Really? It's just never good enough is it?-vent

Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else ever get people telling you "dont eat X, eat Y"? when X is already a healthy option anyways?
I really do think that some people on here need to realize that this is MY life. I am NOT DIETING! I am going to eat what I want, and what I can stick to in the long run. Not to mention it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAYS!

I have gone from not drinking water for MONTHS at a time, eating candy every day, pop all day every day, prepackaged foods, fried foods, never cooking anything on my eating very healthy options, drinking only water, cooking 97% of my meals on my own, and only eating pre packed if its got decent nutritional facts. and more. WHY is that not good enough for some of you?
Isnt this MY life, and MY choices? do you forget that not everyone can be as "perfect" as you? or maybe that others dont want or dont like the things you do?

WORRY ABOUT YOURSELVES and get off of your high horses! I'll keep doing me!


  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Ignore them! You are right, it is your life and as you said yourself, you went from a junk food junkie to a healthy person. I refuse to give up things I enjoy once in a while. I love cake. I refuse to never eat it again, it is not realistic. Stick to your guns and do what works best for you!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I feel the same way! You are doing great and don't let anyone drag you down! Do what's good for you, all that matters at the end of the day is that you are happy with the decisions you made for you.
  • gdotman
    gdotman Posts: 64
    preach it girl
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    your exactly right its YOUR body,Your choice!
    Im so glad to see you address it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. Diet means restriction and omission,which just isn't realistic. If you want to eat something you like that isn't "healthy" then go for it,you are conscience of your choices.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    you are doing fantastic you have made huge changes in your lifestyle. don't worry about what people are telling you to eat, there will always be someone out there who will want to preach to the converted. just keep up the good work
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Seems like you're doing great?! :drinker:

    Who are those people? Real-life family / friends? Or people on this forum?
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I don't know if you are referring to a particular incident, but I must say that from what I've seen on here, people are just trying to give helpful suggestions as to what works for them. Everyone is different and some things work for some and not for others. I personally appreciate the input and feel like that is the reason I'm on this site. If I don't want peoples incite and comments, I just wont post or invite friends. It's pretty easy to keep to yourself, but if you put it out there, you will get comments....just sayin'
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member

    its like ppl telling me not to eat processed foods... IF me damn surgeon told me that is what I need to be eating for the time being then I am going to eat the dang packaged fruit cups and canned broth or soup he says.
    HE IS A DOCTOR and who the hell are these ppl... for all we know they are just sitting on the butt type all this stuff and not doing anything really.
    I my life I have seen and met alot of ppl and know for a fact some ppl only get JOY by putting others down or making other feel bad.
    I made a choice to have my stomach stapled , and ppl who think it was cheating can go to HELL.. it is harder to deal with than anything this site has to say or offer. I use this as support and simply tracking food items.
    So I dont eat 1200 calories a day. I knew the day I had surgery I would never get that amount of food in again. BUT, Im trying to get it in by drinking shakes and ppl put me down for that too.
    GEEZ ppl.. we are all not the same..
    ok girlie.. I vented with ya
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    Sunshine, I'm sorry that folks are telling you what to do. Some people feel the need to give advice about daily meals. I LOVE to look at what folks are eating. For me, I like to see what folks munch on and lose weight. It sort of puts things into perspective for me. I think others are like this as well, but they become judgemental when they see something they wouldn't eat. So what, folks? You might not eat enchiladas, but do you weigh the same as I do? Did you run 5 miles today, etc.? People don't take all the factors into consideration. They just feel the need to be in your face about it.

    Let me just tell you this (as someone that has always had a low self-esteem, a mom, a fat runner, and turning 42 this year): You CAN NOT please everyone. This is the HARDEST lesson I have ever learned in my life. There are just some folks that enjoy making others feel inferior. I've dealt with lots of those folks. No matter what you do or say, it will NEVER be right. So, how do you fix it? You don't. You do what makes you happy, healthy, and sane. They can take you at face value or stay out of your life. Bullies will ALWAYS be in our lives (i.e. neighborhood, school, work, church, MFP, etc.).

    You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB. I'm very proud of you. Ignore negativity and focus on the positive. You are taking back control of your life and making a better YOU. That is all that matters. If they don't like what you ate that day, that is their problem. Everyone is entitled to do what is best for themselves. You ARE doing it right! <Hugs> -Shan
  • pattybond1234
    pattybond1234 Posts: 32 Member
    Good for you! Celebrate your accomplishments and forget the comments of people who can't seem to celebrate with you. Nope, we can never please everyone! My healthy eating journey is very similar to yours. I've gone from a junk food fanatic to a healthy eater and even taught myself to cook in the process. But, there are things I just will never, ever give up, period, simply because I enjoy food so much. And, I've learned along the way that it's a process of forming new habits and sometimes that's hard. So, often that process requires small steps forward and, on occasion, a couple steps backwards before we are able to completely make the necessary change. You should be proud of yourself. Sounds like you've done an amazing job!:flowerforyou:
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    ugh. i get the same thing! it's so frustrating when i've changed my lunch from burgers to a lea n pockets and people tell me to eat a salad with almond milk. or when breakfast used to be sauasage and eggs or cocopuffs and now it's special k, and people tell me to eat blueberries and greek yogurt. i'm not a rabbit. i'm going to enjoy a bit of chocolate, and i've come so far from eating pure junk to now. i know you're trying to help, but telling me my diet is crap when you have no idea the crap i've eaten before isn't helping motivate me at all.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    there will always be people trying to push the way they do things onto others. We all have our own way of doing things and when it's successful for us than we assume it will be successful for everyone.

    The only thing I try and push is eating enough and eating exercise calories because consuming too few calories can be just as detrimental to weight loss as consuming too many calories. Most people can't quite grasp that concept.

    I love my coffee. Coffee has plenty of health benefits and to me they outweigh the cortisol = belly fat thing. But a lot of people out there say it's so bad for you and it isn't when you drink it black. A bit of caffeine can be good before a workout - boost of energy.

    You just continue doing what you are doing. You are doing it the healthy way. There is no way I will go the rest of my life without eating cookies, ice cream, etc. (my sugar addiction is an ongoing battle). You can't deprive yourself. I wonder how many of these people eat the exact same thing everyday?
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I ended up closing my diary because of this exact reason. I am doing what is good for me and only me. Why should you worry? Whatever I am doing is working and it is working for me. Uuugh! Thanks for this post!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more.

    We all started somewhere. Even those of us who work out consistently every single day and eat healthy every single day. There was a time when exercise and motivation was a struggle. I fully understand that fitness and healthy eating are integral parts of your day, but for some of us, they aren't yet. Rome wasn't built in a day, so it's unreasonable to expect someone to drink a gallon of water/eat clean/exercise for 2 hours for the first few days or weeks or even months they begin a program.

    It's like a baby learning to walk or a kid learning to ride a bike. Certainly they aren't going to pick the thing up the first day and ride around the block with no hands on the handlebars. It's a learning curve.

    Keep plugging along at your own pace, and be proud of your accomplishments!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Sounds like you need to recruit some new MFP Friends. If there are people on here doing you more harm then good delete them! Your right this is your life, your body, and only you can decide what is best for you! The goal is suppose to be to motivate and encourage one another not try to control someone else's efforts!
  • amylanphierd
    amylanphierd Posts: 20 Member
    You just do what is good for YOU!!! Don't worry what anyone else thinks, you are the one who has to live with your decisions not them and if you are comfortable with those decisions it's the right decision.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    Dont worry belle...we all get it i think and it gets on my nerves at times as well...all that matters is your eating smarter, making better choices and trying....there are some ppl that may think organic or natural or the only way to go...maybe that works for them and their budget...not realistic for the rest of us...i have two children and a husband that i shouldnt expect to adopt my lifestyle completely...i cant afford to buy the healthier versions of the foods i eat and i definately dont have that much time to prepare things as such...yes...i too cook my own meals (most of the time) but i too still buy packaged foods b/c their quick and cheap and im low on time....i to am doing the best of my abilities...the ppl on here are for support and while their advice is meant w good nature, sometimes it gets aggravating when u wanna say...welp...u buy my groceries and do my cooking for me then :tongue: so yeah, belle...KEEP IT UP b/c if its working for you thats all that matters :drinker:
  • It's a problem that prevails in the health/exercice community. The truth is everyone who is trying to get healthier is at a DIFFERENT stage of the process. Some people are further along than others. And a lot of times when someone is further along than someone else, they like to rub it in their faces. It all rolls downhill. There will always be somebody healthier who makes better choices more of the time. But it's only the snooty buttholes who really like to get on their high horses.

    It IS frustrating because you are working so hard and then this guy comes along and tells you that you aren't trying hard enough just because you haven't gotten to his level yet. Those so-called health nuts weren't always so healthy themselves. Don't let them get you down. What they should be doing is be encouraging and set good examples for those that are newer to their decision to get healthy. And most of all allow people to move at their own pace and set reasonable goals that fit their lives.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Good post. I love the people who say I cant believe you dont make your food log public. I tell them thaat its abouy calories in versuses calories out and my scale and how I feel tells the story. I had afriend tell me tell them its private bacuse someday u are going to write a book. It will drive them nuts lol
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Just tell them to sling their hook.

    Whilst I have my reservations over the legitimacy of orthorexia the cult like devotion, manic zealotry and sheer smug self satisfaction of some clean eaters makes me want to throw up. You know the ones: you muuuuuuuuust eat cleeeeean at allllll times, if you eat french fries go straight to hell do not pass "Go", chocolate gives you cancer, won't someone please think of the children, save the dolphins, blah, blah, blah.

    Hey guess what? Tonight, Mattthew, I will be drinking beer. It contains carbs too! Carbs I tell you....
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