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  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Oh well i was simply saying that if one exercises for 3 solid hours they will only get the benefit of burning fat for the first hour. Then they can come back to it in a few hours and it would start over and they would again burn fat.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    All the information i posted is from my teacher at Chaffey College who has many degrees in diet & fitness AND nutrition. Who on here can say that "my teacher is more right then your trainer" or vice versa. Her knowledge is not more correct than someone else's so i am not saying that because she has all these degrees that she knows more than someone else. I am simply saying this to say that i did not get it from someone dumb person's kid brother as some of you are implying. I was simply telling people what i have learned from her, to let others know. Correct, i do not completely know what i am talking about, but i DO KNOW WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. If you want to say that "YOU" or "YOUR TRAINER" know more than me fine but you cannot say that about someone like her. I certainly have my sources. As for the rest of your questions, YES AM humble enough AND honest enough to say that i currently do NOT know the answer other than what i have previously stated.

    I believe that when the person in this thread asked for sources, it was to read it him/herself, not that you're not knowledgeable. When I said that my trainer has given me advice that contradicts yours, I say this because my doctor has backed it up as well, as well as numerous studies. It's simply untrue to say "the body stops burning fat after 60 minutes". The body isn't a timepiece, it simply doesn't work like that!

    Ps, I realize you're trying to make a point, but typing in caps is considered rude & difficult to read :tongue:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Oh well i was simply saying that if one exercises for 3 solid hours they will only get the benefit of burning fat for the first hour. Then they can come back to it in a few hours and it would start over and they would again burn fat.

    This is not true. The body burns a combination of body fat, available resources, and muscle. It doesn't shut off a specific source after a specific period of time.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Oh well i was simply saying that if one exercises for 3 solid hours they will only get the benefit of burning fat for the first hour. Then they can come back to it in a few hours and it would start over and they would again burn fat.

    This is not true. The body burns a combination of body fat, available resources, and muscle. It doesn't shut off a specific source after a specific period of time.


    And during ALL types of exercise, no matter how long, recent studies have shown that both carbs and fat from your calories are used at the same time to power your workouts and are burned off. It's not "fat only here or carbs only now" it's a fluid shift of more this, now more this, but no matter what, always both...

    And if you are not eating enough, then it is muscle that gets catabolized...

    And if you still refuse to eat, it's your organs that start shutting down...

    But I digress.
  • p222
    p222 Posts: 20
    Ok, not to get to sciencey, but I think we may be getting too hung up on FAT and CALORIES as being different in this discussion. Your body gets calories from its stores of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Daily, you build up and break down all of these in some amount. Furthermore, fat in your body, can be converted and pushed into the same metabolic pathway to gain energy as carbohydrates (sugar) goes. Thus, I think that focusing on net calorie deficit to lose weight is a more effective means than limiting your workouts because you may not be burning FAT.


    It sounds as though the O/P has found 1 article somewhere and without researching it has thought that it sounded great and believes every word as truth. It's unfortunate, but this happens all the time, especially when we start reading things like grocery store magazines instead of scientific journals looking for the scientific "what's," "why's," and "how's" of the human metabolism.

    I think it's great that the O/P wants to help others trying to lose weight, but I feel the post would be better accepted and discussed if its tone wasn't "this is truth and what you believe is not." :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the suggestion, I could have been clearer. I actually learned this from my human metabolism course at university. Both glucose and triacylglycerol and fatty acids (the primary storage forms of fats in your adpiocytes [fat cells]) can be converted to acetyl Co-A. Once in this intermediate form, they can enter the TCA (Kreb's) cycle and produce energy in your mitochondria of your cells through the electron transport chain.
    I just wanted to comment on the interconnectedness of these forms of energy as they both go through the same intermediate and pathway to produce energy. To clarify, I don't have any scientific background as to when we're more likely to put glucose, fatty acids, or peptides into this pathway when exercising based on time or intensity.
    Have a nice night all! :smile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Ok, not to get to sciencey, but I think we may be getting too hung up on FAT and CALORIES as being different in this discussion. Your body gets calories from its stores of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Daily, you build up and break down all of these in some amount. Furthermore, fat in your body, can be converted and pushed into the same metabolic pathway to gain energy as carbohydrates (sugar) goes. Thus, I think that focusing on net calorie deficit to lose weight is a more effective means than limiting your workouts because you may not be burning FAT.


    It sounds as though the O/P has found 1 article somewhere and without researching it has thought that it sounded great and believes every word as truth. It's unfortunate, but this happens all the time, especially when we start reading things like grocery store magazines instead of scientific journals looking for the scientific "what's," "why's," and "how's" of the human metabolism.

    I think it's great that the O/P wants to help others trying to lose weight, but I feel the post would be better accepted and discussed if its tone wasn't "this is truth and what you believe is not." :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the suggestion, I could have been clearer. I actually learned this from my human metabolism course at university. Both glucose and triacylglycerol and fatty acids (the primary storage forms of fats in your adpiocytes [fat cells]) can be converted to acetyl Co-A. Once in this intermediate form, they can enter the TCA (Kreb's) cycle and produce energy in your mitochondria of your cells through the electron transport chain.
    I just wanted to comment on the interconnectedness of these forms of energy as they both go through the same intermediate and pathway to produce energy. To clarify, I don't have any scientific background as to when we're more likely to put glucose, fatty acids, or peptides into this pathway when exercising based on time or intensity.
    Have a nice night all! :smile:

    Um...I wasn't talking about YOUR post. :bigsmile:

    I was agreeing with what YOU said, and then speaking about the Original Poster of the thread in the next comment. :flowerforyou:
  • p222
    p222 Posts: 20
    Oh, sorry I misunderstood. That's what I get for logging in late while studying! haha! Have a great night. Thanks for the clarification.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    This thread has the potential to bring a few people out of the woodwork...lol.

    When you post a topic like this, and your opinion forms the basis of context, then you'll need to back it...
    Got links? Post em up. and good links, from scientific studies, showing results, and numbers. I like numbers :)
    I like good scientific articles from actual studies over a broad range. I dont like Men's Heath, or bull**** "know it all" personal trainer theoretical articles. :tongue:

    ELSE: you'll get responses like the ones above.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Yeah, I'm going to jump on the bandwagon of "post scientific sources or it's not reliable." Frankly, the original post has logical holes in it that make me skeptical. Most obvious is that the poster has confused "this is the most efficient way to burn fat during a work out cycle" with the claim "there are no fat burning benefits to doing long work outs." Those are actually two totally different claims. One could be true and the other one false.

    And I don't care that the poster is 18 and got it from his/her university course. For one thing, I'm a university professor myself and I've had students seriously misunderstand what I said in class/oversimplify it to the point of being false. Then they cite me as the all knowing source of their mistake. (I strongly suspect that is what's happening here. The poster is very well meaning, but has probably oversimplified what the professor said.)

    Second, we professors are not always right. I've met professors who were behind the times in their own field, working from controversial data that they made sound like proven fact, and just plain wrong. We have no evidence that this professor is right. So, I say we see some actual scientific studies before we all trust this information.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    People need to learn to take context into consideration. Look, there's clearly some holes in the information, but the OP knows that and has acknowledged it. I don't see any point in people harping on that. I'm all for positive reinforcement whenever possible and instead, I see people beleaguering the shortfalls (which are understandable!) and what's that going to do do for her, as a young and upcoming nutritionist or doctor or whatever it is she's going for? Not a damn thing other than undermine confidence. That is not what we are here for. We're here to support each other and encourage one another to the fullest extent possible and it's really frustrating to see people being soooo..... inconsiderate.

    I asked the OP for additional information - in a supportive and kind manner. That will help me fill the holes where she cannot due to where she is at in her education. You know, this is so disappointing. It's obvious she was excited to learn something new and valuable and wanted to share it with all of the MFP community and this is what she gets for her pains. I'm pretty ashamed of some of these posts, quite frankly.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    My main comment is please, lay off the all caps.

    My second is that personally I'm not on this site nor have I struggled with my weight my whole life because I exercised too long each day and stopped burning fat. Most of the target population of this site needs to just get moving and burn calories and not worry about this fat/non-fat issue. I'm sure the OP was excited and trying to be helpful but it's almost like the "what size apple is a correct portion" debate. No one here is overweight from eating too many overly large apples.

    And no more SHOUTING please.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    People need to learn to take context into consideration. Look, there's clearly some holes in the information, but the OP knows that and has acknowledged it. I don't see any point in people harping on that. I'm all for positive reinforcement whenever possible and instead, I see people beleaguering the shortfalls (which are understandable!) and what's that going to do do for her, as a young and upcoming nutritionist or doctor or whatever it is she's going for? Not a damn thing other than undermine confidence. That is not what we are here for. We're here to support each other and encourage one another to the fullest extent possible and it's really frustrating to see people being soooo..... inconsiderate.

    I asked the OP for additional information - in a supportive and kind manner. That will help me fill the holes where she cannot due to where she is at in her education. You know, this is so disappointing. It's obvious she was excited to learn something new and valuable and wanted to share it with all of the MFP community and this is what she gets for her pains. I'm pretty ashamed of some of these posts, quite frankly.

    Take the context into consideration. People are just concerned about incorrect information being passed along to others. No need to get so worked up!! :laugh:
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    First post ever at MFP. Feel I have to back up the OP here a little. There is increasing evidence out there that too much "intensive" exercise, generally over an hour, may do more harm than good due to triggering of cortisol. You can google many articles on the catabolic effects of cortisol. So after say an intense hour of exercise, you would still burn some "fat" calories but you could also very well be burning muscles. You don't want to diminish your muscles (lean body mass), because that's what helps boost your BMR. But hey, if you want the body of marathon runner, super lean with very little muscle mass, go ahead and exercise intensively for hours at a time.

    There's also a lot of evidence out there that you may only need around 15 minutes of intense (HIIT) cardio exercise to get major caloric burn. The actual exercise may only expend 150-200 calories but the residual effect of such a major boost to your BMR can yield hundreds more calories burned for several hours after. But it's also something you don't want to do every day due to the immense pressure on your joints.

    And hey, if you have the time and would like to exercise over an hour, there are lot of expert advice out there to do low-impact, low-intensity activities like walking that keeps your HR at around 60-65% of your MHR if you want to burn fat. This shouldn't lead to any significant catabolic effect on your muscles. You don't see too many overweight bicyclists and day hikers who do such activities for hours on a consistent basis. And it's something the whole family can do together.

    Personally, like probably many of you, I just want to burn fat in the most effective manner. Particularly in my trouble spots...love handles and inner thigh. The most fascinating and compelling article on effective fat loss I've come across was on a bodybuilding site. It's key components were to (1) time my low-intensity aerobic and body exercise when I'm in a fasted state, such as early morning, so as to attack fat deposits, and (2) keep the problem areas warm. But again, it came from a bodybuilding site, so take it for what it's worth:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Honestly this whole conversation is just a bunch of people trying to say that they know more then the other person.. or they found other research saying other things, or they have spoken to a friend of a friend of a brother of a cousin's pet dogs walker's personal trainer who says something different.

    There is no way for any of us to KNOW (and yes I am shouting or emphasizing the word for those who have "text sensitive ears") what the facts are. Plain and simple our bodies may be for the most part the same, but we are all different.

    The OP was simply sharing what she heard, which is great. This is not "wrong" or "incorrect" information any more then she can say it is "correct" and "accurate". It is simply what the OP learned. I could go on the WWW and find right now something saying that the world is flat, that we can live longer consuming only air in the mountians, and that I can get pregnant from sitting on some old sperm my boyfriend left on my sheets last night.

    Point in simple terms: knowledge is so abused these days that people read anything, or hear anything and assume truth. All she was doing was sharing what she has been taught and if you would rather spend your precious time telling the OP she is wrong instead of taking it as its worth and either do your own research where you might find something that contradicts her lesson for the sake of proving her wrong then thats all you.. leave her out of it.

    I appreciate the information, as "holey" as it might be and will now go and be productive by perhaps finding some research that may better explain how the body burns WHATEVER, WHENEVER! :) Because without this post, I would have never even thought about it.

  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    So after say an intense hour of exercise, you would still burn some "fat" calories but you could also very well be burning muscles.

    As I mentioned earlier... muscle is burned off even during the first hour of exercise. It's not simply a case of your body "switching over" to a different source at precisely 60 minutes.
    Honestly this whole conversation is just a bunch of people trying to say that they know more then the other person

    I think you misunderstood a lot of the responses here. No one is saying that their knowledge is the utmost, end-all, holy grail of information. People are just warning the OP not to present (sometimes controversial) thoughts as fact, especially when there's no source to back it up. Much of what was originally posted is incorrect, and in an effort to prevent others from using this wrong knowledge, some corrections were made. That's all.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member

    There is no way for any of us to KNOW (and yes I am shouting or emphasizing the word for those who have "text sensitive ears") what the facts are. Plain and simple our bodies may be for the most part the same, but we are all different.

    I was one of the shouting complainers and I thought that your post was a good demonstration of the effective use of all caps. It's when a huge proportion of the post is all caps that bugs the stuffing out of me.
  • Very interesting thank you :)
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    wow im 18 and i feel like the most mature person here. im so sick of trying to read a simple post and watching people argue for like 40 minutes. maybe she isnt right. but that dosnt make someone else completely right either. everyone could argue for hours and you wouldnt agree. some people think one way. and i guarantee someone else will think another. for the past 3 days i have been getting pissed and biting my tongue over the stuppidddd things people TYPE that you would never say to another persons face.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    JEK717 - Thanks for the info. I found it interesting and helpful.:flowerforyou: