Morbidly obese, working out, not losing weight?

EdgeChic Posts: 75
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Maybe someone can offer some insight as to what is going on.

I started at 366, and am now down to 306. I officially weigh in every Monday, but generally "peak" every morning. Usually by Thursday (today) I see SOME sort of movement. But since Tuesday (3/1) I have been doing 2.5 miles on the treadmill in 60 minutes. Now I am seeing NO movement in my scale.

I know I should be patient and see what Monday says, but does anyone have any idea why this might happen? I have been eating really well, drinking my water and I feel good, but what's up with not a single ounce movement on the scale?

Thank you in advance, not sure what I'd do without everyone here!


  • nikkelle
    nikkelle Posts: 8
    Hello...first conrats on the weight loss...your body might have hit a might need to up the speed/incline on the treadmill or add a new workout to jumpstart the weightloss...
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Remember that working out builds muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Base your progress on how you feel, not on the numbers. You've done really well!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Possibly you are losing fat but gaining a slight bit of muscle. When I work out, my muscles also retain water, making me weigh just a smidge more right after my workout.

    Are you logging your calories? Are you measuring your food? Sometimes I catch myself eating two cups of a food and convincing myself it's only one cup, screwing up my calorie counts.

    You haven't lost any weight since Monday? Am I reading that correctly? If so, just be patient and keep up the good work. You might see a larger drop overnight. I've had that happen before.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Most of weight loss is diet. If you open up your diary, people can have a look and see what they recommend you try.

    Usual suspects are sodium, not enough water, under and over eating.

    You've done a great job so far -- hopefully this is an easy fix and you'll be losing again in no time!
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Your body may have gotten used to the same workout all the time. Maybe give yourself a challenge to bump that up to 3 miles in 60 mins then 3.5 and so on. That way you are challenging yourself more and burning some more calories. You will be amazed at what you can do now that you are 60lbs lighter!!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    congrats on the 60 lbs! great work.

    have you been keeping a close eye on your food diary? anything changed recently?

    I agree with a post above, maybe time to switch up the workout. even just adding a few intervals (say 30 seconds) of a faster pace or higher incline might help as well. bodies adapt to workouts to try to mix it up a little bit.

    it might just be a plateau as well, keep plugging!
  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    It seems you are getting close to you goal. So it will be harder to lose those last few pounds. DON'T give up.
  • Bickley
    Bickley Posts: 6
    Don't panic, my scale says pretty much the same thing... My official weigh in is Friday, I check it myself Monday, and again Thursday.
    Keep up the cardio and watch what you are eating, the hard work will pay for itself. Stay positive and you will succeed!!!
  • scopelk
    scopelk Posts: 43
    awesome job!!! :smile:
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I would also say that your body is readjusting.... It lost that weight and now it is like "WOAH! I am losing weight, better stop or I might die." so it will stop losing weight for a few weeks (or it wont move as fast) then after a few weeks your body will get used to the idea of this thing called "exercise and dieting" and it will realize "well maybe Im not going to die after all" and it will give in and you will start losing weight. Give it some time. It is tooooooo early to start freaking out. Just continue on your fitness and eating clean and lean. and you will see results.
  • sspayne35
    sspayne35 Posts: 13 Member
    I would add a little speed or a little incline to your treadmill. Something to add change to what you do. Maybe try a workout DVD or something new to change things up a bit. Also adding baked fish to your diet will usually get you out of a stuck spot too. You are doing gret. Keep it up! Best of luck!
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Don't totally focus on what the scale says, you might not be losing pounds but inches. Have you taken your measurements? Just keep at it, the scale will catch up, you might not lose every week, much less everyday. I'm a daily weigher myself, but we can't let it discourage us!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Congrats on your success! That is GREAT! Maybe you could get a measuring tape..and record your inch loss...Sometimes the scale wont move, but your clothes get bigger..You might be gaining muscle! Are you eating balanced meals AND all or almost all of your calories? You can try to switch it up...add more veggies, increase your fiber...are you taking in a lot of sodium?

    I hope this helps you or gives you some ideas...
    and I'm sure that scale will move soon..I'm going to send you a friend request..I look forward to seeing your great progress!
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    Are you also taking measurements? Do those seem to be changing? Don't get too stuck on the scale. A lot of times your body takes time to adjust to the new changes and platues but it will start going back down if you stick with it.
  • It's quite possible your body is adjusting to the same routine. You have to continue to push yourself. You may also try doing a different workout (muscle confusion).

    Most importantly, don't get discouraged, keep up the hard work and it will continue to come off. Congrats on the lost weight so far.
  • EdgeChic
    EdgeChic Posts: 75
    I am overwhelmed with joy!

    Thank you EVERYONE so much who replied. I'm going to try and answer a few questions.

    This is a new routine, only been doing it since Tuesday, before that I wasn't doing much other than pushing my daughters in a double stroller.

    Thank you for all the weight loss replies, 60lbs down and 171 to go! (I keep my ticker to reflect how much more to go until my next goal).

    I will open up my food diary. I stay under my calories, and am not eating my workout calories (I have read the really fantastic article about eating them, but that the more morbidly obese people can go without doing this).

    I stay under 2500mg of sodium and drink on averages 12-16 cups of water.

    Again, thank you all that replied, it's amazing to see so many people take the time to care and help :)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member

    I will open up my food diary. I stay under my calories, and am not eating my workout calories (I have read the really fantastic article about eating them, but that the more morbidly obese people can go without doing this).

    I stay under 2500mg of sodium and drink on averages 12-16 cups of water.

    Again, thank you all that replied, it's amazing to see so many people take the time to care and help :)

    I've heard that too, but what if you try, even for a week, to eat them back, or at the very least, to get up to a net closer to your BMR? You're already at a calorie deficit so working out (which you said your body likely isn't used to) is already a tax on it, PLUS add in not eating those calories back gives your poor body a double whammy. Some days it looks like you're netting closer to 800, which is just not enough to fuel your body. It SHOULD start to work on fat resources, but our bodies are complex and often tempermental. With the new exercise and decreased calories might decide it's going to hang on to whatever it can.

    Whatever you decide -- good luck! If it starts to be an issue, maybe a visit to the doctor to check for things like thyroid might be in order?
  • EdgeChic
    EdgeChic Posts: 75

    I've heard that too, but what if you try, even for a week, to eat them back, or at the very least, to get up to a net closer to your BMR? You're already at a calorie deficit so working out (which you said your body likely isn't used to) is already a tax on it, PLUS add in not eating those calories back gives your poor body a double whammy. Some days it looks like you're netting closer to 800, which is just not enough to fuel your body. It SHOULD start to work on fat resources, but our bodies are complex and often tempermental. With the new exercise and decreased calories might decide it's going to hang on to whatever it can.

    Whatever you decide -- good luck! If it starts to be an issue, maybe a visit to the doctor to check for things like thyroid might be in order?

    Thank you for the insight. I will try and do that if I don't see anything on Monday. I really should see a doctor, haven't seen one in a while :/
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Are you eating the same things all the time? It's tempting to stick to the same meals, but as with exercise it's good to give your body a complete change.
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