Exercise- morning vs. evening

The only time I can go to the gym and work out is around 5pm. Thats also when I have the most energy. Does that hinder my weight loss because I am working out in the afternoon and not the morning? Also, I work out right before I eat dinner does that defeat the whole purpose of working out because I'm putting those caleries back on when I do eat. I stay within my daily range or does that not matter? So confused!


  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Working out, no matter when, is beneficial!!

    I've done the 6am workouts, the 6pm workouts, the mid morning workouts etc. If 5 is when you have the most energy then go for it!! I love working out right before dinner because I find I don't eat as much at dinner! Seems like a good deal to me!! Heheeh!!

    As long as you stay within your calorie range for the day it shouldn't really matter when you workout! :D
  • sweetlilgiggles
    sweetlilgiggles Posts: 23 Member
    Shagybear is exactly right! It doesn't matter when, so long as you're doing the workout. Another thing you'll notice is that working out 'gives' you calories. You can either eat those calories, or pretend like they're not there...completely up to you. I used to eat some of them when I needed to, but you'd have to ask other people if NOT eating them helps you lose faster.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    I used to always be an afternoon gym person...that is just when it fit into my schedule. This year I started going early in the morning. I am NOT a morning person at all!!! I hate getting up....but I actually enjoy the morning work out more and it is easier for me to get there because I'm not debating with myself all day about going.
    I do think morning work outs made a difference FOR ME. I would get soo hungry after my workout and would have a tendancy to over-eat in the evening....exactly when my day was slowing down. For some reason I am not as hungry after my morning workout even though I'm working out as hard if not harder than before.
    BUT I agree with the other statements. Exercise is good for you whenever you do it and it is a very individual choice.
  • smcclaycouffer
    smcclaycouffer Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for everyone's input it has been VERY helpful. I truly appreciate it!
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    I love working out first thing in the morning before work at 6.30am. I find it really gives me a lift for the day plus it gets it done and dusted. That said, my boss (who is a complete fitness nut) said that its not that great on your body first thing in the morning as your body is still starting up and your pushing it to its limit too soon. Think hes referring to your heart. Wouldnt mind some advice on this actually as to wether this is true or not.