Stay at Home mom of 2 boys :)

Hey guys and gals I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself...My name is Heather and I am a stay at home mom of two boys, ages 5 and 2. I just started going to the gym and eating better about two weeks ago. One of the guys at the gym said this was a good site so here I am. :) My starting weight was 175 pounds and starting jeans size (that's what I am going by since muscle is heavier than fat) is 12- 14. My goal is to get down to a size 7-8 jeans again. That's pre kids. lol. As of today I have lost 5 pounds and have more room in my size 12 jeans. Size 10, I can get into but they are not comfy yet. I have family support but I live in a house of all guys. LOL. I need some "girl friends" to help me too. Add me to your friends list, I am still trying to figure out this site. :) Thanks all. Hope to get to know you all soon. ~~Heather


  • katebcastro
    Im a stay at home mom of two kids too!!We can do it together..I will add you! Good Luck!
  • NoWomb4More
    NoWomb4More Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a mom to 4 boys...I totally hear ya on needing girl friends. :-) I'll add you!
    (I'm just starting out too)
  • elizwelshman
    Hi Heather!! You're really going to like the site, best wishes on your goals. :smile: