Starting Turbo Fire or Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extrem hybrid 25/0

I started Turbo Fire yesterday and are looking for people to join me to check in and motivate each other. I know there are a few threads already going but they are ahead quite a bit so I thought I start a new one.

I will do my own hybrid with Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme. I am doing the 20 week TF schedule and will add a CE circuit 2 or 3 times a week. I haven't decided on what days yet. I started on a Friday as I want the Sunday to be rest day

I am planning on doing a weigh in and taking measurements every Wednesday. Posting stats I find helps great with motivation.

Anybody fancy joining in?

All the best



  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I am here! I am on week 2 day 2! I did the Fire 45 for the first time yesterday. Oh. My. Gosh. But I did it! Today was the HIIT 20. I love those.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Oh hello! Great to see you here,...

    I am on day 5. I started Friday as I wanted Sunday to be my day off. I have done 55EZ today. I really enjoyed it I have to say. Still getting into the routines though. I was doing Turbo Jam not so long ago and many moves are the same. I think that was a good help. I like the HIIT too even thoug I am dreading the longer ones. I did the 15HIIT and my lungs felt on fire. It is nice though to have only short workouts.

    As I said I started out with the idea of a hybrid between TF and Chalean Extreme. I am now however doing TF with Brazil Butt lift. Another BEachbody workout. I really want to work on my legs as I am determined to wear shorts this summer. Have you done that one before?

    Do you do weigh ins or take your measurements regularly? I am doing it tomorrow. I look more at inches than on the scale but still doing both. How about you?

    It is great to have someone exchange experience with! I'll check in again tomorrow...:smile:

  • bccstowers
    me and all my girlfriends do turbofire every day. We have been doing it for a few months!! We love it!!
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Sundays are my day off as well, but I just do the normal week, skip the wed rest day and rest on Sunday.

    I am just doing Turbofire right now; it is my first beachbody workout! I would love to do the hybrid with the Chalean Extreme after this run.

    I measure and weigh once a week, usually on Sundays. Awesome to have found you! Awesome profile pic by the way. Never seen that pic of Marylin before!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    bccstowers: Feel free to check in with us :smile:

    Caseynjason: I really love Beachbody workouts. I am living in the UK so it is not always easy to get hold of them but I have done a few. I will do Brazil Butt Lift for the 4 weeks along with Turbo Fire and then introduce Chalean Extreme workouts in the schedule.

    I really liked the 55EZ yesterday. Also the 30 Fire went much quicker today as I am able to follow the routine better.
    I am really glad that I have started TF! I really love it.

    Have you already lost some weight or inches? I will have my first weigh in tomorrow.

    I love the pic of Marilyn! I love her....I am a big 50's fan :smile:

    Have a good day

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Skipped TF today but did 6 miles in less than 56 minutes on the elliptical!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Skipped TF today but did 6 miles in less than 56 minutes on the elliptical!!!
    Whoops wrong TF/CLX thread! Sorry!!!
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Last week was my first week and I lost 2 lbs after I'd been fighting a plateau! I lost an inch on my waist as well. I have the 55 ez today! An hour of Turbofire! I'd better make sure my baby is going to have a long nap when I do it! I weigh in on Sundays.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    That is a good result 2lbs in a week and the inches!! I can't weigh myself as the batteries in my scale are gone. Have to buy some today as I am curious.

    I had the 40 min stretch yesterday for the first time. It is basically Yoga isn't it? I liked it though. At first I thought I can't be bothered but then I got into it and liked it. My first week is done and I have to say I really enjoy TF. I am glad I found it!

    It must be hard to find the time to exercise when having children. I find it hard sometimes to find the time and I have no real commitments...apart from a boyfriend :smile:

    Not sure what I have to do today...I'll check in again soon.

    Havea good day and take care
