My Caloric Deficit

I have been reading all the posts about caloric deficit and I know it is a very gray area but even my "rough" figures makes it seem like it will be difficult to lose weight. It tells me that my Basal Metabolic Rate is 1300 calories a day, which is 9100 calories a week. It recommends to lose 1 lb per week I am to eat 1200 calories a day, which is 8400 calories a week. This creates a deficit of 700 calories a week. I probably burn more like 1500 a day with walking etc but still only creating a 2100 deficit a week. Does this mean its going to take an extra long time to lose weight? Obviously, I should hit the gym to create a higher deficit right?


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I have been reading all the posts about caloric deficit and I know it is a very gray area but even my "rough" figures makes it seem like it will be difficult to lose weight. It tells me that my Basal Metabolic Rate is 1300 calories a day, which is 9100 calories a week. It recommends to lose 1 lb per week I am to eat 1200 calories a day, which is 8400 calories a week. This creates a deficit of 700 calories a week. I probably burn more like 1500 a day with walking etc but still only creating a 2100 deficit a week. Does this mean its going to take an extra long time to lose weight? Obviously, I should hit the gym to create a higher deficit right?

    Your BMR doesn't include any actual movement on your part -- only what your body burns from the organs working and you breathing. You multiple your BMR by your activity level (1.2 for those who are typically sedentary) to get 1560, which does NOT include any of your exercise.

    Hope that helps.
  • elise115byjune
    ahh so I really am creating a higher deficit then? Good to hear :) I was out of the game for a while, trying to get back in it, as my name states "by june". So you say cals burned throughout the day based on a sedentary level of daily movement is about 1560?
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    1lb = 3,500 calories per week deficit...It is not gray. If you want to lose weight...burn off or deprive your body of 3,500 calories per week per pound you want to lose. Best wishes.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    ahh so I really am creating a higher deficit then? Good to hear :) I was out of the game for a while, trying to get back in it, as my name states "by june". So you say cals burned throughout the day based on a sedentary level of daily movement is about 1560?

    Exactly! So that doesn't include your walks or any weight training or other exercises that get your heart elevated.

    That's just you getting out of bed in the morning (you do get out of bed in the morning, don't you?? :flowerforyou: ), eating (eating burns calories!), walking around your office, and typing and all those things that your body does on top of just surviving (which is the BMR).