3 Secrets of Motivated People

♥Violette♥4Ever♥ Posts: 457 Member
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
According to REAL SIMPLE magazine, motivated people follow three simples rules:

Before even trying to achieve a goal, plan for potential pitfalls and either preempt them if you can, or come up with a strategy to deal with them if they arise. Peter Gollwitzer is a professor of psychology at New York University, and he says that people who plan for obstacles are more likely to stick with their goals than those who don’t. For example, maybe your goal is to go for a jog every morning. What if you wake up one day and it’s pouring rain? Have a plan like, “If the weather’s bad, I’ll spend 20 minutes walking up and down the stairs in the hallway, rather than skipping exercise altogether.” This’ll help you stick to your new routine.

James Fowler is a political scientist who studies social networks at the University of California, San Diego. He says other people can help reinforce your behavior. After all, it’s harder to abandon a dream when you know that people are tracking your progress. Take 25-year-old Stephanie Samarripa from Dallas. She wanted to lose 20 pounds, so she created a blog and asked her friends to read it, and hold her accountable. She weighs herself each week and announces the results on her blog. Samarripa says the positive comments people leave help keep her going – and keep her in line.

It’s hard to remain enthusiastic when everything stays the same. That’s the word from Frank Busch, who’s coached three Olympic swimming teams. To keep his athletes motivated, he constantly changes and surprises them – adding a new exercise to their workout routine, or giving them a break from a scheduled practice so they can recharge. The more you change things up, the more motivated you’ll be to stick with it.

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. Stay positive. Stay motivated. Stay inspired.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

~Gail Devers~


  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I really liked that! Thank you :)
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Self-Accountability, Willpower & Dedication are the secrets to my success - 'BUT, you already knew that...!'"

    those are mine.. :happy:
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    That is a great article...and so true! Thanks for sharing!
  • Great Points!

    Seems so darn simple, right? I've been practicing accountability on this site for the last 56 days and I never would have realized previously what a difference it makes for my day-to-day eating/planning/motivation level.

    Thanks for this :wink:
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