Ladies! pms help with dieting

MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Ladies, I am fast approaching that horrible week of the month where I want to eat everything in sight. In fact, I can already feel it today. I had coffee and 3 eggs for breakfast and am still starving. I really don't want to lose all the progress I've made. I've done MFP for 10 days and have stayed under my calorie limit every day. I could make sure to work out so I am allowed extra calories, but wasn't planning on working out every day. I've already done my 4 day goal for workouts this week.

Any suggestions for curbing the hunger during this week??


  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    All I can say is just keep drinking lots of water and get as much exercise in as you can. Other than that...don't know if there really is anything to make the cravings go away. I actually have a stash of chocolate for just those times. LOL!
    Good luck and keep me posted with any ideas you get from other people.
  • I feel you! I just got over mine and it was not good. I didn't even record yesterdays food diary cause all I ate was
    Chocolate chip cookies. I feel horrible today. So try and think of that, maybe it will help not to binge so much, lol! I should have controlled it, but couldn't. I would eat a tiny bit of that urge, but don't overdo it like I did!
  • I don't know how true this is, as I have never done it myself before, but I have heard that when you feel really strong hunger pangs, bite on a lemon. The bitterness takes the hunger away.
    I drink lots of water and try to fight the urge, but it is really, really difficult!
    Good luck :)
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    well, that's the problem exactly! the lack of control. I know it's coming and I'm just so tired I'm not sure I can work out today...
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    definitely fill up on water, and a trick i have is get gum of some kind..i use tropical twist trident..tastes good, and tricks your mind into thinking you are eating of luck :)
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Yes, certains times are oh so hard for me too. Try to eat smaller frequent meals and make sure you have a carb and a protein with each meal. That should stick to you more and make you feel full. If you're truely hungry, eat. There is no reason to starve when dieting. If you're hungry something is off balance. The emotional eating is the hard part. Try to stay busy doing something or eat low calorie snacks that stick with you like popcorn.
  • soleste
    soleste Posts: 34
    I'm right with you! I drink a lot of water, and minty teas help me feel like I have eaten something. I know it's not for everyone, but kale is amazingly filling (and pretty tasty in salads after a quick steam bath). I allow myself a small sweet treat like a Kiss or a Twizzler, just so I don't go crazy thinking about not eating treats and go overboard. Cereal (depending on what you eat) is a pretty low cal and filling snack. Good luck. I know you'll make it through :)
  • jdrop
    jdrop Posts: 24
    I find that a bite of something, and really savoring it, helps. If you want a piece of chocolate, get the small ones, or a Hershey's kiss (tiny bites, eat it slowly, etc). Otherwise, if I don't give in, I end up going insane and getting horribly snarky later.

    I also find that substituting flavored tea helps, and the warmth calms my cramps.
  • I read on a website that one of the reasons we crave sweets is because our body loses magnesium and we need to balance magnesium to help with the cravings. ( One article I just found I try to take a multivitamin around that time of the month to help.

    Also, for when I just need to ease a chocolate craving I usually pop 2-3 nestle toll house milk chocolate chips in my mouth and let them melt, then drink lots of water. They are 70cal per tablespoon so I try not to do it more than 2x daily but for me that helps satisfy the chocolate craving.

    And lastly, drink all the water you can possible handle!! I also read in one of my parenting magazines a few months back that the week of your period is the best week to lose weight so hang in there and work hard :)
  • I know exactly how you feel- being totally exhausted right before and up thru my 2nd full day, but I have found that if I make myself even just go for a walk, it makes the endorphines kick in and before you know it, felling a tad bit more energetic. I know it's easier said then done :) Hope you feel better and you can make it thru...even if you look at it just 1 hour at a time!!
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    just to be clear, while I do crave some sweets, I am really just craving food. Like pizza and chips and nachos. The chocolate is not the problem. And I don't eat emotionally. I really am this hungry. Glad to hear everyone struggles with this!!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Drink some milk. There are actually chemicals in milk that alleviate some PMS symptoms.
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