Weigh In : Once a month.

I have decided that I am going to start weighing myself once a month. Whilst this may seem like a long time to wait to find out whether those dastardly pounds have been dropping off, I find that the big build up to weigh in helps to motivate me.

I also find that it means that I LOOK FOWARD to weigh in and it helps me to not become obsessive about the pounds and focus more on how I look and feel.

I started logging/exercising on Monday 28th February and I am going to weigh myself on the 31st March.

I don't have any scales in my house (i threw them out!) so I go to the local Boots Pharmacy and weigh myself there (and get the results for my B.M.I and overall body fat) instead.

.... In other news, I used to have a private diary but as of Monday, I changed it to public (to my friends). I find that this helps to steer me away from the chocolate/cakes etc because I don't really want to log a "massive slice of fudge cake" when everyone else can read it and they're all doing so well eating healthy stuff. I know this probably doesn't apply to everyone but I just find that it helps me!

Anyway - I'm feeling good! I'd love some more weight loss buddies so feel free to add me.

Ps: Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!! You're all so inspiring and you really are making this ALOT easier for me.


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I fully support that plan. My weigh-ins are bi-weekly. Whatever works for you and keeps you motivated is always the way to go. Smart girl!
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    How does Boots feel about you using the scale naked? :laugh:

    Seriously, I think a big part of the journey is finding what works for you. Good luck!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I do the same. I used to obsess about daily weigh ins, and it was just too much. Now I am paying more attention to my health than my weight.
  • danilandry
    danilandry Posts: 48 Member
    I dont own a scale either :D
  • marrtini
    marrtini Posts: 75
    I weigh in once a month ... it just gives you some perspective on things, and helps to balance out some of the hormonal weeks and stuff. All the best, it gets easier. I find more and more that I am paying less attenion to the weight on the scale and more and more attention to the inches that have shed and the fact that my pants don't fit(too big now) and the shirts that were too tight are now comfortable. Its a process, so whatever you find works for you... more power to you .. I fully suport you because I do it myself.
  • xoopsyxdaizyx
    i 100% agree that weighing in once a month is the way to go! good choice =)
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I did that and gained 5lbs.. and I have no idea when it happened
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I weigh in once a month, also. So far it is working for me. I have considered going every two weeks, but for now I am sticking to once a month since I am still showing losses in pounds and inches. Weighing once a month makes me have to pay more attention to small changes in my body because I don’t have a “number” telling me how well I’m progressing. I’m sure as I get closer to ideal size, this will be harder to see (but everything gets harder then). Good luck in trying it. and if it doesn’t work for you, you can always change your mind later.