Looking for some diet buddies - FINALLY!

Hi There,

I joined this site a while ago - but I have always just quietly observed the forum etc. - however, I am finding that I really need the motivation of having friends on here to buck me up and just to compare notes with. I thing it will really help.

I am 31. 5'2" and I am not needing to loose too much. 14lbs ideally. That's how much I have put on since my wedding last year. I am struggling to get motivated and I am boring my new hubby with all the diet talk! It's also hard to stick with it - especially as he is one of those people who eats and drinks whatever he likes and never puts on any weight! (For that reason alone I shouldn't have married him! ha!)

So - any help that you can offer will be much appreciated!


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Count me on your side!
  • lilacsatine
    Thanks Nanadena!
  • fifizombie
    i'll be your buddy
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I'm 5'2 also! I have a petite build and I want be on the low end of our weight bracket. I just joined MFP yesterday, but do count me in!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Good for you for catching it early! Before 14 turns into 24, etc. We can do this! Add me as a friend, if you like.
  • Sharonbed4d
    Sharonbed4d Posts: 163
    You can do it..I would suggest not to diet but use this site to set realistic goals for a healthy lifestyle.
  • lilacsatine
    Thanks guys! What an amazing response... Wow! Now I have to make sure I don't let you all down! ha ha!
  • jgkimo
    jgkimo Posts: 61
    Count me in.
  • Sarahclarke82
    Sarahclarke82 Posts: 27 Member
    Me too. I have a husband who is exactly the same as yours! So far he's coping with all the weight talk but sure that his patience must be wearing thin by now :happy:
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I'll help motivate you.
  • Nathfrenchie
    Nathfrenchie Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in! I haven't really reached out too much in the community either. I think you are right, more friends equals more support and motivation. :)
  • lilacsatine
    Thanks again everyone!

    Nathfrenchie - I think it's definitely a good thing... I was probably avoiding it, because I knew that I could carry on not doing what I needed to do while there was only me watching! But now I know that everyone else will see when I am skipping my excersize and not loggin in for 3 days in a row!

    Hopefully I can count on everyone to give me a friendly nudge - and I will do the same... it helps to have a people out there looking out for one another.
  • iamabusymom
    iamabusymom Posts: 17 Member
    Wishing you success!!