Not sure where to post this.. Mirena users??



  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I've had Mirena for 10 years (x2). Nearly passed out getting it inserted - about 5 minutes afterward actually. I don't think they really warn women enough, but I guess some say it feels like a pap smear (that was NOT the case for me). However, after no periods and no cramping for 10 years - it is absolutely worth it! I'm due to get this one replaced - dreading it actually.

    I did gain weight, but I can't blame Mirena - I was eating terribly, and I haven't really had any trouble losing the weight now (10 years later, unfortunately). Acne is the same - I seem to have developed rosacea since then, but that apparently crops up in your 30s anyway.
  • mjames13
    mjames13 Posts: 10
    Hi, i've had mine for about three months now, at first I had lots of cramping especially during that TOM, broke out in pimples on and off, which I never normally get, then my sex drive went to zero, which usually I have a pretty high drive. At that point I was really considering geting it removed as what was the point of birth control if I wasn't havin sex lol. ...Anyway after googling and googling, I decided to give it some more time and sure enough about a month ago the acne stopped and the cramps did too. About two/three weeks ago my sex drive returned full force as well so I'm happy. I think its different for every one, I would just give it time and see as time goes by how it works for you. ...Oh as for weight gain, none so far, and I've managed to quit smoking for the last six weeks as well which also tends to lead to weight gain, but haven't gained a pound, ..granted I haven't lost one either lol. GL.
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you for ALL the replies!! I am on day 2 right now. I snapped on my husband over something very petty last night and then felt tears rush to my eyes when I realized how irrational I was being... can you say HORMONES !! lol I was on the ring before... so I am looking forward to not having to worry about doing anything for 5 years. As everyone has said, and proved, its different for everyone, so I will sit back and see where this takes me!! Thank you again ladies!!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ive been on it for a few months and havent gained wieght on it. I do break out every once in a while on my chin though.
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    I think the side effects are going to vary drastically from person to person. I know people who had/have it and loved it. I had it and it was a terrible choice for me.

    Weight gain was not an issue for me. I had it for a year and a half. In the beginning my weight stayed pretty constant, and when I actually decided to lose weight I lost about 40 lbs.

    It also stopped my periods completely, which I thought was great. But I was one of the users who developed ovarian cysts, and mine did not disappear on their own. After having laparoscopic surgery to remove the cysts from both ovaries, we elected to remove the IUD as well.

    I will say that I have only met one other woman who had serious side effects, and I know it's not common. But as someone who had the IUD because we wanted a "long term" solution that would allow us to have more children one day, I have been very disappointed.
  • Ceria
    Ceria Posts: 46 Member
    I used Mirena and I did gain weight. I had it for 12 months exactly before the weight gain started. It was mostly in my midsection though. I tried exercise and nothing worked. Finally about 9 months later, the weight all came off in one big push...We named him Ian and he will be two in April! I hope it works better for you than it did for me! :flowerforyou:

    LOL get outta here! You got pregnant on Mirena? wow.... does your Dr know what happened? Was it out of place or something?

    It was perfectly in place. On my ultrasound you can see the Mirena and my son nestled perfectly in place. I just happened to be the 1 out of 99,000 people that got pregnant on it. The survival of my son was the most miraculous thing though. He was only the 14th healthy baby born with mirena in place (most pregnancies terminate themselves before the 4th month). It was wild. Needless to say, that is not my BC of choice now.
  • DimenaZhena
    DimenaZhena Posts: 102
    I bled for 6 months straight and then in patches throughout the months until about 12. The first year was a pain in the butt, but now I barely have a period. But I won't be doing this again.