Question for those of you doing 30 Day Shred

Hello!!! I have a question for all of you out there who have the 30 Day Shred workout dvd. Did you do the DVD every day for 30 days in a row? Or did you alternate doing the dvd with days of other activities?

I am asking because I bought the dvd to focus my strength training efforts, and so I have been doing the dvd every other day (because you're not supposed to strength train every day) but haven't seen much result. Also, just fyi I do about 45 minutes of cardio regardless of whether or not I do the dvd that day.


  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    I give myself one day a week of rest. but I also do more than just the shred dvd most days. zumba or cycling.
  • Disneygal24
    After two days my arms are like jello so I workout 2 days in a row and then take a rest day.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    30DS is a circuit training, cardio, strength, and abs . If you want to focus on toning up, get jillian michaels NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES. its alot longer 40 mts workout and 10 mt warmup/cool down. but its a great video. i do mine about 2 a wk and i have notice a nice difference in my back and midsection. good luck!
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    I do the DVD every matter what else I do. It's not really strength training and you do what you're body can handle. It's more like circuit training and with it being only 2 -3 minutes strength, I wouldn't worry about a strain on your muscles. I pop in the DVD every night after my boys go to bed...Mon - Wed - Thurs - Sat - Sun, I'm a gym rat but I still do the DVD. Just listen to your body. If you can do it, go for it.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    I just started it yesterday but I do a lot of other things as well like walking and curves
  • paigemang♥
    I do the DVD everyday and I add in cardio (runnning 3 miles or elliptical). I think you are supposed to do the video everyday to get the 30 day results.

    The training that she does is not that hard and its only for 20 minutes. I use 5lb weights. I have already seen results and have only been doing it for 7 days. Good luck and stay motivated!! :happy:
  • MrsDickie
    MrsDickie Posts: 29
    I do it every day.
    Some days I'll also do a quick workout over lunch time (running, ellyptical, abs) just for a booster, but I still do the shred when I get home.
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    Everyday! I also try to walk/jog everyday as well.
  • dagnytaggart
    I do the shred on days when I want to work in strength training, but am short on time. Have you tried JM's "No More Trouble Zones" DVD? It is fantastic. It's a 50 minute program. I do it once a week and can see the results especially in my arms. The rest of the days I do cardio (running or spinning depending on the weather) followed by some ab stuff if there is time. I try to do yoga once a week too.
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    It probably depends on your current fitness level and and how your body feels. I personally do every other day with mostly cardio on the days I don't do shred, with one day off a week not doing any "exercise" if I feel I need it. Other people do 5-6 days of shred in a row with 1-2 days off. Either way, when you're ready to progress to the next level, go for it. Some people stay at their current level for more than the suggested 10 workout days and others are super fit and jump ahead after only a week. Listen to your body and good luck!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Carose--how many days have you been doing the Shred so far? I do it every other day (mornings) with a light cardio (evenings), and run on opposite days; I've been at it for about 2 wks now. While I don't see any visible results yet, my strength is improving--I started out not being able to even complete the push-ups (on my knees) and now do a few on my toes before dropping to my knees and completing the full workout. Could you maybe bump-up the weights you are using, and/or move-up to the next level?

    I will admit... I'm getting kind of bored with it though! Think I might do another DVD or two, and come back to this again in a few weeks.