Who are you to judge my goal?



  • RussianLynx
    I feel the same way, but for opposite reasons.

    I am 5'11" and have a large frame and play a lot of sports and am very muscular. My weight goal is 170 (Current weight: 248) and I get asked a lot why my "goal" is such a high number. It's really no one's business but mine and to be perfectly honest, if I weigh under 150 I generally look like I've just wandered out of Auschwitz. There is a girl at my gym who is the same size as me, similar height and weighs 60 pounds less. It is really interesting to see how different people carry weight.

    You know your body. You know what it needs. You know your frame. If you still feel healthy and look the way you want to at 115, then why care what anyone else thinks?
  • RussianLynx
    Every person is entitled to their own goal and everyone else should just SHUT UP.

  • street_wi
    street_wi Posts: 15
    If your doctor says 118 then I'd say go for that. You'll know as you get closer to your goal whether or not you need to adjust it. You may find that when you get to 120 you're very happy with the way you look. You may not, and you'll continue on. In the end, you just need to be healthy, and happy with the way you look. Don't worry about what others say unless they have a genuine concern for your health.

    Besides, people who don't eat healthy and exercise tend to think people who do are too thin and have no need. I think it makes them feel better about themselves...
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    just lose weight to a point that YOU feel comfortable with.

    i am 5'7", and in high school weighed about the same as you - 100lbs. i have a small frame, and now that i am about 132lbs, i feel huge carrying around all that extra weight. my goal is also 115lbs (give or take a bit), and i got a lot of prickly comments from family members/friends.

    i wanna be healthy and slim. as well, i don't pay too much attention to that "BMI" stuff, since it takes nothing into account except height and weight. it's really not so accurate!

    good luck reaching your goal, no matter what it is
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    If that is the case, then these so called "people" would have freaked if they would have seen me at my smallest. 5'10 and 125. I am more reasonable now and will be fine with 135-140. And also, if you are healthy, have good muscle tone and eat right and do not starve yourself, who's to say that 115 is too small. My normal BMI could be as high as 173 and still be considered normal. That to me is insane. I was that size 2 months after having my son and I was ready to jump off a cliff. Do what feels right to you but just make sure you are eating right and exercising.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    On paper that sounds too skinny, but we aren't you and can't see exactly how your frame is. It may fit you.

    I have a friend that is 5'-6" is 128 lbs & a size 2. She's pretty petite now and at a very good weight. I could not imagine her at 115. Her friend is probably 3" taller and I know at some points weighed as little as 120 lbs. She was very thin, but by no means unhealthy looking, she ate very well & didn't like being so thin. Her frame and build was just very thin. Its all about how you carry things.

    In general I think people try to over shoot what is healthy, especially comparing themselves to high school weights. You are a kid in high school, you aren't meant to be as heavy as you are as an adult.
  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    Ok so here's the deal. Some people are being critical of the goal I have. I am 5 foot 6 inches tall and I currently weigh 130.2lbs. My goal is to be 115lbs.
    I'm the same height, and my goal is 114! I maintained that weight (as an adult) easily for years by eating normally until I underwent a traumatic breakup and gained about 10lbs. It's not too low. I still had nice curve (bit immodest, sorry!)

    I'm currently on about 126 so there's still a way to go for me, and I'd probably settle for 118-120 if necessary, but I don't think it's a problematic goal, no. Some people just have very small frames, and there's nothing wrong with that. Good luck!
  • amandarusco
    It may be a little low and you may gain a little when trying to gain muscle tone, but like everyone says, its your body and your choice to what your body to look and feel like. I'm the same hieght and my goal is between 118 and 120! AS long as you are happy and healthy thats what matters
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Well, if you want an honest opinion (going by your pics in profile): I think you'd be better served by staying at your current weight and lifting weights to build muscle / definition. Once you pick up intensity this would probably involve actually increasing your calories a bit.

    Your weight is just an arbitrary number. If you're doing this for appearance (and that's what it seems like since you're already in a "healthy" range), weight training is going to provide the look you're most likely after, while losing additional weight is just going to further sap definition and better show off your ribs/bones. IMO (and feel free to disagree) - weight without definition means nothing; you're more likely to look like a drug addict than a supermodel when all you do is focus on dropping 'weight.'

    Check out stumptuous.com and consider weightlifting. It's not just for the boys :smile:

    Good luck.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Ok so here's the deal. Some people are being critical of the goal I have. I am 5 foot 6 inches tall and I currently weigh 130.2lbs. My goal is to be 115lbs. I have been told several times by many different friends that this is too small or too skinny.. HELLO in high school I was the same height and I barely weighed 100lbs and had the nickname bones!

    I don’t think that 115 is too skinny. I want muscle on my body too not just bones!

    Does this sound unrealistic to you? OR are my critics just being jerks?

    If you want muscle then 115 might be unrealistic. With muscle mass gain will come weight gain. Muscle is far denser than fat and takes up less space so you can weigh more but still be physically smaller. Diet and cardio will cause you to lose muscle mass and fat. Weight lifting will help you gain muscle mass (as a woman you will not bulk up). But you have to be willing to let go of the number on the scale. That number doesn't tell a whole lot about what is inside you as far as fat and muscle.
    What a lot of people don't realize is that being skinny doesn't necessarily mean strong and healthy. (I try and think of 'skinny' as a bad word).

    Check out the post in my signature: relatively light and trying to get leaner. When you are at a healthy weight and want to shed some fat then heavy weight lifting is the way to go. It is a very, very long post but Stroutman81 gives a lot of great information.

    I'm not skinny by any means but I am at a healthy weight (5'2" and 123) and a healthy BMI - 22.8. And good muscle mass with little body fat can still give you a high BMI so that isn't even a good number to go by. My bf% is what I am trying to get down now. I am getting ready to start P90X and get strong and defined. I know if I gain some weight I'll be fine because that weight gain will be muscle!
  • sincitylulu
    I think your goal is fine for you. I think some people may not get it. I don't like to tell people how much I weigh because then they would say I am too skinny and I hate that. For me I want to look great in a bathing suit not just in clothes. Everyone has their own goals. Don't worry about what everyone else thinks of you.
  • rachgleeson
    rachgleeson Posts: 83 Member
    If you feel healthy and are healthy then i dont see a problem, its no one elses business just like its no ones business if your too heavy it should be no ones business if your light!! Another thing it all depends on is your bone structure and size, if you only have a small frame then you would probably be fine at that weight!! I hate it when people think they have the right to tell you whether your "too skinny" or "too fat" , its no ones business but your own!! They should worry about them selves!! You know whats right for you so you decide, just stay healthy!!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Only YOU have to live in your skin. Be the weight that makes you happy and comfortable with yourself. Period. Good luck to you! :drinker:

    Unless that weight is severely unhealthy, than maybe you should be seeking some counseling to understand why you want to be so skinny. 115 is to low in my opinion to be healthy, just listen to your body, don't ignore warning signs like fatigue and pain.
  • thelittlebluebox
    I hear you! I'm also 5'6" and it'd be GREAT to get to 115. Unfortunately, that's really treading the line between healthy and unhealthy weight. What I've chosen to do is set preliminary goals. I started just over 130 and set my goal at 125. When I made that, I reset my goal to 120. When I get there, I'll reassess. I don't know this for sure, of course, but I'm assuming that your goal is to like what you see in the mirror and the number on the scale is secondary. If you like what you look like at 120, I see no need to head for 115. If you don't, maybe a few more pounds can come off, but please be careful. When we get to that weight, it can be easy to hurt ourselves accidentally.

    :edit: This is assuming that you have a small frame. If you have a medium frame, 115 might be unhealthy. Believe me when I say that you'll actually look worse if you are underweight than if you are healthy. Remember, healthy = beautiful.
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I personally think it is too low. I myself would like to get to 120 and I am 5ft 1inch. Don't be bones be beautiful
  • Dawn_M
    Dawn_M Posts: 1
    Ok so here's the deal. Some people are being critical of the goal I have. I am 5 foot 6 inches tall and I currently weigh 130.2lbs. My goal is to be 115lbs. I have been told several times by many different friends that this is too small or too skinny.. HELLO in high school I was the same height and I barely weighed 100lbs and had the nickname bones!

    I don’t think that 115 is too skinny. I want muscle on my body too not just bones!

    Does this sound unrealistic to you? OR are my critics just being jerks?

    I think your goal is GREAT!!
    however, don't do it based on weight... because muscle weighs more than fat.. and if you are working out as well, you will gain something.
    I'm 155lbs, and 5"1. I would LOVE to be at LEAST 115lbs. I was 98lbs before I had kids, and I looked great. I did't look too skinny.

    Good luck on your goal!! I think it's great! :)