Recently joined :)

nsparks_130 Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I am new to, it was recommened to me from my sister in law. My name is Nicole. I am 34 & a SAHM w/ 5 children. John, my stepson, 19, Anna 14, Zachary 12, Nathan 11 & Levi 9. My highest weight was 180. My current weight is 152... still have more weight to lose though.

Please feel free toadd me as a friend... the more motivation I have from others the better :)


  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome! This is really a great resource and accountability tool!
  • Hi! I too, recently joined. I'm a PhD Candidate in History, the mother of a toddler and I also hold a part time job. I'm working with a nutritionist, who tuned me into MyFitnessPal. I'm hoping to lose at least 50 pounds, in part to be a better role model for my child, in part to be healthier and in part so I don't feel so darned self-conscious in suits when I give papers at conferences and go on interviews (hopefully!) later this year.
  • Hello I am new. A co-worker recommended this site. My goal is to gain a healthy five pounds and then be able to maintain it.
  • Hello! :) Ive been on MFP since Dec I love it keeps me on track and made me realize how much i was really eating!
  • cortez54
    cortez54 Posts: 7
    Hi. I have recently joined for health reasons to lose weight. have lost 15lb before joining but have a ways to go. I will encourage you if you will encourage me. Thanks, Cortez54 (Jack)
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