Frozen Scale???

I'm a 29 year old active mother to a wonderful 2 1/2 year old. I've been trying tirelessly to lose my last 15 lbs since having my son and I'm stuck. I've been stuck for what seems like FOREVER and I don't know where to go from here???
I work out 3-5 times/week, pretty vigorously, have a trainer, run, try to throw in some yoga...I completed my first 1/2 marathon last year and competed twice in a 20+ km relay since having my son.
I joined MFP in December and am sticking to my plan and still, nothing has really happened...I've lost 4 lbs since DECEMBER.
Any advice? Tips? I'm just not sure what I'm doing WRONG???


  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I wish I knew the answer I myself am stuck in the same place. Grant it I can see changes in my body, everything just appears tighter than before. But still what gives? I hope someone out there has the answer.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Have you tried changing up your workout routine or diet any?
  • atessieri
    atessieri Posts: 53 Member
    are you stressed? stress can stop weight loss, treat yourself to a pedicure or long bath with no interuptions or more yoga? also are you eating the right kind of calories? staying in your calorie range doesn't always mean you made healthy choices.... I would say don't let it get to you, just relax and stick with it and weigh yourself again in a week, when I had a trainer I didn't lose a lot of weight but i did lose 4 pant sizes good luck :) p.s. losing weight after having a baby is tough but you can do it :)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    How is your diet intake? Are above, below, meeting your calorie goals and taking in the proper nutrients? What about measurements? Seeing results on a scale aren't necessarily the best determination of healthy fat loss. Strictly talking about "weight" loss could involve muscle mass depletion from burning through muscle stores as well as fat stores.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    I'm usually under, and I TRY to ensure that the calories I'm consuming are HEALTHY calories, but I'm definitly not perfect, I've got my vices :) - maybe I just need to be more strict with what I'm eating...I find that I snack too much during the week when I'm at work, so I'm trying to change what I snack on to veggies and hummus, nuts, etc.
    I've been told that stress/lack of sleep contributes to your body holding onto the lbs, but I don't feel that I have more stress than anyone else...and I have a 2 1/2 year old...what's sleep? :)
  • karimiller
    I agree that you should switch up the foods you're eating and change up the type of workouts you're doing. I used to belong to Weight Watchers and there was a girl who hit a plateau and stayed there for about six months and was getting frustrated. She was finally able to break through that wall by switching things up (she ate basically the same things every day and had the same workout routine). In the end it just takes your body time to catch up and eventually start to lose weight again. Just hang in there!
  • karimiller
    One more crazy as it sounds, make sure you're eating all the calories you're allowed in a day. If your target is 1200 a day, eat 1200 a day (as many healthy calories as you can obviously). People often times skip calories thinking they'll lose weight, but they're basically starving their body. I know a lot of people who have actually lost weight by consuming more calories. Your body needs the calories to give you energy so you can in turn burn more calories. That's the only healthy way to lose weight.
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    keep working hard and youll be there before you know it !!!
  • Jett9100
    Jett9100 Posts: 7 Member
    Me too!! What can we do?
  • Cazador64
    Cazador64 Posts: 23
    like most of the replies here have said
    Change your work out ,your body is probably acclimated to your work out routine.
    you need to stimulate your body again
  • clsxplor
    clsxplor Posts: 15 Member
    I read a suggestion last week that makes a lot of sense to me....shake up the daily calorie intake level. Go 1200 one day, 1600 the next, 1350....and so on. Your body needs to be fooled a little so it will start burning the cals again. Haven't tried it yet, but it makes a lot of sense when you consider if you stay at the same caloric intake level, your body will "adjust" to burning only what you give it. If you mix it up a little, you might get some response.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    may I suggest an all liquid diet followed by a 3hr work out at least 5x a week :tongue:
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 29 too.. The big 30 is coming fast. I'm about 9 away from pre-pregnancy. Not sure I have advice but I'm here for support. I've always been able to lose pretty fast, not so much any more. I'm 10 week on here and last 9. I'm happy with it, my body is definantly different than when I was younger.

    Maybe a workout change - I took a boxing course (not kickboxing) around my wedding and wow what a workout. So much fun too, well after the feeling that you need to puke is over.

    Hang in there it will happen. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    may I suggest an all liquid diet followed by a 3hr work out at least 5x a week :tongue:

    Haha - thanks tips :)
  • 0mega60
    0mega60 Posts: 64 Member
    ""***Energy and persistence conquer all things**.......***Ενέργεια και επιμονή κατακτήσει όλα τα πράγματα*** "
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 29 too.. The big 30 is coming fast. I'm about 9 away from pre-pregnancy. Not sure I have advice but I'm here for support. I've always been able to lose pretty fast, not so much any more. I'm 10 week on here and last 9. I'm happy with it, my body is definantly different than when I was younger.

    Maybe a workout change - I took a boxing course (not kickboxing) around my wedding and wow what a workout. So much fun too, well after the feeling that you need to puke is over.

    Hang in there it will happen. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Hey - thanks - I will definitely take the support :)
    I work out with a trainer 2-3 times a week and we do a lot of different types of exercises - boxing, circuit training, weight training, because she thinks the same...I also do two classes, run when it's not -40 out - lol - and do spin classes. I think for me, it has got to be something with my eating...I've made an appointment with my doc for my annual physical and will for sure be asking some questions :)
  • drad81
    drad81 Posts: 28 Member
    Have you been going off weight alone as an indicator.

    Sounds to me like you might have put on some muscle, especially with all the training etc. Do your clothes feel loose compared to before?
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Have you been going off weight alone as an indicator.

    Sounds to me like you might have put on some muscle, especially with all the training etc. Do your clothes feel loose compared to before?

    Ya, I've been going just off of weight, but I think I need to take my measurements, because I have noticed a difference in my clothes for sure.
    Thanks :)