Another Newbie

I just started using My Fitness Pall last week. One of my friends suggested it and I love it. So far I’ve lost 3 pounds, hey I’ll take it. My number one goal is to have at least 30 pounds of before my husband and I start trying to get pregnant at the end of this summer.


  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Hi from another newbie and good luck with your plan. xx :happy:
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    You have the same goal as me, I too want lose as much before tryin and to help me not turn into one of those mums to be that always make the excuse that they are eating for two. Feel free to add me as friend :)
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    hi and welcome we all seem to love this site! feel free the both of you to befriend me!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good luck with your plan! This site helps to keep me on track ... makes me think 'do I really need to eat another slice of pizza or a chocolate bar'. Also I love seeing the balance between food and exercise.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Good luck. I'm new too this week and I absolutely love it so far.
  • nkaplosinit
    nkaplosinit Posts: 74 Member
    I am also trying to lose weight before my husband and I try for another! 3lbs in one week is great!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • zachsk
    zachsk Posts: 4
    Good job!!! I'm on my 3rd week and so far I really like it too. I also have it on my Droid so I can check stuff on the go.
  • SeltzerKC
    SeltzerKC Posts: 13
    Thanks ladies – I appreciate the support. I have been primarily using MFP on my droid. It seems to make it a lot easier :smile: