I finally get it

Ok, tonight, I got some devastating news. My grandmother is going to be put on hospice. I got the news right before I went for my evening walk. I'm training to walk a 5k next month. I decided to go ahead and do my walk rather than sit in the house feeling sorry for myself (NSV #1). Then as I was walking, I found my self alternating between walking and jogging. (NSV#2). I used my emotions to drive me, and for the first time I get it. I know why people run till they fall. I will probably never be a world class runner, but I think I might learn to like it. I even now "get" the runner's high. I totally rock, especially since I didn't go buy a pint of ice cream and a huge coke to deal with my emotions.


  • suemay1122
    sorry to hear about that...be also happy to hear that you are making great efforts to jog while instead of walking....keep it up and good luck on your 5k? walk
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Oh, honey.. so sorry you have to deal with this right now. But I'm so proud of your choices today!!! Walking and running are SUCH great stress relievers! I'd bet you can rock that 5k right out of the park!!! Just remember, you're worth it.. not the ice cream and coke, but all the benefits of exercise.. you're WORTH it!!!!

    Sorry about Grandma... I've lost all of my grandparents and one of my parents, it's not fun, but you will get through it.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    That is awesome. Nothing like a good walk/jog/run to burn steam. One time I was so mad at hubby I went for a run and it was like 8 degrees out and it felt good to burn steam. I burned calories instead of wasted words that would not have been so nice. Sorry to hear about your Grandma.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    sorry to hear about your grandmother...glad to hear you jogged instead of eating!!!!!!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    You brought tears to my eyes...running is such a great stress reliever but mostly all I could think about was the great strength you are exhibiting with self-control. God bless your family in this time of sorrow .
  • zcuffe
    zcuffe Posts: 22
    sorry to hear the news about your grandmother. hospice is an incredible organization. i hope it makes you rest a little easier knowing that she will be in great hands! as for the running and being motivated by emotion, this is completely true for me. when i've had a rough day, or a setback with my diet, the old me would have turned to a bag of doritos or a pint of icecream. the new me turns into a crazed sadist who likes to punish my treadmill by making her work a lot :)
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I am a caregiver for the elderly, so I have seen people get taken off of hospice.. I understand that it is hard to see grandmother in such dire conditions, but these people have lived their lives. They have gone through love and pain, joy and sorrow.. Death is only the next stage in life.. I am so sorry for you and your family. Kudos on the running. Keep your head up, your grandmother would like it that way.

    love and light. xo
  • Joye429
    Joye429 Posts: 5
    So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know how hard that is; I've been there...
    I feel the same way...when I get into the gym sometimes I am frustrated about something and working out REALLY helps. Before I know it, I'm working harder than ever before. I admire you for sharing this!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    So sorry about your grandma - I will pray for her. my grandparents are all gone and recently my parents also (within the last 18 months). I took care of my mom at the end with the help of Hospice - it's a time I will treasure for the rest of my life! E Karma is right, this is just the next step of her journey. Heaven is for real and our loved ones never really leave us.

    Proud of you for pushing thru this hard time with positive energy!
  • JMRGrant
    JMRGrant Posts: 67
    Congratulations on channeling those emotions into a positive instead of digging into the ice cream. So sorry about your grandmother. Hospice is a wonderful organization with really caring people. Please talk with them, they're there to listen and give you shoulder!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    that's great that you channeled your emotions into something constructive instead of destructive.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    sorry to hear the news about your grandmother. hospice is an incredible organization. i hope it makes you rest a little easier knowing that she will be in great hands! as for the running and being motivated by emotion, this is completely true for me. when i've had a rough day, or a setback with my diet, the old me would have turned to a bag of doritos or a pint of icecream. the new me turns into a crazed sadist who likes to punish my treadmill by making her work a lot :)

    I love that you call your treadmill "she". Must be a great relationship! I've spent a lot of years working with the elderly, and I know how great hospice is. We had them when my MIL passed away 3 years ago. I know she'll be in a better place, but the selfish side of me wants to keep her here with me forever. Thank you all for your remarks and care. Support is everything through the tough times.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Congratulations!!! That is wonderful!
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    sorry about your grandpa but good job on the walk run we are all here for you
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Great work on not only doing your walk/run, but also doing better than you anticipated.

    I am sorry to hear about your grandmother ((HUGS))
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