
VanillaSky72 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, Sugar-Holics

Half the people on this site seem to be trying to eat sugar and carb filled foods and think they can lose weight. Some example include chocolate bars, rice krispie treats, chef boy r-d, reeses cups, pop corn with butter, macaroni and cheese, white bread, and 1300 calories of nutella for breakfeast. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? No wonder this site shows Oreo and Pizza adds. These same people never saw a vegetable or fruit in there life. You cannot mix preservative-sugar-filled, msg foods with no fruit or vegetables and expect to lose weight or get healthy.

Eating Sugar makes you want more and more Sugar.

I was a severe Sugar-Holic myself and changed to raw foods and great substitutions.

Put down the 5lbs Sugar backpack and snap out of

The recovering Sugar-Holic



  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Ok Thanks I needed to read this. I'm struggling with these. I know that I should not eat junk.... but its hard.
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    It really frustrates me too when I see that!

    It is very addicting, but once you kick the habbit everything tastes just fine without loads of sugar ( or nasty substitutes)

    I guess not everyone gets it. You have to break away from your old eating habbits completely....this isn't about diet, it's about CHANGING your eating habbits.

    I'm tired of telling people " good job"...when they managed to stay under their calorie goals, but ate nothing but junk.
  • Deszare
    Deszare Posts: 17 Member
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I can totally have a fun size pack of just about anything and be content with that. It does not make me want more sugar.
  • harpcason
    harpcason Posts: 40
    I work in an elementary school and there were lots of pastries in the teacher's lounge.................i actually walked by and didn't get any. That is a record for me.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    These same people never saw a vegetable or fruit in there life. You cannot mix preservative-sugar-filled, msg foods with no fruit or vegetables and expect to lose weight or get healthy.

    I disagree - I've lost 35-40 lbs in the past 2 years, dropped 25-30 pts in my cholesterol and have decent blood-sugar. I agree that you should not FILL a diet with preservative sugars, but that doesn't mean you can't get healthy while consuming it.

    Please note I am NOT trying to say I couldn't be healthier. I absolutely could - but that doesn't mean I'm not healthy NOW.
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    I love this. I was one of those people that was a sugar-holic and now I can say that eating veggies over a sweet is a very nice treat for me!
  • So can I ask what you did to break the sugar addiction? I know I have a sugar issue, which is why I joined this site and started tracking what I was eating. I knew I was eating too much sugar every day---and I was right:(. It's not easy to quit cold turkey so would appreciate any advice or tips. Thanks!
  • harsh....but sometimes the truth hurts. i'm new to this site so i can't say i've seen most of these people eating crap for food, but i understand what you're talking about. i love sugar...rediculously love sugar. it's hard to not eat that ONE hershey's mini because you just want a piece of chocolate, but i know if i have that ONE piece i'll want a 2nd piece even more than the first.
    it's okay to let yourself have a little bit every once in a while, but not every day. plus the little allowance will help curb your cravings - it lets you know that you can STILL have some, that it's not completely forbidden.
    it's basically common sense to me to not eat it ALL the time...
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I agree that the further away from sugar you get the better your fruits and veggies taste andth worse the sugar tastes. I was at work last night, munching the veggies. There were some chocolate rice cakes there. I ate a few and I thought they tasted so processed and yucky. I was surprised because in a former life anything with the name chocolate was my best friend.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Actually you could still lose weight eating too much sugar as long as the calories out is higher than the calories in. BUT - it isn't the healthy way. I find nothing wrong with having some cookies or some ice cream sometimes. But in moderation on very occasionally. I refuse to deprive myself completely but I have to be careful because I too am a sugar addict.

    My sugar comes from protein powder and protein bars and my salad dressing which has 5g. Kraft EVOO Raspberry Vinaigrette - I figure a bit of it comes from the red raspberry juice. But it's still less than the lite Raspberry Vinaigrettes out there (and the fat free California French I used to use.

    The majority of the "healthy" cereals (like Total and such) are very high in sugar. Any healthy cereal with a sweetened flake contain as much sugar as sweetened cereals. Wheaties Fuel has 14g! That's like half a day's worth! Fiber One bars - sugar. Granola bars - sugar. Those tiny flavored yogurts - some have as much as a candy bar!

    And organic and raw sugars are no better than table sugar - nutrition wise. In the end they are all processed the same in your body.
  • megamel1
    megamel1 Posts: 1
    I am a sugar-holic and will always be one. When I started logging everything I ate, I was surprised how much sugar is in everything. I started making choices. I just ate a huge salad, skipped the croutons, and enjoyed a chocolate rice cake instead. I get my afternoon sugar rush from a fuji apple instead of pastry from the vending machine. I opt for candy that I can suck on instead of chew. Did you know 1 Pez candy piece has only 3 calories? I can get by happily on 2 Pez a day!
  • VanillaSky72
    VanillaSky72 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi hpsnickers

    Looks like your a

    You can read my profile to see most of the things I'm doing. But here are some. I'm eating about 50% raw foods right now. First thing I do is drink 2tbl spoons of raw apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night. This cuts your cravings for sugar and food period. Look up apple cider on google to see the health benefits. There are books written on this. Use only Briggs Raw Apple Cider with Mother.

    I removed about 75% of all preservatives so far from my food by making substitutions. No more wheat or corn which is genetically modified is another. I only eat food from the gluten free section of most grocery stores. I drink fruit and vegetable smoothies almost every day. You also have to exercise. I'm cleaning out my liver and my colon. I'm drinking lots of water.

    These are just some things I'm doing. If this sounds to radical for you. Then your just better going on the Atkins diet, which removes a lot of the sugar and preservative foods from your diet.

    The X sugar-holic

    - Joseph
  • Gayle583
    Gayle583 Posts: 3
    Absolutely agree. Maybe there are some people out there who can eat just one cookie, but for those of us who have this problem, that is impossible.
    I suggest anyone trying to overcome their sugar addiction go a diet of mainly Protein and vegetables for a month( and lots of them!!!) - no sugar, sodas, bread, starches (potatoes, corn), or fruit. Drink lots of water, and take fiber supplements if you want - no sugar added.
    Then maybe after a month you can work in a little bit of fruit, preferably grapefruit and whole grains - but watch out, there is often extra sugar in many whole grain breads.

    After that things you never thought of as sweet will satisfy any sweet craving. I indulge on treats like Almond butter, and unsweetened Cacao Nibs - which are surprisingly delicious when you have net been eating sugar.

    Just a week or two in, you will feel AMAZING! I feel like I am on a constant high compared to how I felt before, but I also sleep much better and I get so much more done.
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