30 Day Shred - Help!

I plan on getting the video off of Netflix. There's not much infor provided on the website. Do I need any equipment? Does anyone know how much weight you lose/how many calories you burn over the entire program (I know that's all subjective and relative)? Do you do it everyday, and if so how long? Is there any thing I should know going into it that someone who's done it before can tell me? I just don't really know what to expect.


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I am on Level 2 I am doing it every day... 10 days a level (3 levels). I have lost 6lbs so far. I tract it as Circuit training. I love it short video but good workout!!! Enjoy!
  • morawjo
    morawjo Posts: 74 Member
    I just finished it. You just need 2 weights to do the program...they recommend either a 3lb weight or a 5lb weight. Most people recommend on here to log it as Circuit Training for 20-25 minutes...I've been logging it as aerobics, general...the time works out to the same calories burned. I want to get an HRM so I know exactly how many calories I've been burning. I'm going to start the program again today, and just alternate levels each day. You are supposed to do Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days and Level 3 for 10 days, or just move up a level whenever you feel comfortable with the level you are on and are ready for the next challenge. It is a tough workout...but so worth it!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hmmm...let's see if I can try and answer your questions :smile: Definitely no expert but I did do the 30DS during last summer. Equipment wise, I do believe it's some handweights and then a mat if you are doing it on a hard surface. There's a lot of cardio but ab stuff thrown in too so you'll be on the floor some. Weight wise- I love 6 lbs the month I did it and burned around 200 calories doing it. 20 minutes, every day. It's quick,keeps you moving and you can move through the 'levels' (there's 3 total) at your own pace which is nice.
  • camerons_mommy06
    Equipment wise all you need is hand weights and a mat (i just use my carpet in the living room). Calories vary. I would say the best thing to do is buy the Heart Rate Monitor to track them. As said before, 3 levels, 10 days a level.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Just need 2 hand weights. It's a good workout, very short but hard. You do 10 days on each level (but move up to the next level if the level you are on becomes to easy, or stay on the level if it is still too difficult) It doesn't matter if you do it every day, depends on your body. You may like to work out 5 times a week with rest days, just be sure to stick to the levels until you are ready for the next. I lose more inches than pounds when I did it, I am planning on doing it again, but I also just bought her new dvd, supposed to be better than the 30 day shred and longer workouts with 4 levels... so we'll see if I do the shred again or just go right into this.
  • AmandaChaseChance11
    I have the 30DS and i did it for a week, and was feeling great but my uncle is a fitness guy an wanted me 2 do treadmill for a bit....but i did it the first time and follow the lady in green i think, and then u can slowly go up from there and easy on the squats...lol i did them and was going way to low and my thighs were in sooooo much pain i couldnt go down stiars or even up...But yea u do it every day and its a 30 min video..with pushups crunches jumping jacks and all that stuff. its a great video, i was thinking of restarting it too. the first time i did it i was sooo winded and dizzy gasping for air(i never did fitness) and aftr about a week week and a half u get better and its not as hard...i have a heart rate monitor watch, i think depending how hard u push urself its 400- 700 calories.....And i think ll u need is hand weights...idk about the other levels yet...weight varys and its hard to pin point it but it also tones ur body very well....need a buddy we can....i think there might b other 30DS buddys but they might b further idk:)