Starting Over Once Again

ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Everyone, I just found this site yesterday, So far I love it! I was doing Low-carb But that Lifestyle is not for Me, Because of it My blood pressure Increased:angry: So Right not I am doing My own thing and a Modified Version of Weight watchers and that is working for me. I started 2 days Ago and so far I am almost down 2 pounds I'm happy with that and plan on taking this serious this time. It's time too see the 1 in front of my weight again. :laugh: Nice meeting you all:smile:


  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey Everyone, I just found this site yesterday, So far I love it! I was doing Low-carb But that Lifestyle is not for Me, Because of it My blood pressure Increased:angry: So Right not I am doing My own thing and a Modified Version of Weight watchers and that is working for me. I started 2 days Ago and so far I am almost down 2 pounds I'm happy with that and plan on taking this serious this time. It's time too see the 1 in front of my weight again. :laugh: Nice meeting you all:smile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou: In my humble opinion, depriving your body of any particular food is no good. Portion control and will power are the keys.... and boy are those hard to come by! Good luck on your journey!!
  • Good luck..I can certainly understand the starting over...I too did the low carb thing and it was successful for me without issues...but just couldn't eat that way forever. So I went to a nutritionist, and for the first time in my life...I'm having NO issues whatsoever losing the weight I've been trying to get off since my youngest was born 17 yrs ago...She has been a miracle worker, and her concept is very easy. She explained to me that our bodies were not created to process all these "processed" foods, diet or otherwise, and that I was keeping myself fat by consuming them. She taught me about "clean" eating, and how to only eat foods in its natural state..such as fresh lean meats, fresh veggies, and only higher carb foods before 5pm. I can't tell you how much better I feel, and how easy it truly has been. When she first said it, I said no way..couldn't do it. Well, I've lost 25 lbs, in two and a half months, and my husband has lost 19...I'm eating a little cleaner than he, but it's been amazingly easy, and now I am confident this will be a life change because I don't even like processed foods anymore, or the sugary foods I was so addicted to. And tracking what I eat on this site has been key as well, I was eating more than I was aware of. I hope it is as successful for you as well. Keep up the good work.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm Not Depriving Myself at all:laugh: Why would you think that?? I'm Eating 1800 to 2000 calories a day. And I exercise over 45 min a day, Some people lose weight faster than others and I just so happen to be one of those people. But it was nice meeting you though.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm Not Depriving Myself at all:laugh: Why would you think that??

    Low Carb.
    I think giving up any food group is bad.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and I wanted to ask one question, what are you eating for supper that is lower carbs? I am trying to get back on track again too, I had lost 45 and have put back on 6 and my ticker lies(LOL) because Im not a techie and don't know how to change it. But if you are eating carbs after 5 pm what kind are they because we never get to supper till 6 or 7 and I'm interested in finding something else besides the potato for a side dish. Again congrats on the weight loss!
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    YAY WTG Wow 25 pounds in 2 months:drinker: That's Fantastic:smile: Yeah low carb kinds sucks But more power to those who can handle it, It's just not for me lol. BTW Are you guys watching the biggest loser?? Some people lose 17 to 25 pounds in a week, I wonder what in the heck their eating lol.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Just click on Tools and then tickers, And next click on Update weight loss data. But when I was doing low carb I would have chicken bacon bit salad with ranch dressing and a cup of sugar free Jello Or a Steak Salad, I still make my salad even though I'm now doing low carb Anymore.
  • I've not eliminated carbs by any means...I just make sure I consume all my carbs at breakfast, which is alot of them, and lunch, which is a little less. I don't believe in eliminating either, and moderation is the key, including moderation! I fluctuate daily on how many carbs I eat, but I try to stick to 90 grams a day or less. For dinner I cook lean fresh meats, and two veggies instead of carbs. I always keep a supply of fresh diced veggies in fridge along with lettuce always in my spinner bowl so that I can put one together in a flash. I have containers of cucumber, tomatoes, shredded carrots, celery, zucchini, and just whatever veggies we like on a salad always ready in the fridge. So dinner is lean meat, and a nice salad, never the same so we don't get tired of it, and another vegetable.
  • And actually if you just weigh in....your ticker will change automatically....good luck!
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry about that, I think I misunderstood your post lol. Yeah Giving up any type of food is bad for the Body. Girl It took me a year to find that out for Myself lol. I miss my Fruit and the Variety of things I can still eat without depriving myself but In moderation so that's cool, Sorry I will go back and change my post.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I agree, It will change when she weighs in, Forgot about that lol.
  • need to change it...just didn't want you to think I eliminated them, because I think they are important as well. Especially natural carbs versus otherwise. :happy: Clean eating is just a balance I can very much appreciate and live with very well. It's not always in restaurants, because everything is about convenience today, but finally getting this off and feeling better is so worth the extra effort you go to when you give up the convenient processed foods. Good luck in your journey!
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    No, I was talking to Lauryn, But I agree with your post.:smile:
  • LOL..ooops....sorry...:ohwell:
  • hi there! good luck with the diet.. i have tried to talk my self into just eating better and not calling it a diet ... for some odd reason every time i go on a diet all i think about it food lol... so im calling this a life change.. if it doesnt work that way i have big problems other than what i call it.. im facing ultimate death. my numbers are so high cholersral triglerides diabetes.. im glad to have this website with others who try things and so i can learn from them.. have a great day
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    HI Singlemom, yes I agree I have a habit of calling this a diet when Indeed it is a lifestyle change lol I totally agree, I love the support on this board. Nice meeting you too and see everyone around the message boards :)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    No, I was talking to Lauryn, But I agree with your post.:smile:

    No worries.
    Often tone and intention can be misrepresented/misinterpreted with typed word.
    Glad we are back in sync though :wink:
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