Really? It's just never good enough is it?-vent



  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Sounds like you have made a huge positive change already! Keep it you said, it's really about what is sustainable in the long run. At some point in our lives we are all going to lax a little with such strict calorie and nutrient counting. So the most viable option is to just eat healthy overall and more importantly exercise. Good luck!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    There are many people on MFP at both extremes, the "I don't care what I put in my body as long as I'm way under my goal" people and the "only eat raw food from your own garden" people. I almost quit a couple months ago because I thought there was no way I could ever eat perfectly like some would say you have to or you're not doing it right.

    Weight loss is tough, and it takes a lot of learning. Keep making *better* choices one day at a time, and you'll find a place you can be happy with that works for you. Don't let anyone TELL you to not eat this or that (especially if they can't back it up with a good reason). But always be open to new ideas, and you'll be surprised how your mind can change about certain things.

    Congrats on the weight you've lost already, and I wish you good luck on meeting your goal! :)
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    Seems like you're doing great?! :drinker:

    Who are those people? Real-life family / friends? Or people on this forum?
    no people in real life just arent taking me seriously. they are trying to sabotage me (thats what i feel they are trying to do) by shoving treats/sweets at me. and with their negative words. its people on MFP who just dont think what i do is good enough
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    I don't know if you are referring to a particular incident, but I must say that from what I've seen on here, people are just trying to give helpful suggestions as to what works for them. Everyone is different and some things work for some and not for others. I personally appreciate the input and feel like that is the reason I'm on this site. If I don't want peoples incite and comments, I just wont post or invite friends. It's pretty easy to keep to yourself, but if you put it out there, you will get comments....just sayin'
    no. im not on here to have people push THEIR choices at me. if i ask for suggestions, by all means. but do not tell me that i shouldnt eat this or that. and do not come at me and act like im not trying or doing good enough.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Being told 'no' is the one thing that makes me mad. I feel ya.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I ended up closing my diary because of this exact reason. I am doing what is good for me and only me. Why should you worry? Whatever I am doing is working and it is working for me. Uuugh! Thanks for this post!

    i've had people offer unsolicited advice on my food diary too and that just irks me! one person told me to stop eating out or i will never be anything but 'skinny fat'! i wanted to reply 'how often i eat out is none of your business!' but i just said 'thank you' and ignored it. lol. the funny thing is, most everything i eat is homemade but i use a lot of the fast food entries to mimic calorie amounts. i admit i am a lazy logger - why breakdown and enter 7 items when 1 is 'close enough' for me? <--- plus, there will be people that read that statement and think 'how sad, she is cheating herself'. well if i am, that's up to me, isn't it?

    guess i needed a bit of a rant too. :) sorry you had to close your diary. i closed mine for a few weeks and then thought, nah, i'm not going to let their actions determine mine, so i opened it again.
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    Very well said and i totally agree with you....if i see something that i don't agree with on someone else's diary i keep it to myself...because just like you i don't want to hear other peoples issues with what i eat so why would i think they would want to hear what i have to say about what they eat!!! Keep up on your journey and don't worry about what others have to say :smile:
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    You're doing a great job! You're down 12 lbs and you feel good about yourself. You should never deprive yourself. Everything in moderation is the key!!! If I want that piece of cake (or cookies or chocolate) later I make adjustments during the day. If you don't eat something that you're craving you'll go completely overboard. Ignore everyone's "helpful" advice and keep going. If you need help you know where to find us. We are behind you 100%.:wink:
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    :grumble: It's your body, your life - do what you want to do...but if you're one of those kinds of people, who eat wrong, b*tch about it in the forum - I guess you deserve some sort of feed back (those ones I can't stand to read) :laugh:

    Hold your ground sista! Don't let them 'haters' get ya down... :flowerforyou:
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    I agree, I have to do what works for me, and you have to do what works for you. If you try to adhere to someone else's standards you'll never stick to it.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Wow!! I can't believe anyone would have the nerve to critique someone diary without them asking for suggestions. I have my diary public, but no one has ever done that.

    You are doing good. Keep up the good work. There will always be critics. I have mine in my family. maybe that is why I like it here so much. My family isn't around. :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope you feel better getting off you chest. Don't let them make you have a bad day, though. Success is the greatest form of revenge.

    Have a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    You just take care of YOU, girlfriend! Whatever you are doing is obviously working! I'll send you a friend request, and I promise not to judge. You can look at all the pizza and tequila on MY food diary, then! :drinker: Lol! (I eat healthy stuff, too) If anyone judges you.....either tell them, or delete them. Who needs that crap, right?
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    It's about calories and nothing else. You can eat Twinkies and lose weight not that I recommend it.

    This is one thing I'm facing. I know I won't be able to eat like I am for the long run, so what will I eat after I reach my goal? Not these dry chicken breast sandwiches that's for sure.
  • ethel64
    ethel64 Posts: 91
    if they dont like what your eating then maybe they need to step their fit little *kitten* over to your house and cook for you every day LOL..

    everything in moderation, i totally agree with you, eat what you want, its all about what works for the individual, what works for you may not work for others and they REALLY need to keep their "know it all" comments to just amazes me how many "self proclaimed" fitness advisors there are here, bottom line if we DONT ask for your input then DONT GIVE IT!!!!!!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I cant believe some people will comment on anothers diary ,it has nothing to do with them what you eat, I would be teling them where to go and deleting them :angry:

    I have never had anyone say anything negative about mine far :laugh:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't ever comment on someone's diet or workouts, except to offer encouragement. Now if someone posts a thread asking for help or advice, I'll offer what I've learned and what works for me. It may not be the right thing for everyone, but based on my experience, it's all I can suggest.

    Regardless, pay no attention to negativity. What other people think does not matter, really. If you're happy and healthy and doing well, then to heck with anyone's criticism.

    Also, to your friends and family who aseem to be sabatoging you, "NO, THANK YOU" is a complete sentence :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Hang in there!
  • jjrichard
    jjrichard Posts: 22
    I don't know if you are referring to a particular incident, but I must say that from what I've seen on here, people are just trying to give helpful suggestions as to what works for them. Everyone is different and some things work for some and not for others. I personally appreciate the input and feel like that is the reason I'm on this site. If I don't want peoples incite and comments, I just wont post or invite friends. It's pretty easy to keep to yourself, but if you put it out there, you will get comments....just sayin'

    Agreed~ Said exactly right~
  • nonie11
    nonie11 Posts: 5 Member
    if you are not getting positive support then delete them!
  • Readytotry
    Readytotry Posts: 9 Member
    Just tell them to sling their hook.

    Whilst I have my reservations over the legitimacy of orthorexia the cult like devotion, manic zealotry and sheer smug self satisfaction of some clean eaters makes me want to throw up. You know the ones: you muuuuuuuuust eat cleeeeean at allllll times, if you eat french fries go straight to hell do not pass "Go", chocolate gives you cancer, won't someone please think of the children, save the dolphins, blah, blah, blah.

    Hey guess what? Tonight, Mattthew, I will be drinking beer. It contains carbs too! Carbs I tell you....

    Here! Here!
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    Some people can't grasp the concept that just because something works for them that doesn't mean that everything else is wrong. You sound like you're doing fantasic, and you're definately doing better than what I am : ) Try to brush off those criticisms and just go on with your plan. You're doing great!
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