Can't get all my calories in!

jenndsw Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
How can you get all your calories in and not go over in fat, carbs and protein? I have never read so many lables trying to find just the right balance! Maybe I would be better off NOT excercising because it gives me extra calories to eat. Everytime I log everything in and hit finish this enrty it tells me I am putting my body into starvation mode for not eating enough calories. Any suggestions?


  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    it's just a guide.... and shoudl also be used to make sure you aren't eating too many carbs or not enough protein in each of your meals. You easily could not be eating the right foods... ie: saltine crackers, load you up on the carbs, have a lot of calories but then leave you with 0 for protein & fat.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I wish I had your problem! I would eat a bit more fiber in the morning because even though the foods will have carbs, the net carbs (carbs minus fiber) will be lower.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Ha! Mostly you have to eat lots and lots of veggies. Don't get crazy about it. For now, just eat what fits, exercise because it's good for you, and if you don't get every single calorie in don't stress. I don't know how much you have to lose, but this program reduces your calorie needs as you get thinner. The starvation stuff you keep reading is from those of us who are trying to lose the last bits and are stalled out.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Add healthy fats to your diet... olive oil, almonds, almond butter, peanut butter, avocado. These add a lot of calories without adding a lot of quantity of food.
  • I have the opposite problem - I go over on my calories but don't ever go over on my protein and fat, in fact I often only take in half my fat allowance. I'll explain a bit about what I eat so you can compare it with your own diet to see where the differences might be.....

    I always eat crumpets for breakfast - topped with ginger preserve or sometimes marmite - they're high in calories but really low in fat. I snack on things like malt loaf, water crackers with low-fat butter, weight-watchers rice puddings, fruit bars, prunes and fresh fruit, all of which are also low-fat. I only eat red meat twice a week maximum, once only if possible - sticking to chicken or fish (including shrimp) for my main meals, with a carefully chosen sauce added. Tomato-based sauces are lowest in fat, and I find sweet & sour and lemon sauces good for this too. I avoid cheesy and creamy sauces, they're way too high in fat, and my meals are mainly accompanied with rice, noodles or low-fat oven chips and loads of vegetables.
    I drink a glass of red wine almost every day with my evening meal, that helps get the calories in, although I'm not sure it's really recommended lol! For desserts, I go for things like Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Frozen Yoghurt - every bit as good as the ice cream but nice and low in fat! Other desserts I love which are also low in fat are low-fat greek yoghurt with walnuts and honey added to it, or pears in low-fat custard.

    This is my first post, so I hope it helps!
  • I totally get what you are talking about and going thru, I just joined a day ago and said the same thing.
    I have a different metabolism, to were I have to watch my CARB intake and so I just worry about eating breakfast, then a small snack, lunch, then another small snack and then dinner. 5 times aday I am putting food in my mouth and I see the calories just pill on. I have never been a good counter of calories or carbs or anything, but I just look at the good carbs and this FitnessPal helps me count my calories. I wouldn't worry about it to much, but everybodies Body is different . So you are going to have to experiment with your body to see what works for you in order for you to loose weight.
  • jenndsw
    jenndsw Posts: 5
    I guess I should weight until I weigh in for the first time. i just started on Monday and it's only Thursday. It makes you read lables that's for sure! Thanks for the replies!
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