

IVE DONE THEM ALL. I continue to incorporate them into my weeks, Some weeks i love some more than others, Turbo fire is 90 % of my time now.. because its new ;) with a little one on one. I road bike, im kinda new.. but would love to do a century ride.. can plow 30 miles NO PROBLEM..

Id love to help, share stories with anyone who has questions about these things, or just wants to shoot the sweat.. ;)



  • rachyrach1234
    I Do Insanity..And Sometimes I Skip Out...I Feel Like I Get More Of A Workout Doing Comcast Workouts Because I Just Cant Keep Up With Insanity...ANd Cant Really Get My Body To Do Some Of The Things They Do....
  • shules82
    shules82 Posts: 23 Member
    Is Turbo Fire kind of a "chick only" thing? I would like to burn those mad calories but don't want to join the Sisterhood of the Yoga Pants. :P
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Go YOU!! I'm a Billy Blanks and Jillian Michaels kind of girl..but then again..I haven't ventured into other areas . Started running last year as I started my weight loss journey only to stop as the weather turned as well as impossible to get the crap out of the house(without kids) with the husbands job. You seem like one of the hard core to go to in time of need! What on earth is a century ride?
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22
    you just made me LOL!! sisterhood of the yoga pants!! lmao! there are a handful of dudes in those vids. they are NOT in yoga pants either.. if you like funky music and watching super fit hot chicks kicking *kitten*.. well then i say do it.. if you are not into it.. you can always see it on ebay.. or return it .. i think beachbody offers a trial?? let me know!!
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    I do JM 30 day shred and turbo jam abs and cardio jam i think its called, but im getting bored with them both ,i alternate them everyother day and also do my eliptical for 30 to 45 mins.I want to try the tae bo anyone enjoy that one
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22
    Chel... A century ride is 100 miles.. :) and hopefully at 15-20 miles per hour. ive heard of people doing it in 7-8 hours.. not interested in that .. i think my 5 year old could.. so im going to train this summer and push it.. :)

    Jillian and Billy are great.. i had to go beyond and get more.. i hate paying gym fees.. my spinning classes were 10 dollars and hour.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME... over it! Beachbody has so many great things on there. Anyone can modify anything! .. 2 years ago i had a HORRIBLE foot problem.. and could not even do jumping jacks.. well problem resolved and i LOVE them!..

    I get up at 5 am 4 days a week to to a 30 minute HIIT workout. And come home to do some weight training or more turbofire ( or whatever) The key is being honest with yourself, push as hard as you can, and expect plateaus and keep your chin up..
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22
    Rach.. insanity is insane.. i HAD to modify alot of the time.. its impressive how fast you get fit.. the fit test day 1 and day 60! woah.. i was shocked.. it makes me want to get up right NOW and do it.. i wish i could find my logs..

    i still cant for the life of me ( nor do i want to for fear of hurting my foot ) do a tuck jump. FORGET ABOUT IT! squat jumps make me alot happier! I was bummed he did not have a modifier in the videos.. i just did what felt right. if you really look at the group there is some one some where kinda doggin it.. LOL.. oh oh oh.. i think i am going to throw one in today.. for my evening work out. Havent done one in a while.. :) i always say.. be nice to your body.. being laid up on the couch with a blown knee is not burning you any calories!!1

    work it!
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22

    i love tae bo.. no joke.. he works it! its kinda funny to watch him yell at the group! .. i usto do martial arts... and kinda dont miss getting yelled at! but its funny.. i like the bootcamp myself.

    and if i only had 3 vids. id be bored too.. expand your collection.. your buns and thighs will thank you! :)
  • rachyrach1234
    Thats True...I Have Hurt My Foot And Wrists Doing Insanity....BUT Ill Keep Going.
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    I am doing Turbo Fire too! I love it!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I start week 8 of Turbo Fire on Monday. It's the only DVD set I have but I feel like I need something new after I finish the 12 weeks of TF. I've started researching other BeachBody DVDs and I'm not sure what to do. So far the most interesting to me are Brazilian Butt Lift and Insanity. Insanity sounds, well, insane though and I'm a bit scared. BBL mildly sketch because I've always heard you can't spot reduce. Which one would you recommend after I finish the 90 day TurboFire challenge?
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member