anyone on mirena iud on here trying to lose weight?

cateycake Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Im 19 and considering having a mirena iud implanted.. is there anyone that is currently on it / expereinced negative side effects including weight gain??
i've read so many terrible testimonials, but my gyn insists it's a god sent! most of the testimonials were from women in their thirties or who have kids.
i'm young, never been pregnant, and petrified of the massive weight gain that everyone has been experiencing..
any advice / personal accounts would be great!!
thanks so much :)


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I am on my second Mirena, and love it. I have gained weight, but not a horrific amount, and I can't say that it's the MIrena's fault. However, a word of caution...
    My younger sister tried to get Mirena when she was younger, before she had kids. She had it inserted and experienced horrible cramps and bleeding. She eventually had to have it removed. Her GYN said that women who haven't had babies have a harder time with the Mirena than women who have. It may work out fine for you, but be prepared with another option.

    Good luck!
  • wkschuster
    wkschuster Posts: 144
    Im in my thirties have a couple of kids and I will tell you the mirena didn't cause my weight issues.....sitting at my damn computer and eating garbage did. You are 19 years old, if you have an active lifestyle and eat fairly well I think you should be fine. I had much worse problems with other forms of BC ie the pill and the depo shot. THOSE made me gain weight. I promise the weight you gain if any from the mirena is a lot less then you will gain being pregnant :)
  • dawn454
    dawn454 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a mirena iud and do think it's great, but I think you need to talk to another doctor. I was told that mirena is ONLY for women who have already had children. I would hate to see something happen to you. As for your question I don't think it made me gain anymore weight than I did prior to getting it! :smile:
  • seseymj1
    seseymj1 Posts: 17
    Ihave had this for about 7 years (replaced after 5) I have lost about 3 stone. I did have negative side ffects for about a month but well worth it for the positives.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member

    HOPE THIS HELPS ....:flowerforyou:
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    I have had one for about 4 years and had no problems. Cramps at first, spotting every now and then, but otherwise very happy with it. I too, have heard that it is only for women who have already had kids, so I agree, I think you should check that out. I have weight problems, but I also have thyroid problems, so I can't say if Mirena has contributed or not. I do enjoy not having periods, though. =)
  • I experienced huge weight gain ie 15- 18lb in 2 weeks. Was put on diuretics but pharmacist said they would not work as weight gain was real not fluid. He was correct. I asked for it to be removed as I experienced quite marked hormonal disturbance akin to the symptoms of ivf. Doctor made out I was making a fuss and have had to manage my heavy bleeding on my own since then.
    On the other hand I do know of people who have reported great results and managed the weight gain more effectively than I did. Hope this helps.
  • I have had mirena twice. Once before I had kids and once after. The first one was one of the most painful experiences in my life. I cramped and cramped and bled for about 3 months before I had it removed. The second time was no big deal at all. I didn't have a problem with weight gain due to the mirena. But I would strongly suggest getting a second opinion. The IUD HURTS HURTS HURTS if cervix has never been dilated. At least that was my experience! Good luck whatever you decide! Birth control options all have a down side!
  • shoes50
    shoes50 Posts: 1
    Hi I had coil fitted first time eighteen yers ago after my third and last child and now as I am 52 and well into my menaopuse I am going to have it out, sorry to say dont need it any more.! can honestly say have had no problems with it and can only put my weight gain down to my age, slowing down and eating to much really ! . My eldest daughter who is now twenty six did use implants and found that she put weight on with them, she is now using the coil and back to her very slim trim self. having said that she does walk a lot taking the children to and from school, she does not drive so she is keeping quite fit too so no I dont think that it does make you put on weight ! hope thats been of some use to you !
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I've had mine for 5 years now, going in for a replacement next month. I have kids in my 30's, but I have not had any side affects whatsoever, infact, I LOVE it! I did not have any weight gain from it, but I did from using the Depo shots.

    I almost forgot to mention this! The first time I went in to have it installed, I had to reschedule because they just couldn't do it and it was painful. They had me come back when I was on my period, and they were able to do it then. I did experience very bad cramping, and they had me stay there until they subsisded, about 15 minutes. I went on my lunch hour and had no problems. I did have some cramping once I got back to work, but it was only once and nothing major.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 24 and have had it in for a couple years, and havent had any weight gain from it. I have heard it is possible, but that is the case with a lot of birth control. I was also under the impression that Mirena is meant for women who have had I would be careful of wanting to get that put in. Maybe get a second opinion from another doctor.

    Good luck to you!!
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    I had that one no i did not gain massive amounts of weight before i got it i was on the pill and gained 30 pounds then i got the marina and the weight gain stopped now on the marina i did lose the weight but it was very hard and i had to be strict as hell on my diet then i stopped the diet and gained a littl back but not all. I had it the IUD for almost the 4.5 years then i had it takin out and dropped 10 pounds without really even trying that hard although i did try to lose but was not strict at all and now im down 17lbs since i had it removed.......if i ever get on BC again it will be the marina again for sure i loved not having a period and would do it again in a second
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    by the way i never had kids b4 either
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I LOVE mine. I have had 3 of them over the years. I am 38 and have 5 kids. I didn't think you could get one before you actually had a child. I would get a second opinion if you have not already had a child. You didn't say whether you did or not. You are young but I don't want to make any assumtions. I don't want to create a fear in you, but there are risks to fertility if something goes wrong during insertion. I dont' know if they say you should have had at least one child because of that or if it is because having a child stretches out your uterus and makes it better for insertion.

    I will never use another form of BC. I do love it. I just want to make sure you have all your questions answered.
  • Rinny_D
    Rinny_D Posts: 80 Member
    I am 22. I had it put in about 6 months after my baby was born (almost 5 years ago now) The 1st 6 months I had irregular bleeding BUT that is pretty normal as your body has all these new hormones circulating.

    Now I barely even get my periods at all. I love it! I have another one waiting to be swapped over.

    I was also told they usually only recommend it for woman who have had children, There is probably a valid reason why your doc has suggested it. But even if I hadn't have had a child- I would have been demanding one as they are a great option :)

    As for weight gain- NO weight gain! Not from that anyway- My body weight has always gone from 49-56 kg depending on my lifestyle. The more I workout and less/better I eat the slimmer I am etc.

    I would say go for it. Not worth having a baby young or dealing with terrible periods and pain without it :) It makes life much simpler :D
  • I am also in my 30s with two kids. The Mirena IUD is great! I lost 50 + lbs. about 4 years ago with the birth control. Just be smart, make good food choices, exercise and you will be fine :) I think weight gain with any birth control is a concern! Good luck!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i love mine. and i wouldn't blame it on my weight gain, that would just be dillusional of me. i was over eating and not exercising. so i put on weight. i think any weight gain directly linked to the mirena would be only small amounts.

    i don't get periods much anymore, maybe a couple of times a year, which is AWESOME!!! after i've had kids, that is the last thing i need to have in my life.
  • ashers1819
    ashers1819 Posts: 160
    I recommend the copper IUD. I had it for years and it was brilliant. Obviously you still have to deal with periods but I didn't find them any worse than normal.

    I am always a little concerned with the hormones in birth control, I just think it is difficult to know how it will affect you in the longterm.

    I definitely don't recommend the Injection, I put on 30 Ibs while on it because I couldn't stop grazing and just felt constantly hungry. After I came off it, the hunger and the grazing stopped.
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Love the Merina!!!

    Can't say that it made me put on weight, eating made my weight pile on. And have been able to lose weight as well on it.

    I can't say how good it is........Periods?? What are they again??? LOL
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I have had Mirena since after I had my 2nd son. Everything that is on my ticker was lost with mirena in. I love it. I actually hardly ever even think about it. (which is nice)
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