Just Curious....Does anyone know?

I was wondering if anybody knows how much weight you need to lose to go a jean size smaller then what you have been wearing? Is it different for everyone or is there a "general rule of thumb", say like if you lost 20 pounds can you go to the next jeans size. My neighbor said my jeans are getting loose looking on me and I kind of feel lie I could go down a size but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment if I go try them on and they don't fit. Would love to hear your opinions or experiences with this.


  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    Well I know that for me, I lost 20 pounds and was able to drop a jean size.
  • rebeccaheiden1
    I think everyone is different for sure..... I've heard people say 10lbs is a dress size-for me it is more like 20lbs. Jeans are even more different-for me 30lbs is a Jean size......go try it. Be prepared to have them fit a little snug but hope for them to look fantastic. If they don't quite fit-use that as motivation to workout a little bit harder. :) Good Luck!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I think it's pretty much different for everyone. I went down 2 sizes with 30lbs but it also depends on the style and brand of the pants.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    It really depends on the Brand......I am wearing some 7's right now and some 9/10's. I started a tight size 12 and have lost 14 lbs. hope that helps. I should add it also really depends on if you are losing inches and where your losing those inches from.
  • JustMichelleB
    Definitely varies (on the person, the brand of jeans). At this point,I need to lose 5-8lb to go down a jean size (again, depending on the brand and cut of hte jeans).
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I think I have heard that it is roughly 10 pounds per size, but it will be different for each person. I know that right now, my jeans are baggy and I need a belt so they don't sag, but the next size down I have muffin top. A lot depends on your body, and also the type of pant that it is.
    When you do get new pants, I would try on different styles and brands because each one is sized differently. Appreciate the small steps, you may not be at a smaller size yet, but if your pants are getting baggy then you will be soon. :smile:
  • Meglm1117
    Meglm1117 Posts: 70
    I wouldn't go by lbs lost. I would go by inches because even if the scale doesn't move much you could be losing inches which then would be the reason your jeans are fitting more loosely. I feel like my jeans are getting more loose but only after they have been stretched out, so that doesn't really count! LOL
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    It really depend on where you hold your weight and where you lose it first. I have lost 18 lbs. I am a size 18 was a size 18 but probably on the closer side to bumping up to a 20 now I can actually go to the bathroom and pull down my pants without unbuttoning them (no elastic waist) But I don't think I'm ready for a 16 yet.

    I have noticed a difference on my hands, face, arms, legs, back and butt, but not my stomach. :sad:
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    It takes about 20 pounds for me to go down a size. I agree with rebecca - if they don't quite fit, try to think of it as motivation! Let us know the results, OK? You are doing great!!!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I think I will go try some on today! I will let you know and if they don't fit that just means I've got to work harder.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I just had to go buy a new set of pants for my weekend events, chose something with a draw string(it's a lot of walking, jogging at dog events). My work pants i'm wearing nwo that are loose and stretchy top are 22-24, the new pants, that are tight, are 16-18 :)
  • flttumee
    flttumee Posts: 16
    I only lost 20lbs but I went from a size 14 to a size 8. .. so every one is different. Just keep making healthy choices!:happy:
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    Hmmmm.... Lets see.... When I weighed (blank) I wore a (blank).

    When I weighed 115 I wore a 4 (and some 2's).
    When I weighed 135 I wore a 6.
    I now weigh 160 and struggle to wear an 8.

    Everyone is different because I often wear the same jeans size as women that weigh a lot less than me because I have a lot of muscle mass.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    I understand that feeling of disappointment! What I did when I started MFP almost 4 weeks ago was pull out 2 jeans I knew were too small and i used the cloth measuring tape and measured the waist material. They were the same size but had a 3 inch difference! I would measure my waist until it is the same as one of the jean and try to see if it fits. It feels great to put them on and it fits! AFter that, I pulled out my other jeans that were smaller than those 2 and measured the waist then put them in order of when I can wear them first. I measure my waist every few days, sometimes once a week.