Im Working So Hard And Gaining Weight

rachyrach1234 Posts: 160
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I Dont Know What To Do.
I Have Been Working Out For A Month And Lost 7 Pounds...Then Gained 5 Back.
Its Not Muscle...I Gained It In One Day.
I Work Out 3 Times A Day. I Should Not Be Gaining Weight.
I Have Done This Before And I Lost 15 In A Month And A Half...


  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    First of all, try not to be so hard on yourself!!! Weight loss is a big commitment and it's tough, and you've obviously been making changes and you should be proud of that!!!
    I've been told NOT to weigh myself so often. Your body can change/fluctuate many times throughout the day/week/month so what I've been trying to do is pick a day, once a month, and take my measurements and weight - you'll notice more of a significant difference than if you weigh yourself frequently throughout the week. But, if you must, try to weigh yourself once a week, the same day, the same time of day - that might help you see more consistancy?
    Regardless - keep your chin up and keep up the good work...I have faith it'll pay off in the end if you really want it too ;)
  • jackalope28
    jackalope28 Posts: 38 Member
    Agreed. I've upped my workouts, decreased my calories, and my weight is not moving. I'm going to weigh less frequently and measure more frequently.

    Bottom line, keep doing the things you know you should be doing, and you WILL get there! For me, I know (historically speaking) it takes about 6 weeks of committed hard work to see it show up in the scale as my fat turns to muscle, and my pants get bigger. It just takes a LONG time to show up on the scale for me, no matter how "on program" I am.

    Just keep doing the right thing - you will get there!!!
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    You could be retaining fluid from eating too much sodium. I have done that alot before. Try to watch how much sodium you take in and drink plenty of water.
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    Diet has more to do with it, from what I've found through the years of losing weight. Exercise is an important element too, but diet is even more so. 5 lbs in one day is not even going to be a fat gain . . . water retention, perhaps, but not actual fat. Doing some research regarding how the body works . . . how weight is gained and lost, might be beneficial to you. Its a lot to explain . . . search the forums here on MFP, they are a gold mine of info!
  • this seems to be happening to me alot as well my trainer told me to really watch what i am eating
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Pay attention to what you're eating. Make sure you're only eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy and are getting at least 8 glasses of water per day. Avoid processed foods and refined sugar. Try to get more protein than carbs, keep your sodium and fat low.

    Try exercising less. 3 times a day is excessive and puts a lot of stress on your body which can negatively affect your weight loss. Make sure you're meeting your calorie goal and are eating your exercise calories. Only weigh once a week or less and take your measurements as they are a better indication of how your body is changing.
  • If Im Eating My Exercise Calories...How Would That Make Me Lose Weight...Arent You Spossed To Burn More Than You Eat?
  • msjackson1019
    msjackson1019 Posts: 10 Member
    In order to lose weight, yes, you need to burn more calories than you take in. But you need to be accounting for the calories your body burns every day just to function normally (basal metabolic rate), plus the calories you burn doing every day activity.

    Here is a calculator that can be used to determine the number of calories you need to take in to maintain your current weight:

    If your net calorie intake is 500 calories less than the number that the calculator comes up with, you should lose roughly a pound a week.

    Net calorie intake = calories eaten per day - calories burned by exercising

    Of course, it's not really that simple due to many factors including water retention that can occur (which for me happens when I eat too much sodium or around a certain time of the month) and also differences in personal metabolic rate. But, you get the idea. You don't need to burn off every calorie you eat with extra exercise in order to lose weight. A fair amount of those calories are burned off just through normal daily functioning of your body.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Same thing happened to me, so I stopped weighing myself so frequently. I'm paying more attention to what I'm eating vs solely the number of calories. It's been a few weeks and I still haven't weighed myself, but see a difference in my body. I suggest you put the scale away and stick to it.

    Good luck!!
  • Yes. You are eating and working out, but what kinds of things are you eating? What workouts are you doing exactly. You said that you lost 15 lbs in 1 1/2 months so it sounds like you know what you are doing. I have lost 60 lbs in about 8 months and have managed to keep it off! I will help any way that I can.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    That happened to me when I went out for a mexican meal, but I stayed on plan and it went in 3 days. Good advice about not weighing every day.

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