
I want to start supplementing my diet with Metamucil because I cannot seem to get enough fiber. Is this a good idea? If so, how do I go about using it? The internet says to start with one serving a day for about a week, then 2 servings for the next week and work your way up to 3 servings. People normally take it/use to to get 'regular,' which is not my intention. Should I just take the amount I need each day to supplement my fiber. Example, if I'm 10 short on fiber today, I would take 2 servings of it today; and if I was 5 short tomorrow; I would take 1 serving. Or should I follow manufactures' directions and work my way up to 3 servings a day?


  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes, good idea, I use the sams club brand generic and keep my fiber above 30 grams per day. I use 1-3 6 pills per day, depending on the day. Just drink a lot of water each time.
  • jlbryant2
    jlbryant2 Posts: 22 Member
    you def want to work ur way up, esp since ur using it as a supplement and not as a regulator. If you take too much, it can give you diarhea and be very gassy (sp). Trust me i kno this from experience :)
  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    Personally, I'd try to find natural ways to increase your fiber (apples, raw carrots, etc.) but if that isn't an option, then I'd follow their directions. Increasing fiber in huge amounts when you are not use to it will cause you to become uncomfortable (gas and bloating). Have you tried any fiber bars? Kellogg's and Fiber Plus make great bars and the calories are not real high. There are many other food products that can help increase your fiber as well. Fiber Plus makes bread, pop tarts, pancake mix, muffin mix. You can go to their website and see the list of their foods.
  • hoosiermama44
    I'm no doctor nor do I play one on MFP so this is just my own personal experience but I used metamucil for a number of years just to up my fiber and then when I would stop using it I would get SEVERELY constipated - I mean even with a diet full of fruits, veggies and whole grains. It was almost as if my body had become dependent on it? No idea if this is common or something that just happened to me but maybe something you might want to ask your dr. about or see if others have had the same experience? I eventually had to wean myself off of if because just stop cold turkey was unbearable (I was taking 1-3 tbls a day)
  • maz00
    maz00 Posts: 3 Member
    I found this that may be helpful to you:
  • trrush58
    trrush58 Posts: 3 Member
    I would try fiber one bars. They work great for increasing my fiber. You to do not want to increase it quickly or you will be problems...
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    Thanks guys. It is looking like getting it through food is a much better option. I'll just have to try to incorporate more fiber rich foods into my diet.
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes, I agree eat more apples, whole grain, etc, I do too. But i am restricting calories and losing weight, and restricting carbs especially. With this, it is hard to get up to 30 grams of fiber. Hence I use some fiber supplements each day. But yes, sometimes you get gassy, especially when you start. So start slowly and add as you go along. But more fiber is good for may health aspects, so do increase your fiber intake. The current USDA recommendation of 15-20 grams is too low, I think, looking at some recent studies.