Does anyone else have this problem?

HannahPastoor Posts: 303
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I live at home with currently 5 siblings who make their own food and one who doesn't plus my parents....

Whenever anyone makes food for themselves I have a hard time watching. Example - My brother (12) took a white hamburger bun, put like 1/2 a cup of sugary jelly, a huge spoonful of sugary peanut butter and a thick slab of butter then ate it...No veggies no fruit nothing. He ate like 3 of those. Or my other brother lives on canned sodium filled chicken noodle soup. No veggies unless he is forced by my parents.

It DRIVES ME CRAZY! I am like eat some veggies or something!

Does this drive anyone else crazy?


  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    yes OMG. this drives me insane..i have an 18 year old brother who eats 2 sugar sandwiches dipped in ketchup then eats his dinner two hours later along with everyone elses who didnt want to finish. And to top it off he is very muscular with probably no fat.
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    I am like eat some veggies or something!

    your grammar is vey bad

    like yer but no but yer but nothing. Colin botts once eat a whole tomato or something.
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    PB & J i can handle, but with butter? Ewww I find I do this while at the store and see people putting a bunch of junk in their carts. lol
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    I am like eat some veggies or something!

    your grammar is vey bad

    like yer but no but yer but nothing. Colin Botts once eat a whole tomato or something. Author Chairman Mao from little red book
  • Griffin90
    Griffin90 Posts: 64 Member
    Being a teenage boy at one time myself it seems that at that time boys just eat forever. I remember going to my grandmother's house and eating about a half lb of speghetti and 6 or 7 meat balls. Then having a couple pieces of cake for dessert. I remember when I was 14 eating 4 cheese burgers and a large fry at McDonalds. But then I would be hungry again an hour later.

    If your brother is all muscle he must be doing something to gain that muscle. It is what he is doing that burns off all those calories he is taking in.

    It catches up to you though. That is why I am here.
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    I am like eat some veggies or something!

    your grammar is vey bad

    like yer but no but yer but nothing. Colin Botts once eat a whole tomato or something. Author Chairman Mao from little red book

    huh? :noway:
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Oi... parents. My mother claims that she's trying to get into shape. Meanwhile she'll be chowing down on a venti mocha frappuccino from Starbucks, with whipped cream. It takes all of the self-restraint in the world to not tell her that thing is probably more than 600 calories, with no beneficial nutrients say for a dismal amount of calcium.
  • My dad is the worst! Since moving back home from uni (where at my thinest I weighed 170lbs) I have put on 40lbs in the past 3 years. There is always "bad" food in the house and without me even asking for chocolate it is literally thrown at me. I am now determined to loose the weight again (plus extra!) but staying at home surrounded by temptation is difficult with just willpower alone. And even when I ask for it not to be bought my pleas are ignored. I'm hoping this website will help with the willpower as I hate my weight right now!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Sometimes my husband will have a huge bowl of pasta (my biggest weakness) or drink a Coke. He also eats HUGE portions, while I am in the kitchen carefully measuring out my 1/3 of a cup of cheese or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. It does bother me...but I have learned to be proud of my new lifestyle. It was harder at first, but other than an occasional craving, I don't even have the urge to eat that way anymore. Every time I see someone eating unhealthy it reminds me of where I used to be and how far I have come. Be proud of the new person you are becoming. Love yourself! :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Angela
  • ruth1104
    ruth1104 Posts: 40 Member
    A girl I work with is a model (yes an actual model) and she eats everything sugary in sight! And it doesn't show anywhere on her! But my husband is much like your brother, can eat everything and anything without ever putting on more than a slight belly which comes off after 1 days work!! I tend to make meals for 4 people, one serving for me, one for lunch tomorrow and two for him! Infuriating!
  • my eight yr old and I have been going around and around bout the veggies thing, i'm about to cut out all meat and do 2 weeks of straight veggies so he has to eat it, but yet he can go to my best friends house and he'll eat it there WTH!!!
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    If music be the food of love, play on,
    Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
    The appetite may sicken, and so die.
    then eat carrots my love and we need not die. : Author Shakespeare 12th Night
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