Welcoming the new journey to the new me

alicia_reay Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Well 9 months ago i welcomed me little man intot his world he has an older sister and 2 older brothers....This is my year to focus on getting me time and getting back into shape...I have Started my new lifestyle 2 weeks ago and so far so good...I have given up coke and all types of junk food hard but really proud of my self for doing so...I recently got engaged to the most amazing man who's support is helping to keep me motivated.... I joined a gym late last year then gave up when my car broke down last year. so starting at home its a slow process but getting there and as they say the first step is always the hardest....

Have this app on my phone so when i am out i can find the healthy choices out there and also keep me motivated...Its amazing how many unknown calories i was consuming...

want to wish everyone all the best on their weighloss journey....


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