Always hungry

edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
It seems I'm always hungry. I can eat a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, homefries & toast. Within 30 minutes I am hungry again. How can this be???What do I do?


  • eat smaller meals every 2 to 3 hours and drink plenty of water. you will stay full.:smile:
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Fiber & water...:wink:
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Have you just recently changed your diet or have you been eating healthy smaller meals for a long time now?
  • Instead of eating simple carbs eat more protein and complex carbs
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I have the same problem! What has the most fiber?
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i have the same problem, i can eat a full mean and then be hungry an hour later. the biggest help for me (besides keeping busy) is to use protein powder. i have a chocolate one that's 60 calories a tablespoon so i add it to a coffee if i get really hungry when it's not even close to a meal time. it REALLY works for me, it works right away and lasts for hours.

    eating an egg every morning is also supposed to help you feel full throughout the helps, on some days better than others, but it's something u might want to try.

    fiber one bars are good too, they usually satisfy those sweets cravings, plus the fiber fills u up.

    you should also try eating BEFORE you're hungry. if it's been a couple hours since you've eaten, have a fruit or something small so that at lunch or dinner you're not starving. i eat like 6 times a day, if i don't i'll go overboard at meal times :)
  • You may want to get checked out for diabetes. When my blood sugar is high, it doesn't matter how much I eat, I am ALWAYS hungry.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Is it real stomach hunger or are you just craving something/wanting to eat.

    That used to be my problem. Every so often my stomach feels warm, or I feel a twinge I'd think I'm hungry so ill eat something. Or if the time was dragging and I wanted something to do I'd grab a snack.

    You should plan to eat something every 2-3 hours anyway. When I make an egg & veggie frittata in the mornings that always keeps me until lunch, though.
  • My doctor told me that the body sends the same signal for hunger as it does for thirst.
    That made me think....

    So, drink drink drink.
    I think the smaller meals more times a day helps as well.
    I have a light breakfast, simple snack, light lunch, simple snack, dinner and I don't eat after 7pm.
    This helps to make me feel satisfied, I find, and then I don't eat as much at each meal so portion control has become easier.
    I try to drink 6-8 glasses of water /day and I find it helps me not feel hungry.

    I think identifying emotional eating and boredom eating is also important.
    When you realize it then you can fill that void with something productive ( walking, playing a game with the kids, cleaning, call a friend/family that you haven't talked to in awhile, crafting, losing yourself in a good book, or do a Zumba (YouTube as a bunch) workout to get moving).
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have days like those. Especially during your time of the month you'll notice them come on more. Just eat more fiber and drink more water!! I get so hungry my jaw hurts from being so tense. It sucks..argh.
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