How frequently do you weigh yourselves?



  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Once a month, followed by measurements. It is working for me. I just don’t believe that “weight” is that important of an indicator of how well I’m doing. Better signs to me are: increased endurance, increased flexibility, being able to pull of my size 16 jeans without unbuttoning them, and seeing new muscles when I look in the mirror.
  • squinina
    squinina Posts: 2
    I weigh in everyday too. I do it knowing it will be different day to day, sometimes up sometimes down. It actually keeps me on track because when I am up i think about what I have eaten and how well (or not so well) I am doing. I get on track faster, I tell myself I get a do over tomorrow. It seems to be working for me. I only record my weight when I am down. And then my next goal is to lose one more pound. I take it one pound at a time.
  • I weigh myself every monday when I wake up after I pee. :P

    Sometimes I will weigh during the week if I feel like I haven't stayed on track just so I can kind of see where I'm at, but I try to stay away from the scale as much as possible.
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I weigh in once a week, as soon as I wake up, after I use the bathroom, before I eat. It's worked for me so far, I think i'd be constantly worrying if I weighed in more often.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Everyday. Doesn't bother me to see fluctuations. I enjoy them. Plus, it gives me a better prediction of what my weight will be, based on the food and exercise choices I make the day prior. I can pretty much accurately eyeball my weight based on look and feel to +/- 0.2 lbs.
  • hschimke
    hschimke Posts: 14
    WOW,, thanks everybody for the awesome advice.. I can see the pros/cons of weighing yourself daily or weekly. Like everybody said, find what's right for me.. I don't want to be crazy (more than I am now. :)) but want to stay on track...

    Lots of good tips so far.

    Many thanks.

  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I probably shouldn't but I weigh everyday twice I weigh at home before I get dressed and then again at work.
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for posting this question!!!! I was thinking I was the only one!! I can weigh myself once or even twice a day and it drives me crazy!!! :grumble:

    After reading the responses I have decided that no more than twice a WEEK I will weigh myself. When I do it daily, I get really depressed - unrealistic expectations of seeing a HUGE drop in a day! I don't know why I always seem to think I am going to see something miraculous, but I always do!! I think its just wishful thinking!

    I totally Agree with the inches versus pounds comment too. If you can physically see the difference in your body, and you like what you are seeing, who cares about the digits!?!
  • I weigh myself every 2-3 days.
  • honestly... i weight myself 3 times a day.
    and i write all 3 weights on a calendar everyday.
    even if i go up .6 of a pound, its wonderful to see it go down .2 of a pound!

    some doctors may say its not healthy! but you know what? i DISAGREE. i have been keeping track of my weight 3 times a day for 4 weeks now, and i have already lost 6 pounds! its awesome to see 157.2, 158.1, and 157.4 today instead of 169.2, 168.7, and 168.4 on February 1st 2011

    it may fluctuate during the day, but its so worth seeing the differences over time i love it!

    i keep the calendar right outside the bathroom nailed to the wall with the pen attached to it, so i can write it on the and have to walk next to it every time i go in there.

    i also wear the same exact outfits every time. just a sports bra and underwear, and it weighs out the same as if i were just naked! =]

    haha, I do and feel the same!! for the most part - I'll go between 2-3x/day. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning (which is when I ALWAYS weigh the most!!), then always right before a shower when I'm naked. Then on the days I work out, I'll weigh myself after that just because it makes me feel better knowing it's lower than the morning number (lol), then sometimes right before bed.

    I do that because I know I fluctuate like crazy, so I need to see my daily trends. I've tried once a week, but I always forget...I need consistency to remember! It even helps with tracking my period-bloat, lol. I keep a calendar in my bathroom, too, so I won't forget. It can be very frustrating not seeing the number go down, or to see it go down very slowly, but hey, I try to look at the long-term... I agree with measuring yourself as well because that is a HUGE indicator, so I *try* to do that at least once a month.
  • myarene
    myarene Posts: 10 Member
    Way too oftern....sometimes 3 times a day, but I only record it on Thursdays.
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    I only record a loss when I see it 2 days on the trot then I know it is not a fluke

    If I go down I do sometimes relax a bit which is a downside of weighing regularly
  • pink_gerbera
    pink_gerbera Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, usually on a Monday. I was weighing myself everydat but there was too much fluctuation and it was getting me down.

    MFP gives me 1200 calories per day. I try not to go over this and try not to eat my calories from excercise but this doesn't always happen
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I try to only weigh myself every few days but sometimes the temptation is too much!

    MFP only gives me about 1300 calories so I usually eat around 1100 - 1300 a day.
  • chasing_130
    chasing_130 Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh in every single day. It helps me to stay on track. I don't obsess though. If it's up a little, I don't cry lol I understand permanent weight loss is a slower process.
  • tjwanek
    tjwanek Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (or most mornings when I'm not on the road), and track it using an Excel spreadsheet. I can use the charting function to see a line chart that shows the fluctuations, and a pie chart that shows my progress.


    Don't worry about day-to-day changes, just watch the trend. If you are trending downwards, you're doing it right. :-)
  • CurlyKy
    CurlyKy Posts: 16
    I officially weigh-in once a week, but I get a little antsy and weigh myself a few times during the week. But there's a lot of fluctuation so the only weight I take seriously and record is my weight on Tuesday mornings. :)
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Every month, but I'm going to start every week
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (or most mornings when I'm not on the road), and track it using an Excel spreadsheet. I can use the charting function to see a line chart that shows the fluctuations, and a pie chart that shows my progress.


    Don't worry about day-to-day changes, just watch the trend. If you are trending downwards, you're doing it right. :-)

    Wow, talk about organized.
    I should do that too.
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