Plateau... and not in the "that's how flat my tummy is way".

So I've hit a plateau, and that's why I came on here again to start logging. I an 2 bleeping pounds away from hitting the 30 pounds lost mark, and I would love to say I've lost 30 instead of "almost" 30... So Curious here, how long have your plateau's lasted? Where were you in your weight loss when it happened?? And Most importantly, how did you get over the speed bump?


  • princess_f
    princess_f Posts: 148
    I was in a mini plateau, lasted 2 weeks, i upped my cals slightly and didnt do as much excercise (not due to choice) and i lost 3lb this week, hopefully thats me kick started again
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    About 2 far. :mad:
  • southrenlady
    southrenlady Posts: 12 Member
    try eating more protein an drop the carbs
  • eouimet
    eouimet Posts: 29
    I had a plateau in the low 130s my weight just didnt seem to budge! I really felt unmotivated. The last few weeks I have cut my calories a bit and am excercising 4 days a week! i finally made it into the one twenties again and I think my body is really gaining momentum with this weight lost. You just have to remember that now is not a time to give up its a time to work a little bit harder and acheive your goals! you can do it.
  • coppercurlz
    I've been in one about 4 weeks now. I feel great though, my clothes are getting baggier and I decided this week that I'm not going to get hung up on the number. I feel better than I have in years and that counts for a lot to me. And something is changing, otherwise I wouldn't be feeling so good and my clothes wouldn't be "growing"! However, I am going to try and increase my exercise from three times a week to maybe 5 and see how that feels...but mostly I'm just going to be patient and stay with it. Hope you can too, I see you've lost quite a bit! Congratulations and good luck!
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    I had about an 8-10 week plateau. I think any changes you can make are good. For instance, I stopped drinking my morning coffee and replaced with green tea. Started a different exercise program, and pretty much changed out most of the foods I was eating and started eating different stuff. I also try not to eat anything after 5.
    I've started losing again
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    one month and counting!
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    I hit a plateau that lasted about 2 months. I increased calories by 200-300 and then I started losing weight again.
  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    Exercise more than usual a couple days and it should drop.
  • MommyGrace
    I hit my plateau at 32 pounds. I have been the same weight now since first of November. I will gain 2-5 pounds and then lose those same 2-5 pounds. I can not break it. I still count calories and exercise 3-4 days a week.
    I am struggling greatly with this as well. I still have 20 pounds to goal and May 1 is my target.
    I have been told recently that I need to change all eating ... Low carb to no carb and high protien and start pushing my cardio to the next level. I have also been told to up my calories to 1500 a day instead of the 1250 I do now.
    I haven't tried any if those suggestions yet, but they were worth mentioning to you! Good luck on this hurdle!
  • Asharp22
    Asharp22 Posts: 18 Member
    OK, here's my confusion, why eat 200-300 more calories how does that jump start it? Sounds a little like the Wendy diet from weight watchers... I didn't have luck with that, but maybe I can increase the protein... how to get more of that in the morning would be great info....