Anyone doing the Prism weightloss?

I was just wondering if anyone out there is doing the Prism weightloss?? I did it many years ago and it worked great and I felt great. So I am thinking about doing it again. Just looking for support :bigsmile:


  • I have never heard about it--would you be willing to share some information about it?
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hmmmm I have never heard about it?!?!??! What is it?
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    It is basically no flour or sugar for the first 6 weeks (natural sugar ok) If flour of sugar is 4th or lower in the ingredient list then its ok to have. The 2nd 6 weeks you can add in 1c whole wheat pasta or 1 slice whole wheat bread or totilla.
    It is a Christian based program, they have a daily workbook and all sorts of stuff. But basically they are saying- lets get bac to eating healthuer foods and less processed foods. It is a great kick start, and is great for diabetics, those with arthritis and some other health issues.
    I dont have the workbooks or anything, but I am starting it monday :bigsmile:
    Just wondering if you would like to join me :flowerforyou:
  • koinonia_ness
    koinonia_ness Posts: 3 Member
    i feel like a prism pro by now! i was actually looking for people who would be doing it. i do the best when i have acoountability. like turning in my journal sheet ect. i'll add you and maybe we could help each other out :happy:
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    My mom and I did it many years ago and had great success!! I have a cookbook of recipes from umteen million years ago I just came across. Its funny I thought It was just in the small town I came from that did it!!! :laugh:
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    I am. Started in August 2010 with a group at church and lost 22 pounds over first 12 weeks. Got off track around the holidays, but have still lost 6 pounds since mid-November. My group has decided (as a whole) to start over with Phase One. I'm willing to chat with folks about the plan:smile:

  • I just learned about Prism from a girl I work with and I was hoping to find more info on MFP. I think I have the jist of it down but I was hoping to find some more info about food suggestions, etc....
  • NIaMomma
    NIaMomma Posts: 3 Member
    I am going to start doing prism. Would you be willing to share your recipes
  • sonjakae
    sonjakae Posts: 10
    hi - just starting prism as of yesterday - really excited. How is everyone doing with their program?
  • I just started on Monday and have lost three pounds in three days. No, I don't recommend weighing every few days but I had a doctors appt so it was inevitable. So far my biggest downfall is drinking enough water and doing the workbook -- but I'm determined!

    I'm new to MFP so I hope to get to know some of you Prism folks and share recipes and ideas.
  • sonjakae
    sonjakae Posts: 10
    hi katrina - welcome to prism and to mfp. I started June 18th and have thus far lost 28 lbs. Not always easy, but it does get "easier". I read your note on your home page and to you I say BRAVO for all you and your family have been thru and for continuing to move forward. I am not always great about my workbook either, but I will say that I notice I have the most success each week when I havebeen faithful to doing my workbook and daily calorie tracking in mfp.

    Feel free to write with questions or just for support. In general I'm a bit bettr about responding via email bc it is on my blackberry.

  • Is anyone still here, and doing the Prism program? I just started yesterday and would love to get some feedback and ideas along the way.
  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    I do the calories in- calories out diet...............
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    @sassafrascat, I'm still on Prism. Message me if you want to chat!

  • deestrickland
    deestrickland Posts: 1 Member
    I did Prism years ago and had great success. I am thinking of going back on this diet because it is truly a healthy lifestyle. Honestly, if I had followed the principles I learned in Prism over a decade ago--I would have never gained back weight. Every now and then, I crave a recipe from the Prism cookbook.
  • aprylhuglin
    aprylhuglin Posts: 1 Member
    I've just started it. I don't have the wookbooks but am following from the Karen Kingsley Book that outlines the program. I've gone off sugar once before and I felt fantastic after 4 days. So clear headed and cravings went and I wasn't compelled to eat all thet iime. I found that I naturally ate less and lost weight easily. Until Easter and I started eating sugar - then I lost complete control!!! Crazy! Just goes to show you what an addiction sugar really is and how it affects your body. Well, I'm convinced now and want to stay off it and get back on track. So, here I am ready to start anew :)
  • I just stared Prism. I'd like to discover someone else familiar with the program. Jan
  • Hi. I started doing Prism the day after Thanksgiving. I did well through Christmas, but fell off the program for about three weeks and tried a variation of counting calories for a while longer. I'm back on track with Prism as of this week. I don't have anyone in my town doing the program. I bought the first phase to do on my own.

    Maybe we can support each other here. :smile:
  • Hi. I started doing Prism the day after Thanksgiving. I did well through Christmas, but fell off the program for about three weeks and tried a variation of counting calories for a while longer. I'm back on track with Prism as of this week. I don't have anyone in my town doing the program. I bought the first phase to do on my own.

    Maybe we can support each other here. :smile:
  • I'm doing Prism. I'm at the end of Phase 1. Maybe we can share recipes and support!