Lose at least 5 pounds in 6 weeks! April fools challenge! Fr



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    O man I had a bad weekend of debauchery and drinking and bad eating. I really need to get a hold of this so I can lose some this month. Well today is the 1st and I am not drinking until the 11th! I really need to take it easy on the drinks... pretty hard at 25 but I know it can be done.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I just joined last week, so I'm still getting a grasp on these message boards, but I'm in for this challenge... I'm actually going on vacation the last 2 weeks of March and am going to my best to walk a lot, make better food/drink choices and still lose while enjoying my vacation.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Whats up everyone? Feeling good about the WI on Friday?? I might weigh myself tomorrow just to see where I am. I have a dinner tomorrow night... I also don't want to go overboard on food tomorrow... I swear this whole living healthy thing is tough stuff!
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey ladies! I gave in and weighed myself on Tuesday... still exactly the same to the tenth of a pound! Hahaha, oi vey. Well not feeling super optimistic yet for Friday but just gotta keep trucking along. Every day is a new challenge. Walk more, be active, be conscious of what I'm eating. Definitely appreciating the fact that my clothes are fitting better tho!

    I feel ya lostalykat... no drinking is tough stuff at 25, ESPECIALLY on weekends. Same with food for that matter. My friends and I have a work hard, play harder mentality which results in weekly diet sabotages when Friday rolls around. Trying really hard to behave better this weekend and next weekend is a ski trip to Tahoe so hopefully all the eating and drinking I'll be doing on that trip will be counteracted by the obscene amounts of skiing I'll be doing.

    Also, signed up for two more triathlons this year, making 3 signed up so far!
    March 26th - Showdown at Sundown (Lake Mead, NV)
    May 1st - Spring Sprint (Mission Bay, San Diego, CA)
    Sept 18th - Nautica Malibu Triathlon (Malibu, CA)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Deeders- I decided that I need to just hold back on the over drinking. If I tell myself I am not going to even have a glass of wine with dinner I am self-sabotaging myself. I totally know what you mean about the work hard during the week and party on the weekends hehe. Are all your races sprint distance? I am thinking of signing up for a few sprint distances since I have already done 2 olympics.
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    Good morning!

    Feb 18th - 152.5
    Feb 25th - 151.0
    Mar 4th - 150.4

    GW - 147.5 on April 1st

    Boo not even a whole pound this week! =(
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Oooph, it's so earlyyyyy (for the west coast gal anyway :P)...

    Buuuuut... It's Friday! AND...

    Height: 5'1"
    Feb 18th: 115
    Feb 25th: 114.4
    Mar 3rd: 112.8
    GW on April 1st: 110

    Yay! Inching towards it! I can't believe I'm actually losing a couple poundage, I hope this momentum keeps up!

    @lostalykat I've only done sprints but the Malibu race is on the long end of a sprint which I did last Sept and am doing again this year. One day I might get brave/strong enough for an Olympic. You've done 2 already?? Such a rock star :D
  • rachld
    rachld Posts: 8
    2/18/11- 158
    2/25/11- 159.5
    3/4/11- 157
    4/1/11- Goal 153

    Back on track!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    as of 2/24 (we'll pretend its 2/25): 167 YAY!

    SW: 167
    GW by 4/1: 162

    2/25: 167
    3/4: 163.2
    Almost there!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    2/18/11- 169.6
    2/25/11- 170.9
    3/4/11- 170.9
    4/1/11- Goal 165

    Well at least I am not going up. Lets hope for some big drops peeps!
  • sunshine7966
    2/18/11- 134
    2/25/11- 132
    3/4/11- 132
    4/1/11- Goal: 130 or less

    Sorry, I didn't post this yesterday. I was out of town all day and most of the night.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    How is everyone doing this week? Feeling good about the week?

    I personally have no clue what the scale might say. I splurged a little but I worked out too, this week also will be a challenging workout week so we shall see what the scale says....
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Where are my peeps at?? What is going on with yas?
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    Feb 18th - 152.5
    Feb 25th - 151.0
    Mar 4th - 150.4
    Mar 10th - 147.8

    GW - 147.5 on April 1st
  • rachld
    rachld Posts: 8
    2/18/11- 158
    2/25/11- 159.5
    3/4/11- 157
    3/11/11- 154.5
    4/1/11- Goal 153

    On vacation next week and hoping to maintain...that goal is so close I can taste it!
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Uuuugh wasn't expecting any drops this last week. Came down with a cold and then also went on a big party ski trip that was filled with bad food and drinks... :(

    Hopefully will kick this nasty *kitten* cold asap with some R&R and get back into a good stride. Didn't get back until last night so I weighed in this morning.

    Height: 5'1"
    Feb 18th: 115
    Feb 25th: 114.4
    Mar 3rd: 112.8
    Mar 14th: 114.0
    GW on April 1st: 110