Hi! I'm New! (And hopefully soon to be improved!)

Hey there!

I just joined and am checking out the message boards. I'm excited to continue on this weight loss journey and lifestyle improvement.

I'm a former WW so this concept of healthy eating and activity is not foreign to me. I just need something fresh to keep me going.

My 10-year reunion as well as a trip to Europe are coming up for me this summer, so I want to get in the best shape possible for them!


  • BrendaBlis
    BrendaBlis Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome! I am new too and still using WW.
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    I've tried WW before but it just didn't work for me. I know lots of people who have had great success with it though! So far the people here have been really great and supportive. :)

    Jealous about your trip to Europe!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome!! You are at the best site- I totally see you being successful!

    Rock it, woman!
  • smithalcutie
    smithalcutie Posts: 30 Member
    hey i'm new to i wish you luck on your goals!!!
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    My wife has done WW 3 times and she loves it! Right now she is pregnant and can't join WW though and has a very specific diet because of her glucose intolerance related to the pregnancy so she can't really benefit too much from this site, BUT I showed her this site & she was like, WOW, how much did you pay for that? And I was like NOTHING and she was shocked. LoL
  • JenniferTasso
    JenniferTasso Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome, I am new as well to this, and so far loving it...we are all here in support!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    WW just didn't work for me.
    This is more my style so i cancelled my online tools with ww.
    This feels more like a way of life then worrying about points.
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I have absolutely nothing negative to say about WW. I had some success, I even reached a 10% weight loss goal, but since they modified the program and our finances changed, I just need something different. I am a bit sad to let it go, but it's time.

    I'm SUPER excited about being here and I look forward to seeing you all daily! This site reminds me in many ways of facebook, so perhaps I will become as addicted here as I am there!
  • ladonne73
    ladonne73 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm new as well!!! I've done WW and had great success - lost 25 pounds! I actually stopped meetings and maintained my weight for almost a year. Somewhere after that, things went awry. LOL! I'm back on the wagon again, though. Welcome!!! :bigsmile:
  • paulamonroe
    oh don't worry kelli....this trip to europe will help keep you in shape :bigsmile: can't wait to see you again!!!!!:smooched:
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Welcome! This site is wonderful for support! I spend a lot of time on here! Feel free to friend me if you like! Best wishes!!
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    We are all here to support you! MFP is great!!!
  • dearprudence1964
    dearprudence1964 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm fairly new as well - and so far, it has been a huge asset to my weight loss. I think you'll love it. Good luck!

    (ps - LOVE your dog, I have a 4 yr old Boxer who is quite the character)