Feeling down

When I first joined MFP I dropped weight so fast now this last week I have actually gained a pound and its making me a little discouraged. I feel like I have been eating the same types of foods adding in some exercise. I am insulin resistant but I keep my carbs lower then what MFP recommends. I did have a cheat day on Saturday but I can't see how that would effect it. I drink lots of water and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Maybe I just need more exercise? I am trying to do it 3 times a week. I have 30 day shred but I am not quite sure how to track it.

Any thoughts on what it could be would be very helpful! Thanks guys.


  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Switch up your exercise. Also get a hrm, I got a watch one at Walmart for like 25 bucks....Its nice because I can see how many calories I burned and if I am not in my "zone" I step it up. Just because you gained doesnt mean you should quit. Stick it out and the weight will come off! :)
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    purchase a heart rate monitor + calorie counter. you can get one for about $28 at wal-mart's that is pretty good and easy to use. then you can track all of you exercise more actually.
  • mrsdstarks
    No thoughts just encouragement...YOU CAN DO IT! I am sure others will chime in with what you could do to get the weight to coming off again but I know for myself this morning that I need a little encouragement and so I am encouraging you. Stick to it and in time you will see the results you are looking for!!!!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Don't be discouraged--ups and downs happen. In fact, if you were to weigh yourself daily, what would make you the craziest is how often your weight goes up when it should go down and vice versa! That's why most people tell you to only weigh once a week. But then, who's to say that the day you weigh yourself is not the crazy one? Most likely, that is what happened here, unless your "cheat" day was really a "binge" day. Perhaps you should track everything you ate that day to see how much it wound up being--if you can remember what all was included.

    It wouldn't hurt to exercise more frequently. I try to do 6 days--leaving one for rest (you do need to rest your body, too). It doesn't have to be crazy tough every day. The idea is to be moving every day.
  • mygirl7902
    you could also be gaining muscle mass. I measure myself as well as check my weight so that if the scale says i have gain some weight but i have lost a few inches i know i have gained musle and not fat.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    don't get disheartened please, evrybody suffers plateaus in their journey at some point to start in the direction you want again mix thing up a bit add a bit of variety and i'm sure you will start to see a difference, i've had more ups and downs than a yo-yo since starting this journey but i'm in it for the long haul. Dont give up you can do it, we believe in you!!
  • princesschikee
    I would tweak your diet a little. Your sodium is high and your food choices could be a lot better. Take a look at my diary. I also think you could add a few more calories too.
  • megpiemac12
    I was a little discouraged myself this morning as I got on the scale and it was almost 2 pounds up! I know I was good this week and got 5 workouts in so I wasn't too hard on myself. Have to just keep pushing through. Instead of grabbing something bad for me, I'm drinking more water today and flushing those pounds away. Keep your head up!! Some good weeks, some bad...it's all what you do from here! :flowerforyou:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Don't worry about it. Go back and check your food log, and make sure your not cheating (maybe without realizing it) make sure you are getting enough water. After a cheat day increase your water even more, helps flush out the sodium. And move on, if your at or under your calories you will lose weight. Another thing, you might try a lower carb diet, you said you are insulin resistant, getting that back on track may help you a ton, go to this website http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ and do a little research on insulin resistant, causes, and how to combat it. Folks that are insulin resistant will store fat easier then those with normal insulin protocalls.
  • Amberkins23
    Amberkins23 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys! I am going to look into the HRM sounds like something worth getting. I just figured out how to see what my sodium intake is this a.m so that is something I will be paying more attention to now.
  • karyn2321
    karyn2321 Posts: 18
    "A man's health can be judged by which he takes: two at a time pills or stairs."

    Remember that you are in this for a lifestyle, to remain healthy and active... not always just to lose weight. Keep up what you are doing, tweek your diet and work outs always. Our body's get accustomed to what we do.. if we run for 30 minutes a day at 0% incline, your body will get used to it. Always switch it up. Run fast, then walk.. then jog.. then to hills. Keep your body guessing.

    You can do this!!!!!!