


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Why do such a crazy thing. What did food ever do to you! OOPS! (your fault) just eat in moderation, balanced and enjoy what you eat! Love your food and it will love you back! Good luck!

    Yes, the hundreds of millions of people around the whole who fast are wrong and you are right.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    the reason why i ask is because i was thinking of trying it. do have to go 24 hours or can i just go from morning to dinner? would i get the same effect.

    what about breakfast which they say is the most important meal of the day?
    i wouldnt want to eat all my cals at night. I am afraid i would be too hungry and over eat?

    Im sorry i have many questions.

    My 24 hour fasts mean I skip two meals (i.e. after dinner on Saturday I don't eat until dinner Sunday). It's not always EXACTLY 24 hours. I'm not watching a clock. But I'm also not eating an early dinner.

    I do dinner to dinner too, but I think breakfast to breakfast would work though. Have your morning breakfast and then stop eating. Drink lots of water and unsweetened tea/etc and go on about your day. Go to bed when you're sleepy and wake up in the morning and eat your next day's breakfast (should be around 24 hours if you wake up at the same time every morning). I'd suggest a very large breakfast (600-800 calories) though to get you through.
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    There are lots of reason to fast and this article talks about the health benifts
    He also has a lot of other info on fasting
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Here is another useful thing on fasting

    Many good quotes in this article, but my favorite, because it does the same thing to me is,
    The belief that meal skipping or short-term fasting causes "starvation mode" is so completely ridiculous and absurd that it makes me want to jump out the window.
  • sincitylulu
    for me it's a way to reduce my caloric intake. Fasting is a way to not spend so much time thinking about food. It's quite liberating. I don't feel weak at all. Oh and by the way I am quite healthy despite fasting. All my blood work is spot on.