Is my weight goal unrealistic?

SarahR1984 Posts: 212
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Tell me if you think my goal weight is unrealistic. I am almost 5'7" tall and my goal weight is 140lbs. I know that is within healthy range but my "chest" is a little larger (36 DD). Will the extra weight up there make it harder to reach my goal? Should I up my goal weight to take into account the extra fat I will be carrying around in that area? Everytime I tell someone how much I wanna lose they think I am crazy and say I don't have that much to lose. Or should I keep my goal and try to lose the ladies? Idk if that's even possible. I'd appreciate any opinions! thanks!


  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    I don't think it's unrealistic at all. Maybe you will lose weight up there too and look balanced? lol (I'm the same size so I'm hoping the same!)
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I think body shots will help with this input. Also, most women lose breast size when they loose weight <Lucky B***hes-LOL> I'm a tripled D almost an F and they go no where!! It makes it hard to find supporting athletic wear. Painful to run and do a lot of high impact stuff. Good luck!
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    I think you should stick with it. Chances are you will start to lose a little weight in that area as you keep going, and if you don't the extra weight around the rest of your body is unhealthy anyway. Besides, you'll have the figure every woman (and man) dreams of. If you're worried about pack pain, start doing postural and back strengthening exercises now, so that when you're an old lady you're not hunched over. I good personal trainer or even a physical therapist, if you know one, can give you some great exercises to do in that area. I'm not bigger chested, but I do seated rows and back crunches, as well as what I cann superman's to help keep my back muscles strong, maybe those would help too.
    Another thing, maybe your friends might be a little jealous of the possile future you? I don't kow them, and I'm not trying to judge, but as I said before it sounds like you'll have an amazing figure when you're done losing and maybe they're threatend by that??? Either way, best of luck and keep your chin (and the girls!) up!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    5'7" is my height as well. My goal weight range considered healthy is 135 to 155. I am 145, you shouldn't have any problems even thou you have big boobs. I'd keep it the same goal weight.
  • I'm about the same height, just under 5'7" and my goal weight is 145, so I don't think that's unrealistic. From what I've read that's at the high end of the healthy range for our height. Now, my chest is tiny (36B) but I don't think that should have anything to do with it. Don't worry what others are saying. If that's where you'd like to be, and its a healthy weight for you (which I believe it is) then go for it! :-)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm 5'7" started at 184 and my goal is 135-140 i'm also a DD (was an E) so i wouldnt worry if i were you. You will loose some boobage (sorry so break it to you) as you lose weight since they are just fat after all. I'd kind of use the "goal weight" as a moving goal and re-evaluate as you get closer and start to work on toning.

    Good luck!
  • I'm just under 5'6 and my goal weight is 130... I'm currently a 38G...

    So id have to say no its not unrealistic, because I believe I can get there as well.

    Good luck and keep up the hard work!
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    best thing you can do is go get a body fat % test- one in a dunk tank if possible. There are a couple guesstimate sites for calculating it also. Try That will let you know how much fat there is you could lose, which you can change to pounds, because I am assuming you don't want to lose a bone or organ or anything- haha!
  • KaleighL
    KaleighL Posts: 159
    You should keep your goal. If you work out and eat healthier...the girls will go down first but not drastically so youwillbe able to reach your goal.
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    Work towards 140 as a goal, if on the way you decide you've lost enough weight then stop, simple ;)
  • I will say this: I am maybe an inch shorter than you, and my weight goal is 120. It is within the normal range (toward the lower end), and other than wide hips, I am not well-endowed. When I tell people this is my goal, I get the same reactions. "You don't have 50 lbs to lose!" I know I do, because in high school I was 140 and was not at a size I was happy with, I know I could have lost weight even then.. I've since only gotten bigger, and I'm at 170 now. I did have a session with a personal trainer that told me my weight goal in the time frame I gave was unreasonable, and not to be surprised if I have trouble getting below 130 ever.

    The point of my whole story is, not everyone carries weight obviously. I know I'm careful to dress in a way to hide my weight, not to show how big I've gotten. So a lot of people don't even realize how much extra body fat I have, I'm dangerously close to being considered "obese" (BMI of just over 28... 30 is obese).

    So as long as you are healthy, and don't drop below normal range, I think your goal is not unreasonable. You may even have a hard time eating healthy (as in not too little) and dropping below your optimal weight. I think you have accounted for your heavier upper half. Other people might think differently.
  • 30lbsorbust
    30lbsorbust Posts: 27 Member
    I don't think your goal is unrealistic if you diet senseable. I'm 5'6" and 57 years old, and some tell me that my goal weight of 130 is not realistic. My short-term goals are two pounds per week by drinking lots of water, a high protein/low carb diet, exercise & vitamins. My experience has been that I lose weight in my bust as I go. If you are the same, then maybe that eliminate some of your issue. (The biggest doom & gloom people are usually the ones not willing to do what it requires to lose weight themselves.)

    If I get close to my goal weight and can't seem to lose anymore even after changing my diet plan, I will deal with it at that time.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I don't think it's unrealistic . Odds are that you will lose a lot of your boobie weight anyhow.....that's not ALWAYS the case, but for most that's how it ends up.

    Good luck!

    *Oh, and if you want to be sure, ask your doctor ^_^
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    I'm 5'7", size 38D, and my goal is 145. Current weight is 178. When my weight was stable at 155, I was size 36c. So you should lose some size in your breasts. In fact, that's one of the first places I lose, and the first places I gain. I'm sick and tired of buying bras! So your goal is not unrealistic at all.
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I'm 5'7" started at 184 and my goal is 135-140 i'm also a DD (was an E) so i wouldnt worry if i were you. You will loose some boobage (sorry so break it to you) as you lose weight since they are just fat after all. I'd kind of use the "goal weight" as a moving goal and re-evaluate as you get closer and start to work on toning.

    Good luck!

    lmbo at "You will loose some boobage (sorry so break it to you)". I would LOVE to be a C or even smaller! I had to go to physical therapy for back pain so I will be glad if they go. I just hear about people not being able to drop cup sizes and that's scary. (I've already went down from being a DDD since I've lost 16.6 lbs on here :) hoping it won't stop there!)

    Thanks everyone for the responses! It makes me feel good that I probably can get that small. I haven't been 140 since 7th grade! So I'm sure it will take lots of time and work. But at least it's possible, right?
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    Im 5'6 and my goal is 135. Before I lost weight I was 180ish lb and a 36E. Now that I am down to 148lb I am in a 32DD to 34D
    So as someones already said, you probably will lose the boobs a bit! But like you I wasn't that bothered if they got a bit smaller! I think a bigger chest always makes you look bigger overall!

    Anyway, I digress!
    No I don;t think your goal is unrealistic- as long as you are within the healthy range for your height I see no problem at all with it :)
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