I'm a new mom who is struggling!!!

maddysmommy10 Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter 9 weeks ago and I am trying to lose the weight that seemed to just pack on during pregnancy. I had a C-Section and had a tough time getting back to being able to work out but now I'm back to my old self, just 35 pounds heavier. I have been using my Wii (EA active and Wii Fit) but dont see to be losing anything. I am also starting to run getting ready for a 5K this summer. I have P90X but wasnt able to handle it prior to pregnancy. Any suggestgions on geting rid of this weight?? Looking for some support! Thanks in advance for any help!!


  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    First of all, don't get too down on yourself. I nursed my kids and I always stored fat like a chipmunk stores nuts. So I am not sure if you are nursing. I have done P90X in the past but I recommend P90 for weight loss. There is a board on here somewhere for new moms. I will try to find that for you.
  • Welcome! Just try and stay positive sometimes it does take some extra work before you start seeing/feeling results! Itwon't happen all at once but you can do anything if you believe you can.
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    I am not quite their yet, I am 7 months pregnant, but I am here to support you and chat with you. Is your diet under control again? Because I think alot of weight loss has to do with what we eat. I have the p90x system and I found that the Kenpo X and cardio workouts or not to intense and you could jus ttry to start altternating those a couple times a week. Just trying to work up your strength and endurance again.

    I have started a blog and after I have my baby I will be addressing this issue on their, right now it is just about pregnancy and family life if you want to check it out.

  • colleenkeenan
    colleenkeenan Posts: 3 Member
    I've heard P90X is awesome, but it might be too much for your body if you are breastfeeding. Keep up with the running, try mixing it up a little with sprints, up hill running, and some walking.
    Good luck!
  • Hi! My advice is to take it slowly with exercise, and gradually build up to a more vigorous regime. What kinds of exercises are you able to do currently? Another huge part in weight loss is food & water intake. I'd love to help ya! I recently lost MOST of my baby weight, ask me any questions you want.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Congrats on the new baby! As far as the Wii workouts, I'm almost complete with the EA Sports Active 2, 90 day challenge. I can tell you I have been eating what I'm suppose too and I have not been losing on the scale. But with that said I can definetely see the tightning and toning of my body. I can tell my body fat has changed considerably. I'm trying to not let the scale get me down because I'm looking better. Maybe the same is happening to you. You may not see immediate changes on the scale, but you will in your clothes and in the mirror. Keep it up, it will happen. :happy:
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    When I had my son 2 years ago, I put so much pressure and stress on myself to "lose the baby weight" that I drove myself NUTS. It sounds like you are definitely on the right track and that you're motivated, so I have no doubt that you'll lose the extra pounds. Just remember - you're body just did an amazing thing!!! It's been through the ringer the last while and you need to take your time, adjust to your new role as a mom and really try not to put so much pressure on yourself!!! If your making healthy food choices, getting as much rest as your new baby will allow :wink: and getting up and moving your body, you will notice more of a change!!! Don't rush yourself too much at this point - take good care of yourself and your babe and you'll be a happy, healthy and beautiful momma!!!
  • Thank you so much for all the postive feedback!! I am trying to keep my head up and not concentrate so much on losing it but that in itself is hard!! I am looking for ward to keeping track of my journey on MFP and supporting others with your journeys as well. Any ideas that anyone has or workouts that really target that belly fat let me know! LOL. Feel free to friend me for support!
  • brid27
    brid27 Posts: 1
    I am the same as you. i had a beautiful baby girl 12 weeks ago and also want to lose 35lbs. I walk about 3 miles everyday to collect my son from school and have started excercising with the wii fit. Don't seem to be getting anywhere as I have lost 1lb or 2lbs and then put it back on.
  • I think it's REALLY important to have a support circle to help. I've heard Weight Watchers is great. Also, the gym has been my life saver so far. It gives me a place to go to not be distracted by kids or husbands or chores. You can just turn on your ipod, rock out, and drop that weight. You should also think about maybe keeping track of your measurements too. Alot of times you start losing inches before you start losing weight, especially if you're building muscle.

    Good Luck Girl!
  • Brid27- It is so frustrating to work really hard and the scale not show it, but like somone had posted maybe we are losing inches not pounds??? I took my measurements a week ago but do not plan to retake for a month. Don't worry we will get there, not saying it will be the easiest thing though lol. Congrats on the baby!! Good luck to you and keep me posted on your success.
  • TinaBernal
    TinaBernal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Maddysmommy, Congratulations on your new addition! That alone is an accomplishent! I have 2 young boys of my own.
    Can I help you? I am 43 hrs of age and now at the best shape of my life. I am a fitness Coach with Team Beachbody.
    We can get through this journey together. Write down you goals, small ones and big ones. write down you accomplishments, keeping them visible helps with motivation and self esteem.
    You mentioned P90X, I am a p90x grad and also many other Beachbody programs. P90X is not a weight loss program. Do you like cool music and some dance moves in a workout? How much time do you have to dedicate a workout program? 20-30 min or 45-50min. Being a new mom, planning a workout could be challenging.
    Also how about meal planning, THIS SITE IS PERFECT! As long as you are still eating the right foods. We can journal our foods but they need to be healthy choices.
    You can go to www.tinabernal.com and check out Turbo Jam, Hip Hop ABS, Power 90(pre cursor to P90X) and REV ABS!
    this workouts are perfect! They run between 20-30 min max! They provide resistance training, dance and total body conditioning!
    I hope I can help you with you health and fitness goals to be that new Mommy that inspires others!
    Thank you
    Tina Bernal
    Www.tinabernal.com. Www.teamjustresults.com
  • TinaBernal
    TinaBernal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm 43, mother of a 10 year old and 6 year old. About a year ago I said to my husband I finally love who I am. Growing up I always felt insecure and had very low self esteem . Thank you to wonderful sites like this I have pushed play and reached my health and fitness goals. 125lbs to 110lbs in a year, raced in 5k, 8k, 4 mile run, 10k, 50 mile relay at the age of 42.
    I am happy to be on this site, helps me stay accountable and truly enjoy the community support.
    In the last year from my fitness success I have become a Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody, the creators of P90X, Insanity,
    Hip Hop ABS and so much more. I coach others through their own personal journey and have been blessed to meet so many people that have the same struggles that I have had. I love sharing my challenges and successful transformation story to others.
    Please don't hesitate to email me or msg me here. We have this one body and one life, enjoy everyday of it!
    I have agrees to live my life FIT! Www.tinabernal.com. Www.teamjustresults.com

    Tina Bernal
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