New to this ! All of this ..

TinaHall1228 Posts: 22
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Im 29 and 250 lbs and im about 5'4 , i have been trying this website since monday and im struggling with all of this . This morning i woke up and didnt want to move . I hope it gets better... I have 4 wonderful kids and i want so bad to be healthy for them and to beable to run and play with them. I can't seem to stable out my food intake and exercise right . I have been doing to much exercise and not enough intake on food . but im afraid if i eat to much its going to blow everything i have worked for . never the less im going to keep trying . i have however switched from drinking about a 12 pack of cokes a day to switching to 4 diet cokes which for me is a major improvement lol. Thanks for listening to me babble ...


  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Welcome! We've got very similar measurments. I started at 233lbs at 5'3". Good for you on cutting back your soda! Empty calories suck. Good luck on your journey. The support on this site is incredible!
  • I'm new also and one thing that does help is cutting down on the soda so good for you. Instead of soda you should try drinking crystal light me and my wife both injoy it. As for the food don't be worried about eating to much as long as you stay with in your calorie intake for the day you will be fine.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    It's all baby steps, especially if your eating habits were horrible before. those small steps like you've been doing - like the coke is perfect. if you jump into this & start dropping weight fast, you won't be able to maintain the lifestyle long term, will gain the weight back plus some. if you have issues staying under your calories, just work out a bit to get more calories. I only get 1300 when i don't work out... which is like nothing.

    one more thing... once you start eating better foods, you won't be so hungry b/c the foods will keep you full longer. start cutting back on your crap foods, pasta, bread, white rice... etc.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Be patient with yourself. As you say, you are new to this. This is a plan for a lifetime, not for a season.

    I started at 245 and I'm only 5'1". A couple of words of advice: 1) Don't be afraid to eat what you are allowed. It's figured out pretty well on here. 2) Exercise regularly, but don't "beat yourself to a pulp." It's not necessary. You will get more fit little by little--if you exercise so much that you injure yourself, you don't help yourself.

    Most important of all, be positive with yourself. You are worth this, your family is worth this, and you should give yourself credit for every good thing you do.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I have struggled with weight for years. Did every fad diet in the world. I finally figured out that 5 smaller meals works much better for my body then 2 big meals. I am never hungry and actually, I am pretty full all the time. My hardest thing was cutting out fast food. My life is so busy that it was all I had time for. I now spend my Sundays making meals and snacks for the week. Keep you chin up!! Don't give up. Force yourself to get up and walk for 5 minutes. The next day 10. You can do it!!!!! =)
  • In 4 days i have lost 4 lbs , i think i can handle this im so excited but i know there is still more hard work and determination ahead of me , Thanks everyone for being so supportive
  • i took your advise and picked up some crystal light , thanks so much
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    a little exercise often will get you to your goal in the end so make sure you at least exercise every other day and if you can switch to water with or without lemon you'll soon forget you old tastes.
  • I have now lost 7 lbs in 5 days ! when i put my first post out i put 250 lbs , i was actually 230 lbs so now im at 223.2 lbs
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    well done and keep it rolling
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