Not easy being on Crutches

Hey everyone....

I cant believe but in the past 4 weeks I have gained 12 lbs....I should thank the doctor that performed surgery on my ankle 4 weeks ago....As currently I am on crutches and I am supposed to stay off my feet as much as possible. So thus the weight gain...And the other reason is that 109 days ago I gave up smoking 3 packs a day...So everything is against me.

But I really need to lose some weight so that really neat corner Gym I bought 5 years ago is going to start earning its keep...

Well good luck to everyone else as I really need to drop chunks of body fat.... If you see pieces of fat laying around please put it in a toxic container and call Waste Management......



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hang in there, you will get rid of the crutches and be able to fit in some exercises again.
    I think this site is really great for just keeping track of what is happening - if you can't exercise you can see how your calories and going and monitor what is going in.
    Are there any strength exercises you can do sitting down - arm work, crunches etc? Maybe check with your doctor.
    And, welcome aboard!

    (forgot to say - well done for giving up smoking!)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    look up on youtube or exercisetv and see if there are any exercises for people in wheelchairs. I know they have exercise tapes for people in wheelchairs. Check it out. Hopefully you will be able to give up the crutches soon and it will come off easily. Just hang in there and keep tracking your calories, did you adjust your calories for being sedentary ?
  • dwhitten07
    dwhitten07 Posts: 29 Member
    Man I feel u there I tore the cartilage in the knee and had to be on crutches for 2 months and I'm still being told to not be on my feet that much. Before I got hurt I was (still am just can't work right now) a waitress and was on my feet all day long and I also did Roller Derby where I was skating for 2 hours a day 3 times a week. Well now I've gained 15-20lbs and I still can't exercise with my leg. So I understand!!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I sprained a ligament in my knee and ruptured a baker's cyst same knee, that's what got my butt in gear to lose weight!! Good luck!
  • partgreek
    partgreek Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry to hear that!I had surgery on both feet off for 11 weeks and gained 10 pounds,so I know how you feel.Still trying to get it off!
  • Arvids
    Arvids Posts: 5
    Thanks for the support everyone...My wife led me to this site and I think I will like it as I am sure we are in one way or another in the same boat...

    It may sound crazy but since I have been out of action we have had 3 snow storms and I love shoveling snow....But had to pay others now...

    Yes I did put down sitting for my activity...

    Normally I am on my feet 10 + hours a day at work.....But I love it...Yes I am a Manager....And I get tons of exercise at work. But I really need to get my body sorta back to where it was even 10 years ago... 20 years ago would be nice but I am just shooting for something I can get to...I do know that I will be getting new tires for my bicycle this summer so I can ride around with my wonderful wife and of course we will have our Dog Cruz helping us too
  • laurasknits
    good luck you can do it

  • katyygirll
    i feel for you. i had foot surgery and was on crutches completely non weight-bearing for 6 weeks, then in a walking boot for another 3.5. i just started wearing sneakers again. only i lost 25 lbs and that made me wanna keep going. honestly go for like a 10 minute "hop". walking on crutches burns up tons of calories. best of luck and feel better.