30 Day Shred - ANY EXPERIENCE?

Hey everyone,

All I've been hearing about is the 30 Day Shred! Has anyone had any experience of this? If so, how much weight/inches have you lost? Is it mega hard?!

Any help would be appreciated!

Sarah x


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm still in the midst of it. It's rough! Thought it would be easier, but it's quite a workout, but I guess it has to be to burn 200 calories in 20 minutes.

    I'm not sure about the inches or weight yet, but I remember a poster who lost a lot of weight and looks FANTASTIC after 30DS.

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    It is a tough work out, but because its only 20 mins a day its do able. My HRM gives me around 300 cals for Level 1 and 330-350 for levels 2 and 3. Its my favoutire work out, and even though i don't do it as a full 30 day round any more, I do it several times a week, some days I do 2 levels back to back and others just one.
  • happy115
    happy115 Posts: 68
    I get about 180 for level 1, 200 for level 2. It depends on how I am feeling that day, but level 2 is kicking my butt. I stayed on level 1 for about 1 week 1/2, I'm into my second week. Differences? It's made my upper strength and core stronger. When I began, i wasn't able to do push ups w/out knees, now I can do it and no more knee push ups!
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, I am on Day 5 of level 1. You are supposed to do it every day, but i miss the odd one if i'm busy or am doing aerobics instead. I have done it 5 times in a week. It is hard for me, but then i'm quite unfit. I always feel great afterwards though and am starting to feel a difference already. Have already lost an inch from my waist and my trousers feel looser! Only another 25 days to do! I might carry on afterwards though and just do it every other day, alternating between the levels. It's more like circuit training than aerobics and you don't get bored because it switches so quickly from one exercise to another. Good luck if you decide to do it.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    I lost the first 13 pounds using the 30 day shred. it's awesome.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I'm on day 22 now. The shred isn't that hard, only the first 2 days of each level is a bit more to push (obviously it depends on how fit u are, but it's def doable). You should try it out! ps. they have clips on youtube that u can test if ur not sure u wanna pay for it just yet.
  • pocketsam
    pocketsam Posts: 134
    I did it every single day and it was a great way to tighten and tone! I wasnt big to start but I wasnt a rock star either. If you want to look I have B4 and after pics on my profile plus info on it in'about me' section.

    BTW currently under construction so if its a bit disjointed thats why lol

  • MissJennaBelle
    I'm doing the shred but not for a full consecutive 30 days...collectively I'll do 30 days of shred before comparing measurements/weight. I have the odd day off either a rest day or alternative exercise. Done day 3 and I'm getting better at it, will let you know any results....by the way it's only £5 on Amazon so a cheap buy and try if you wanted to see what it's all about...that's what I did!
  • sarahkorry
    I know it probably defies the point, but I don't really want to do it everyday... I still want to go to the gym 4-5 time a week as I really enjoy this and just wanted to add this on as an extra for the mornings I don't go to the gym. From the reviews I've read most people have trouble walking after doing the shred never mind going to the gym so i'm wondering how realistic this would be!? x
  • Denisefitpal66
    Denisefitpal66 Posts: 15 Member
    I completed day 2 last night. Second night was a killer! I am going to try to do it for 30 consecutive days. I took my measurements, so I will post in results in 28 days.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I'm really enjoying the workout! I don't do it everyday, sometimes every other day. But I love the way Jillian set's it up with alternating cardio, strength, abs! You feel like you've had a full workout when you're done. I ordered it from netflix, which saves me from having to buy it. Give it a try!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm in love with it. Today will be my 10th day on Level 1 so I want to try Level 2 tomorrow... I never took my measurements and have been slow losing overall but I can totally tell my body is getting toned and I feel good. I definitely recommend it but do it at your own pace. I have done it everyday since I started minus 1 day.