Gained some weight back...stupid winter

Achiebob Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So I decided it would be fun to gain some of the 20 lbs I lost back over winter apparently. (yes that was sarcastic) I'm hoping to lose 25 lbs more. I need motivation and ideas of what to do. I did weight watchers the first time which is how I lost the initial 20 but it's expensive. Any ideas for someone who doesn't have a lot of free time would be appreciated.

Did anyone else have the same affects of winter?


  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Between it being cold and not wanting to workout, school starting, and holidays... yea, I gained back a lot!

    No need for WW when you have MFP! Just log your foods and try to squeeze in some workouts in your schedule, even if its only 10 minutes at a time, a couple times a day will add up!
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I have been eating like a fiend for 2 months and not working out like I should. But now it's nice outside and I can go outside to run. Yay! I'm just feeling so awesome about spring coming that I'm energetic and enthusiastic about getting back on track. Plus, I'd like to buy some new clothes in a month or so, and I'd like to be good ways toward my goal weight by then. I have another 15-20 pounds to go, and I want to be close to there in another 2 months. So many fun things to be in shape for in the summer! :happy:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    As far as someone who doesn't have alot of time... try simpler things to squeeze in exercise. When I was in college, I was totally drained after the day was done so there was no way I was going to the gym.. but I noticed I was full of energy in the morning so I walked to school every morning. It was about an hour, but didn't really seem long with some music going in my ears :)
    I also did that because the bus took just as long with the wait between transfers sadly lol
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member

    Well I started losing weight this winter as that is when I decided to change my unhealthy life style. My wife and I have really busy jobs and initially we thought we did not have a lot of time to work out but we made adjustments and now get up around 5AM to workout. With that said I recommend P90X. My wife and I both do it together and have had great results and so have a lot of other people here. I love it but you have to put in the work. My wife also loves Turbo Fire which she does as well. You can find a lot of these workout programs for cheap on ebay or craigslist. Tony Horton the creator of P90X also has a 10 minute trainer series. I actually did a lot of Jillian Michaels DVD's to get in shape for P90X.

    Jillian Michaels has one called 30 day shred (workouts are less than 30 minutes). Its awesome but you have to put the work in. I've learned if you make it a lifestyle change you can enjoy life and really don't have to worry about gaining it back during any part of the year. I definitely wish you luck with your weight loss. I know you can do it!
  • Achiebob
    Achiebob Posts: 3
    Thanks this was super helpful!!!! I will look into the videos. I also really want a bike. Mine rusted out after being left out all winter a few years ago when I lived in an apartment. I love biking and that would get me outdoors and active. maybe I could even start biking to work.

    I get so motivated and excited to start and then I die out half way through...need to work on that. :smile:
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