silkkyfresh Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello MFP!! My name is Susan and I'm finally mentally on track to becoming a healthier me!! I'm a 23yr old college student (GO BISON'S!!) with dreams and aspirations to becoming a lawyer. I recently lost my favorite aunt to breast cancer which has really pushed me to become more aware of my body needs. So where else to start but letting you all know some info about where I am now and where I am hopeful to be!! My starting weigh in was 193lbs and since then I've lost 1lbs. Although, I would say that was more of a false start being that at the time I didn't change my diet and my only exercise was walking back and fourth on the sales floor (at Victoria's Secret). I could really use some MFP friends for motivation to keep me going and vise versa of course. MY goal weight is 160lbs however, that could change in order to fit the national weight chart to 145lbs but we'll see!! I began eating a lot healthier as well as incorporating exercise dvd's into my daily routine since my first weigh in. I'm also big on updates so I'll be weighing in weekly in order to track my progress. Also, I've planned a trip with a bunch of my girlfriends to MIAMI!! so I really want to drop a few pounds before I head out so keep your fingers crossed. Thank you all for reading and I know we can all reach our goals with some self motivation and group motivation!! Take Care and God Bless


  • PSmillie
    PSmillie Posts: 26 Member

    I'm also 23, new to MFP, and trying to drop some weight before a big trip -- so we can definitely buddy up if you'd like. Welcome!

  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Welcome.! Congrats on putting yourself on the right track. And good luck on your journey!:happy:
  • fingers crossed for ya!
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Welcome! I too am planning a career in law. I'm quite a bit older than you but I'm making a change :) this site is great for support, I returned earlier this week!
  • luvpink12
    luvpink12 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello & Welcome!! I am fairly new too..this is my second week. I am soo sorry to hear about your Aunt. My thoughts and prayers are with you! I am really liking this site soo far. My fav thing is all these wonderful people out there, everyone helps motivate me daily! Its great! I wish you the best of luck! Please feel free to add me and I will do my best to motivate you!!!
  • It is like reading my life story! I'm 23, at 193lbs, and want to be down to 160lbs before my trip to Miami for my besties birthday in June!! Weird!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome. You can add me if you wish.

  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Welcome. You have taken the first big step in joining MFP. You can add me as a friend, if you like :))

  • Hello,

    I am new to and love this site. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and will also keep an eye out for your weekly weigh in as I am going to be doing the same thing.
  • You go girl! You can do it! Just always remember no matter what size you are or what that silly scale says, your beautiful! God doesnt make mistakes! Im adding you as a friend and if you need ANY motivation let me know!

  • nmain
    nmain Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome Susan! Sorry to hear of your Aunt, its never easy but may you think of all the wonderful moments that you shared and it will get you through the rough times. This site is amazing, so many great people with the same mind set and soooo supportative! Add me if you would like, Nicole
  • jak23733
    jak23733 Posts: 6
    Hi there! I literally just joined this site... 5 minutes ago, I skimmed through the posts and am seeing things like "add me" or"friend me" which sounds really supportive but I don't really know what any of it means. I am 21 and a 135 pounds and am trying to lose weight so I can help you stay on track. I really wish I had a smart phone so that I could do this all on the go, think how convenient that would be! If anyone has any thoughts on the best way to use this site and things to make sure I do, it'd be really appreciated :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I just joined 2 months ago and am down 7 lbs!! I actually can't wait to get on the scale tomorrow to see where I am at now!! Feel free to add me (this goes to anyone posting here looking for MFP friends!!)
  • Thank you for your love and support I know we'll all meet our goals
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