SBF Sept 23

cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
Well, it's Tuesday, so that means I am :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad:

5 weeks in a row I have been at the same weight. Arrggh! I don't know if I should reduce my calories again or what. I ate a little bit more last night to make up some exercise calories, so I am going to weigh again tomorrow in hopes that it was just food weight. I guess I will do one more week on this calorie plan and be really really strict about logging everything, and then if I still am not losing I will go back to the 1200 (2lb/week but not really cuz that would be less than 1200 so closer to 1.4lb/week) plan. Sigh. :frown:

Thank you for the suggestions (and empathy!) on my project, Viv and Arianne. It is like a thesis in terms of depth, but since I am in IT most people do a project instead. I did get some work done yesterday, and I think I will just have to commit to an hour every night and try to plow through some things. If I can stick to that, maybe I can keep from getting discouraged.

So today is walking, shred, and project time. :indifferent:


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, it's Tuesday, so that means I am :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad:

    5 weeks in a row I have been at the same weight. Arrggh! I don't know if I should reduce my calories again or what. I ate a little bit more last night to make up some exercise calories, so I am going to weigh again tomorrow in hopes that it was just food weight. I guess I will do one more week on this calorie plan and be really really strict about logging everything, and then if I still am not losing I will go back to the 1200 (2lb/week but not really cuz that would be less than 1200 so closer to 1.4lb/week) plan. Sigh. :frown:

    Thank you for the suggestions (and empathy!) on my project, Viv and Arianne. It is like a thesis in terms of depth, but since I am in IT most people do a project instead. I did get some work done yesterday, and I think I will just have to commit to an hour every night and try to plow through some things. If I can stick to that, maybe I can keep from getting discouraged.

    So today is walking, shred, and project time. :indifferent:
  • nursedebra2000
    It sounds like you have hit a plateau - very common since you lost 47 pounds already. Are you exercising too? If not, you should and that will boost your metabolism to get some more weight off. Also, do not forget that your body is pre-programmed with an "ideal weight", which may not be the same weight that we want to be, but it is the weight your body needs to work efficiently. Do not get discouraged - you can do it! Keep up the fabulous job and just try some extra exercise. :)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Taking a day off from official exercise. . .but I'll do a walk this afternoon to the subway.

    I'm trying to transition to a new workout schedule after this challenge, that includes an official day off. I just think my body is asking for it, big time.

    I'm becoming hyper-critical about my body again. I think I've finally reached the point in my weight loss where my skin looks loose (I'm sure the fat is just evenly distributed and not as tightly packed as it once was) but, I look flabby when I'm not flexing. I'm trying to look at this as just the "last shift" of my body. I never cease to amaze myself with my skill at self-critique. If there was an Olympic team for it, I could be the coach. My body also continues to behave a little wackily, retaining water and bloat and then thinning out. . .both for no apparent reason. Can't wait to see the hormone doctor, and see if there are answers for this.

    Oh, my drama. . .and all that to report that I'm not working out today.

    I am so sore from the shred/pushups yesterday. I don't think I'd fully recovered from my weight workout on Saturday, because by the second circuit of shred level 2, my biceps/shoulders were on fire! Fire, I tell you!

    Well, I'm off to do my hour of work. (which lately is paperwork for travel money to a conference.) I hope to start thinking about my next re-write, too (deadline: October 1st)

    Take care of yourselves, :flowerforyou: .
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    You both sound so down today. :cry: I don't want you to be sad! I'm not in the best mood either. TOM from you know that not so nice place! I am going to try to do Shred or BL video today. Wondering if I should completely rest my arms on days I don't do push ups since I am needing to do so many push ups. Not sure.
    CP, I totally hear you about not losing weight. I've been doing this solid (almost) for three months and my size 14 (was a 12 in February) jeans are now getting tight! I haven't lost a single pound and I've gained back nine of the 14 I lost before! :explode: It really has me confused. I know I don't eat THAT well, but I try to stay within my calories. I will change up my eating habits next week and see if that will help. I don't know what's going on. So you aren't alone. I know it's so frustrating though!
    Viv, maybe as you start doing the push ups then things will start firming up? But you already work out a lot and do strength training so maybe I know nothing. lol
    Today: three therapists are coming by to work with Alex. He'll be good and tired tonight!
    I am going to try to squeeze in a video of some sort and drink my water. I should start working on my grocery list so I can have better planned meals, and healthier ones. This week is just plain busy. I hope the day gets better for you guys. I'll check back in later with what I actually got done today. lol
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    CP - what is your thesis/project on? My husband and friends are all IT guys, but don't get too technical on me:laugh:

    V- Read the sentence - "I look flabby when I'm not flexing" - um, yeah, that would be, um, normal?

    I'm in a great mood today. Yesterday was the direct opposite of the day before. Had a wonderful lunch at one of the best restaurants in town. Had a square of dark chocolate sin for dessert (chocolate mousse drizzled with ganache, $3.50 at a fancy restaurant, so less than half a regular sized dessert). My husband couldn't finish his :noway: so we asked for it to go. I look in the to go bag, and there is a full square of chocolate dessert. Very nice waiter. Had Italian for dinner - some of the best brushetta I've ever had.

    Had a restorative yoga class that I liked (I'm more of an active person) - and was told by my teacher that the guy who said I was a carbon copy of her was "a complete jerk" - even knew who I was talking about before I described him. My teacher's husband said even worse things about this guy - who had the audacity to complain to her husband about my teacher's class!

    Also, saw I bike I liked for under $300. I give all the credit to MM, who seems to be able to grant wishes.

    ps - AD - I checked Craigslist for a bike - many of them appear stolen and many of them are just as much as they are new (always cross check anything on craigslist) - it's also hard to find one in my size - small :laugh:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    So, Melissa, Mary says you grant wishes... 1. health to my family, 2. a million dollars, 3. world peace (sorry that's the beauty queen in me) :laugh:

    I got off my butt last night and did my gazelle against all odds. Of course, I felt great and was so proud that I did it when I finished. This morning I met a couple coaches at the pool and managed to not drown for 45 min. My whole body feels like jello. I'm a pretty good swimmer, so this is discouraging. Tomorrow I am hitting the track; my new shoes came in! :bigsmile:

    V- remember that your skin will be the last thing to firm up after all the weight you've lost. Patience my love, you will see results! I am so proud of you for pushing yourself so hard!

    cp- I aim for 1200, with full intention to be between 14 & 16 on heavy exercise days. Try switching up things in your exercise routine. Your body will adapt to the demands you place on it and become more efficient at those movements, hence burning fewer calories. Cross-training is almost always the most effective. I love to run, so do that most days, but swim, do aerobic & resistance training as well. Some days are long slow runs, others faster intervals or repeats. I work in sports medicine, so let me know if you need some exercise advice! :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Anyone else have wishes? :laugh:
    I guess I can't grant my own wishes. If I could Alex's therapist wouldn't be 30 minutes late. Oh well.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Wow, sounds like most of you are having the kind of day i am! TOM for me too today. I feel horrible! I just took two ibuprofen and just got out of a really long hot shower (ran out of hot water so had to get out). After my shower I feel a bit better... Still feeling sick however! :sad: I dont want to do anything at all and have so much to do!

    In school I HATED homework. I would NEVER do it. Now I kinda wish I did... Seems like is full of homework and deadlines! I have to finish making my grandpas present, and re-type his food plan for him by Friday, by Thursday I have to have all of Epheisians read (which wont take long, its just actually getting the time!), and I have 8 days to pack.. honestly I havent even started! hahaha I have not been exercising.. I havent since I got back from my little vacation.. and Ive decided to work in the night again.. from 4:30-10pm so I only have my mornings to do everything. Im even too lazy to type anymore now. I dont want to so this is it! haha talk to you all later! Hope things get better!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Okay, today is not going as planned. It's really not okay. I am going to kick it into gear tomorrow or Thursday when I am feeling a bit more myself. I lack time and motivation it seems. I have been working out for three months and haven't noticed a difference at all so I am pretty much at that point that I just say forget it. I'll always be 150. I don't have to work hard to stay at this weight so why not just accept it? Because I am not happy with it!!! Anyway, I'm just venting. I'll be alright once my girly is gone.

    Carrie- Ephesians! That's a good book! I hope you get it done on time. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I totally understand about packing. It's not fun, but it has to be done right? When are you moving?
    AD you mentioned wanting a million dollars. Got me to wondering what would you all do with a million dollars?
    I'd pay for private therapists to come work with my son. I'd finish my camaro and get my hubby's Stang finished. Help my hubby start his business, start a fund in our church to help out our kids with medical bills and needs. Hire a personal trainer. Help other people we know that are in need. Buy some clothes and shoes. Dining room set. I could go on and on. I'd run out of money. I'm chatty today. I need to get off of here!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    28% taxes - at least :tongue:
    pay off house, cars, and bad debt from company
    buy some nice bikes
    go see the dietician - will do this anyway
    have private yoga classes - every week!
    buy some new clothes, not that I want to, I just need to
    do some home improvement stuff - new counter tops, new furniture, new cat trees! redo the porch
    lots of new plants for the yard
    I might even invest some of it
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sorry - I hope my crankiness this morning didn't rub off on everyone! :embarassed: Hugs and a taste of Mary's chocolate dessert for all! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I'm trying to stay positive. I know I am getting stronger (hello, pushups!) and fitter (hello, running!), and my husband pointed out that my abs are more defined (I'm starting to get that scooped-in look on either side under my ribcage). Thank you for the advice, AD - I am thinking I need to try and get my butt up in the mornings to do Shred or one of my other circuit-type DVDs. :yawn: Last time I plateaued (it wasn't for this long), I actually broke through it when I upped my calories and started exercising a little less intensely (knee injury, so I was mostly walking). So maybe I will try and get back to walking, too (or walk/run intervals).

    Vivia - I'm sure you are looking great. Just think of how strong and fit you are compared to 85 pounds ago! And MM - don't forget that you can do 50 pushups! You are totally my hero. :love: Carrie - sorry you are feeling sick. Good luck with the packing.

    If I had a million dollars... I'd buy you a monkey. Haven't you always wanted a monkey? :laugh:
    I'd redo my kitchen
    I'd travel - first Asia and Europe
    I'm sure I'll think of a bunch of other things on the way home...
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Honestly, assuming I'd see half after taxes, I would get out of debt, help my family and close friends and invest the rest so I could live off the interest. The only difference for me would be that I could go to work because it's what I love to do and not for a paycheck. I'd give up the crazy athletic hours for a full-time mom job, so I can watch our son grow up and afford to have more children, in a heart beat.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I would pay off my student loans. (Yikes. . .) and fund the rest of my education.

    Then, with the remaining five dollars (OK, so it just seems that way)

    I'd pay off some IRS debt from an ex-husband situation. . .

    and probably rent a house so my husband and I would have a bigger place to live.

    The beautiful thing I just realized about my life is I wouldn't change it, even if someone handed me a million dollars (I wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner. . .[sorry, couldn't resist]) But, I'd keep doing what I'm doing (finishing this degree) where I'm doing it, which is pretty darn cool. This may be the first time in my life that I haven't answered "what would you do with a million dollars?" with "Quit everything!"

    Hey, I've got it pretty good. :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    The beautiful thing I just realized about my life is I wouldn't change it, even if someone handed me a million dollars (I wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner. . .[sorry, couldn't resist])

    I like kraft dinner mmmmmmmmm hahaha