I don't want to be a chubby bride!

charlene_1980 Posts: 96
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, so I'm possibly minimizing by using the word 'chubby' but either way, I'm getting married in September and would like to lose about 30 lbs. I started out this journey a week and a half ago at 169 lbs, with my goal weight being 135... I'm afraid that won't be attainable for me, but it it should be. That was only about 1 lb a week until the wedding. My first week of watching what I eat and going to the gym and/or exercising regularly and committing to it, and I lost 3.5 lbs, so I would now like to lose another 30.5 lbs by September 17th...

I'm a mom of 5 amazing kids... I work long hours, including some crazy shifts, and have been eating 'institutional' food often, since we get meals at work for free.

I've stopped eating the majority of the food at work, though dessert still sometimes calls my name. I haven't exactly been depriving myself, but I've been severely limiting the crap that goes into my mouth... I don't have a sweet tooth, I have a mouth full of them... chocolate and chips are my weakness, and I haven't had a chocolate bar in 2 weeks. I realized I had a very unhealthy relationship with food, with the mindset of "if nobody sees me eat it, it doesn't count", and that something had to change NOW. I'd pick up milk from the store, grab a chocolate bar, and guiltily inhale it before getting home so that nobody knew.

I'm hoping to make a few friends through this journey and am looking forward to seeing us all reach our goals...



  • peach0913
    peach0913 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you I am getting married in October and would like to be down 40lbs! We can do it!
  • jennyab
    jennyab Posts: 20
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You can totally reach your goal of 135!
  • BeautyCrys
    BeautyCrys Posts: 209 Member
    You won't be a chubby bride. You will be a skinny beautiful one!!! Losing weight starts with you're mind! If you put you're mind to it you will do it! Took me years to want to loose my chunks, and I finally got my mind right and now I'm doing it. 30 before Sept should be easy! Get em' girl! I'm trying to loose 30 before my 30th birthday which is March 23 ( I started Jan 1, 2011).... I want to loose another 30 after I reach my first goal! Good Luck and stay positive!!!!
  • lisaloo85
    lisaloo85 Posts: 81
    I'm getting married Sept 24 and my goals are about the same as yours!! We can do it!
  • The danger of having a specific date to work toward is that once you get there (which you will) you tend to let it all go back to the way you were before... I've done this stupid thing every year for the last ten years. I'm currently on a mission to make a permanent change in my weight... not just work toward a short term goal. Good luck!!
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    I bet if you work at it, you'll get really close to your goal by September. When I was 155 I started going to the gym and within 3 months I was down by 10 pounds. Now I hover in the 135-138 range. I'm trying to get to my "ideal" 130, or 39 inch hips.

    Packing your own lunch will help a lot. And if you can, get a gym membership. I find that it is helpful to escape the kids. Take time to slow down and unwind as stress also makes losing weight a little harder.

    Congratulations on getting married!
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    What great incentive....I think your goals are very attainable. Giving up processed food, institutional food and fast food is the road to success. Your doing the right things...:) I faithfully record every single item that I consume. Record everyting in MFP and stay at 1200 cals every day. It is working for me.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    you can do it! congrats on the engagement & good luck with all that stressful planning! make sure you log everything you put in your mouth & all your exercise so you can keep yourself accountable even when you have bad days. :o)
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Wow, it takes a lot to admit some of that. I too would sneak food. Pick up a box of nutty bars and eat a couple on the way home leave the rest in the car for the next day or so. I can tell you that once you get in a routine and find foods that you like, you will find it much easier to say no to the sweets. I have a "mouthful", as you say, also. And I've managed to stay away from binging on sweets. I'm not gonna lie, I just had a piece of Dove dark chocolate last night, but I stopped at one piece and I logged it. Good luck with your goals and I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride no matter what.
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Congratulaions to you! We share the same goals. I am getting married May 2012. I have a long way to go before I can reach my goal weight, but I am determined to make it happen. You can do this.. We can do this :)
  • NutriEMP
    NutriEMP Posts: 2

    I joined today and I get married in June so know how you feel! I'm not setting the wedding as my deadline though. I have more to loose than you so I'm just taking the long term view of getting healthy. This website is very motivational, much better than following a restrictive diet. Did more exercise today than I have in years just so I could add it to my diary!

    Best of luck with your plans for both health and the wedding :-)
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