurants, most of their food is full of sodium. For instance, Olive Garden, it has been told to me by an ex employee that all their foods are previously frozen and full of sodium. Fresh is best.

    3) I hope you been lemon water by drink - LOL. We must never drink our calories :)

    best way to lose weight---every day, 7 days a week, take in a set number of calories, eat 6 small meals a day, once every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar lvels even, so we don't spike or crash, which is what causes us to feel hungry and crave junk.

    I understand where your comming from however a diet in my eyes is to be made more of a lifestyle change and i couldnt possible go without a takeaway or an drink on the weekend.. im not talking about every weekend.. but every 2 weeks.??

    I agree. If this is truly a lifestyle change, like everyone on here claims (and I agree it is) then you have to be able to do it for the rest of your life. Occasional fast food is not gonna kill you or make you gain 20 pounds. Everything in moderation.
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    I did Weight Watchers years ago and my friend and I would save our extra points (we got 5 per day) up for Saturdays. On Saturdays we would always make sure to work out and eat even healthier than usual for breakfast and lunch so that night we could really treat ourselves. We would still be mindful of how much we were taking in, but because we had worked out and ate well that day we always had plenty of calories left to cover some decadent things.

    It was something we looked forward to together, and was just one of the rewards of taking care of ourselves throughout the week. I agree with everyone who said that you should not completely throw away anything from your diet, especially if it would cause you to just overindulge later.

    Starting slowly and building up to a healthy lifestyle is the best way to go. Once you get used to eating healthy you will prefer the good over the bad and will eventually move the bad almost completely out of your diet naturally, due to not even wanting it anymore.

    My friend and I both lost a lot of weight together, so do not feel discouraged by people who say that you'll destroy everything you're working for. Just still be responsible when you do treat yourself.