New-Mom of 3-Just getting started.

Hello. I'm new to this site. I'm a mom of 3. I've always been big. I don't want to be in a news story about having to get air lifted out of my home because I'm stuck to a couch. Not quite there yet, but getting close. I've been counting calories for a week. I tried a different calorie counter and then I was told about this one. I've been succeeding with both. I will admit that the calorie counter database here has more of the foods that I eat. I started exercising as well. I found some inexpensive exercises to do at home. I would like to talk to people who are going through the same things that I am as far as exercising and diets. I'm hoping to lose over 100 pounds. I've tried, half-heartedly before to lose the weight, but when you've been big your entire life, it's hard to see yourself as a skinny person, and honestly, a little scarey. I don't mind being big, I just don't like all of the health problems that may come with it. I'm healthy now, but according to docs, I won't be for long. I would like to be stronger, too. I do feel kind of weak. I would also like to be a good example for my kids. Instead of making them drink juice, sparingly, water, and milk, I'd like to show them that. It seems more nice than the "do as I say" attitude that my parents gave me. And, my husband, well... he loves me for me... but I think, even though he'd never admit it, that he'd probably like a smaller wife. So, it's for him too. Wish me luck, because I'm going to need it.


  • nana0507
    nana0507 Posts: 5
    Keep up the good work new mom you can do it . I have been with myfitnesspal for 2 months know and have lost 10 lbs and for the first time I can see myself losing the weight.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    this is a great place to start! If you are looking for friends you can add me! Hope you have a great weekend!!
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    First off, Welcome to this site, It is truly changing the way I look at food and nutrition, stick with it and you will do great, and remember we all have our off days and want to quit sometimes and that is ok. that feeling will pass and you will find yourself making wiser healthier decisions.
  • kallen02
    kallen02 Posts: 16 Member
    Thats awesome welcome to the site. I love this site. Its encouraging and motivating to have other people you can talk to and know that your not the only one struggling with what you are. Keeping a food Journal and drinking water is a BIG key to weight loss. I would love a friend invite so we can motivate each other.
  • I also have been big most all my life. Before my Kids I was slighlty overweight after 5 kids and multipy miscarriages I ended up gaining over 100 lbs in the last ten years. Now I want to be healthy for my kids. this is a great place and does not feel like a diet because YOU decide want you are going to eat you just have to keep track of your calories. Good luck and know that we are all rooting for you to suceed as we are all hoping to do!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome New Mom! :flowerforyou: You are in the right place. This site has a lot of supportive people and a wealth of information. IMO, make sure you log everything in specially on those bad days that will really help. Keep at it and before you know, you'll be at your goal. Some days, I am on here so much just because I've needed the motivation. Now, I'm taking this journey one meal one sanck at a time. I wish you luck all the best.
  • marshalemar
    marshalemar Posts: 106
    Send me a friend invite - I am new to this site this week as well and just started my diet. I want to be healthier and have about 75 pounds to lose.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Hello and welcome. Congratulations on taking this step. I too have over 100 pounds to lose. I have been w/ MFP since late Aug/early Sept and lost just over 30 pounds. That was with Jan/Feb being sort of "lost months" due to family / weather issues.

    I am going to send you a friend request. I have found that having a great circle of friends here makes all the difference. The people in my outside MFP life are wonderful and I love them of course, but, at the end of the day they just cannot understand the struggles I face on a daily basis. The thoughts and feelings when I would eat, watch my kids run around the playground and not be able to run and keep up with them... Now as I have learned how to eat properly, gotten up and started going to the gym I can see such a difference. Not just physical changes but emotional and mental as well.

    You can so do this!:flowerforyou:
  • outdoorsmom
    outdoorsmom Posts: 46 Member
    welcome aboard and you have come to the right place.
  • Welcome aboard! This site is such a great resource for weight loss with a community that is always there to help. Using MFP has helped me lose weight, exercise more and has changed the way I cook and eat for the better.

    Good luck to you! I know you can do it!
  • ronnieabc
    ronnieabc Posts: 23

    I started here in Jan after using another site as well but I really like this site and all the support I have found from others. Set small goals (monthly) and it will make the task seem much less daunting. I am the mom of 2 small boys and my husband works late so I can't do the gym thing right now! So we started a workout group at work and we do a bunch of different out videos! We love the Biggest loser videos because 1 they have REAL people doing the workouts not people who do it for a living! It give a wide variety of exercises for all the different needs. Best of luck and hipe you have good luck with your journey!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hello. I've been here a little over 2 months and am also a mom of 3. I haven't been heavy all my life, but it's been long enough. I came across this site and I've been hooked every since. I don't work out in a gym. Just about all of my activities are done at home and my only exercise equipment before today was a set of 5lb weights, a 10lb 50yr old dumbbell, and myself. My sister just came and dropped off a stationery bike(I can't ride a regular one(lol)), but the majority of my workouts come from exercise I think with you being a mom(very, very, very busy) this may help you has helped me so far. I may not be moving as fast as I think I should, but I have learned from the 'MFP Family' that 'slow and steady wins the race!' You will love it here. The support and information here is great and there's plenty of motivation too. Feel free to add me as a friend....I'm sure we have a lot in common as you will find with many others here and much success on your journey, you're in the right place, and welcome!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • getson2010
    getson2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Here it is 10 years later and I’m worse off than I was before. Now I’m older, not a new mom, and have a lot more to lose. If I would’ve stuck with it I would’ve already been at my goal weight. I can dwell on that or focus on the fact that I lost about 50 pounds before and might be able to do it again.
  • LennineHooper
    LennineHooper Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome! I'm a mum of 4 so I know how hard it is to juggle family life, exercise and other commitments! You're definitely in the right place. Good luck with your journey.